Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-348.2.1.el8_5.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 16 14:42:35 UTC 2021 x86_64
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Safe mode : OFF
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HOME about upload exec mass file domain root vuln newfile newfolder kill me

File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/mustache/mustache/mustache.php

<?php /* * This file is part of Mustache.php. * * (c) 2010-2024 Justin Hileman * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ class Mustache_Engine { const VERSION = '2.13.0'; const SPEC_VERSION = '1.1.2'; const PRAGMA_FILTERS = 'FILTERS'; const PRAGMA_BLOCKS = 'BLOCKS'; const PRAGMA_ANCHORED_DOT = 'ANCHORED-DOT'; private static $knownPragmas = array( self::PRAGMA_FILTERS => true, self::PRAGMA_BLOCKS => true, self::PRAGMA_ANCHORED_DOT => true, ); private $templates = array(); private $templateClassPrefix = '__Mustache_'; private $cache; private $lambdaCache; private $cacheLambdaTemplates = false; private $loader; private $partialsLoader; private $helpers; private $escape; private $entityFlags = ENT_COMPAT; private $charset = 'UTF-8'; private $logger; private $strictCallables = false; private $pragmas = array(); private $delimiters; private $tokenizer; private $parser; private $compiler; public function __construct(array $options = array()) { if (isset($options['template_class_prefix'])) { if ((string) $options['template_class_prefix'] === '') { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException('Mustache Constructor "template_class_prefix" must not be empty'); } $this->templateClassPrefix = $options['template_class_prefix']; } if (isset($options['cache'])) { $cache = $options['cache']; if (is_string($cache)) { $mode = isset($options['cache_file_mode']) ? $options['cache_file_mode'] : null; $cache = new Mustache_Cache_FilesystemCache($cache, $mode); } $this->setCache($cache); } if (isset($options['cache_lambda_templates'])) { $this->cacheLambdaTemplates = (bool) $options['cache_lambda_templates']; } if (isset($options['loader'])) { $this->setLoader($options['loader']); } if (isset($options['partials_loader'])) { $this->setPartialsLoader($options['partials_loader']); } if (isset($options['partials'])) { $this->setPartials($options['partials']); } if (isset($options['helpers'])) { $this->setHelpers($options['helpers']); } if (isset($options['escape'])) { if (!is_callable($options['escape'])) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException('Mustache Constructor "escape" option must be callable'); } $this->escape = $options['escape']; } if (isset($options['entity_flags'])) { $this->entityFlags = $options['entity_flags']; } if (isset($options['charset'])) { $this->charset = $options['charset']; } if (isset($options['logger'])) { $this->setLogger($options['logger']); } if (isset($options['strict_callables'])) { $this->strictCallables = $options['strict_callables']; } if (isset($options['delimiters'])) { $this->delimiters = $options['delimiters']; } if (isset($options['pragmas'])) { foreach ($options['pragmas'] as $pragma) { if (!isset(self::$knownPragmas[$pragma])) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown pragma: "%s".', $pragma)); } $this->pragmas[$pragma] = true; } } } public function render($template, $context = array()) { return $this->loadTemplate($template)->render($context); } public function getEscape() { return $this->escape; } public function getEntityFlags() { return $this->entityFlags; } public function getCharset() { return $this->charset; } public function getPragmas() { return array_keys($this->pragmas); } public function setLoader(Mustache_Loader $loader) { $this->loader = $loader; } public function getLoader() { if (!isset($this->loader)) { $this->loader = new Mustache_Loader_StringLoader(); } return $this->loader; } public function setPartialsLoader(Mustache_Loader $partialsLoader) { $this->partialsLoader = $partialsLoader; } public function getPartialsLoader() { if (!isset($this->partialsLoader)) { $this->partialsLoader = new Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader(); } return $this->partialsLoader; } public function setPartials(array $partials = array()) { if (!isset($this->partialsLoader)) { $this->partialsLoader = new Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader(); } if (!$this->partialsLoader instanceof Mustache_Loader_MutableLoader) { throw new Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException('Unable to set partials on an immutable Mustache Loader instance'); } $this->partialsLoader->setTemplates($partials); } public function setHelpers($helpers) { if (!is_array($helpers) && !$helpers instanceof Traversable) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException('setHelpers expects an array of helpers'); } $this->getHelpers()->clear(); foreach ($helpers as $name => $helper) { $this->addHelper($name, $helper); } } public function getHelpers() { if (!isset($this->helpers)) { $this->helpers = new Mustache_HelperCollection(); } return $this->helpers; } public function addHelper($name, $helper) { $this->getHelpers()->add($name, $helper); } public function getHelper($name) { return $this->getHelpers()->get($name); } public function hasHelper($name) { return $this->getHelpers()->has($name); } public function removeHelper($name) { $this->getHelpers()->remove($name); } public function setLogger($logger = null) { if ($logger !== null && !($logger instanceof Mustache_Logger || is_a($logger, 'Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'))) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException('Expected an instance of Mustache_Logger or Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface.'); } if ($this->getCache()->getLogger() === null) { $this->getCache()->setLogger($logger); } $this->logger = $logger; } public function getLogger() { return $this->logger; } public function setTokenizer(Mustache_Tokenizer $tokenizer) { $this->tokenizer = $tokenizer; } public function getTokenizer() { if (!isset($this->tokenizer)) { $this->tokenizer = new Mustache_Tokenizer(); } return $this->tokenizer; } public function setParser(Mustache_Parser $parser) { $this->parser = $parser; } public function getParser() { if (!isset($this->parser)) { $this->parser = new Mustache_Parser(); } return $this->parser; } public function setCompiler(Mustache_Compiler $compiler) { $this->compiler = $compiler; } public function getCompiler() { if (!isset($this->compiler)) { $this->compiler = new Mustache_Compiler(); } return $this->compiler; } public function setCache(Mustache_Cache $cache) { if (isset($this->logger) && $cache->getLogger() === null) { $cache->setLogger($this->getLogger()); } $this->cache = $cache; } public function getCache() { if (!isset($this->cache)) { $this->setCache(new Mustache_Cache_NoopCache()); } return $this->cache; } protected function getLambdaCache() { if ($this->cacheLambdaTemplates) { return $this->getCache(); } if (!isset($this->lambdaCache)) { $this->lambdaCache = new Mustache_Cache_NoopCache(); } return $this->lambdaCache; } public function getTemplateClassName($source) { $chunks = array( 'charset' => $this->charset, 'delimiters' => $this->delimiters ? $this->delimiters : '{{ }}', 'entityFlags' => $this->entityFlags, 'escape' => isset($this->escape) ? 'custom' : 'default', 'key' => ($source instanceof Mustache_Source) ? $source->getKey() : 'source', 'pragmas' => $this->getPragmas(), 'strictCallables' => $this->strictCallables, 'version' => self::VERSION, ); $key = json_encode($chunks); if (!$source instanceof Mustache_Source) { $key .= "\n" . $source; } return $this->templateClassPrefix . md5($key); } public function loadTemplate($name) { return $this->loadSource($this->getLoader()->load($name)); } public function loadPartial($name) { try { if (isset($this->partialsLoader)) { $loader = $this->partialsLoader; } elseif (isset($this->loader) && !$this->loader instanceof Mustache_Loader_StringLoader) { $loader = $this->loader; } else { throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException($name); } return $this->loadSource($loader->load($name)); } catch (Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException $e) { $this->log( Mustache_Logger::WARNING, 'Partial not found: "{name}"', array('name' => $e->getTemplateName()) ); } } public function loadLambda($source, $delims = null) { if ($delims !== null) { $source = $delims . "\n" . $source; } return $this->loadSource($source, $this->getLambdaCache()); } private function loadSource($source, Mustache_Cache $cache = null) { $className = $this->getTemplateClassName($source); if (!isset($this->templates[$className])) { if ($cache === null) { $cache = $this->getCache(); } if (!class_exists($className, false)) { if (!$cache->load($className)) { $compiled = $this->compile($source); $cache->cache($className, $compiled); } } $this->log( Mustache_Logger::DEBUG, 'Instantiating template: "{className}"', array('className' => $className) ); $this->templates[$className] = new $className($this); } return $this->templates[$className]; } private function tokenize($source) { return $this->getTokenizer()->scan($source, $this->delimiters); } private function parse($source) { $parser = $this->getParser(); $parser->setPragmas($this->getPragmas()); return $parser->parse($this->tokenize($source)); } private function compile($source) { $name = $this->getTemplateClassName($source); $this->log( Mustache_Logger::INFO, 'Compiling template to "{className}" class', array('className' => $name) ); if ($source instanceof Mustache_Source) { $source = $source->getSource(); } $tree = $this->parse($source); $compiler = $this->getCompiler(); $compiler->setPragmas($this->getPragmas()); return $compiler->compile($source, $tree, $name, isset($this->escape), $this->charset, $this->strictCallables, $this->entityFlags); } private function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) { if (isset($this->logger)) { $this->logger->log($level, $message, $context); } } } interface Mustache_Cache { public function load($key); public function cache($key, $value); } abstract class Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache implements Mustache_Cache { private $logger = null; public function getLogger() { return $this->logger; } public function setLogger($logger = null) { if ($logger !== null && !($logger instanceof Mustache_Logger || is_a($logger, 'Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface'))) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException('Expected an instance of Mustache_Logger or Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface.'); } $this->logger = $logger; } protected function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) { if (isset($this->logger)) { $this->logger->log($level, $message, $context); } } } class Mustache_Cache_FilesystemCache extends Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache { private $baseDir; private $fileMode; public function __construct($baseDir, $fileMode = null) { $this->baseDir = $baseDir; $this->fileMode = $fileMode; } public function load($key) { $fileName = $this->getCacheFilename($key); if (!is_file($fileName)) { return false; } require_once $fileName; return true; } public function cache($key, $value) { $fileName = $this->getCacheFilename($key); $this->log( Mustache_Logger::DEBUG, 'Writing to template cache: "{fileName}"', array('fileName' => $fileName) ); $this->writeFile($fileName, $value); $this->load($key); } protected function getCacheFilename($name) { return sprintf('%s/%s.php', $this->baseDir, $name); } private function buildDirectoryForFilename($fileName) { $dirName = dirname($fileName); if (!is_dir($dirName)) { $this->log( Mustache_Logger::INFO, 'Creating Mustache template cache directory: "{dirName}"', array('dirName' => $dirName) ); @mkdir($dirName, 0777, true); if (!is_dir($dirName)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to create cache directory "%s".', $dirName)); } } return $dirName; } private function writeFile($fileName, $value) { $dirName = $this->buildDirectoryForFilename($fileName); $this->log( Mustache_Logger::DEBUG, 'Caching compiled template to "{fileName}"', array('fileName' => $fileName) ); $tempFile = tempnam($dirName, basename($fileName)); if (false !== @file_put_contents($tempFile, $value)) { if (@rename($tempFile, $fileName)) { $mode = isset($this->fileMode) ? $this->fileMode : (0666 & ~umask()); @chmod($fileName, $mode); return; } $this->log( Mustache_Logger::ERROR, 'Unable to rename Mustache temp cache file: "{tempName}" -> "{fileName}"', array('tempName' => $tempFile, 'fileName' => $fileName) ); } throw new Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to write cache file "%s".', $fileName)); } } class Mustache_Cache_NoopCache extends Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache { public function load($key) { return false; } public function cache($key, $value) { $this->log( Mustache_Logger::WARNING, 'Template cache disabled, evaluating "{className}" class at runtime', array('className' => $key) ); eval('?>' . $value); } } class Mustache_Compiler { private $pragmas; private $defaultPragmas = array(); private $sections; private $blocks; private $source; private $indentNextLine; private $customEscape; private $entityFlags; private $charset; private $strictCallables; public function compile($source, array $tree, $name, $customEscape = false, $charset = 'UTF-8', $strictCallables = false, $entityFlags = ENT_COMPAT) { $this->pragmas = $this->defaultPragmas; $this->sections = array(); $this->blocks = array(); $this->source = $source; $this->indentNextLine = true; $this->customEscape = $customEscape; $this->entityFlags = $entityFlags; $this->charset = $charset; $this->strictCallables = $strictCallables; return $this->writeCode($tree, $name); } public function setPragmas(array $pragmas) { $this->pragmas = array(); foreach ($pragmas as $pragma) { $this->pragmas[$pragma] = true; } $this->defaultPragmas = $this->pragmas; } private function walk(array $tree, $level = 0) { $code = ''; $level++; foreach ($tree as $node) { switch ($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE]) { case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PRAGMA: $this->pragmas[$node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME]] = true; break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_SECTION: $code .= $this->section( $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NODES], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], isset($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::FILTERS]) ? $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::FILTERS] : array(), $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDEX], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::END], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::OTAG], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::CTAG], $level ); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_INVERTED: $code .= $this->invertedSection( $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NODES], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], isset($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::FILTERS]) ? $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::FILTERS] : array(), $level ); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PARTIAL: $code .= $this->partial( $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], isset($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDENT]) ? $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDENT] : '', $level ); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PARENT: $code .= $this->parent( $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], isset($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDENT]) ? $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDENT] : '', $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NODES], $level ); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_BLOCK_ARG: $code .= $this->blockArg( $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NODES], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDEX], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::END], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::OTAG], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::CTAG], $level ); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_BLOCK_VAR: $code .= $this->blockVar( $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NODES], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDEX], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::END], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::OTAG], $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::CTAG], $level ); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_COMMENT: break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_ESCAPED: case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_UNESCAPED: case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_UNESCAPED_2: $code .= $this->variable( $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], isset($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::FILTERS]) ? $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::FILTERS] : array(), $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE] === Mustache_Tokenizer::T_ESCAPED, $level ); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_TEXT: $code .= $this->text($node[Mustache_Tokenizer::VALUE], $level); break; default: throw new Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException(sprintf('Unknown token type: %s', $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE]), $node); } } return $code; } const KLASS = '<?php class %s extends Mustache_Template { private $lambdaHelper;%s public function renderInternal(Mustache_Context $context, $indent = \'\') { $this->lambdaHelper = new Mustache_LambdaHelper($this->mustache, $context); $buffer = \'\'; %s return $buffer; } %s %s }'; const KLASS_NO_LAMBDAS = '<?php class %s extends Mustache_Template {%s public function renderInternal(Mustache_Context $context, $indent = \'\') { $buffer = \'\'; %s return $buffer; } }'; const STRICT_CALLABLE = 'protected $strictCallables = true;'; private function writeCode($tree, $name) { $code = $this->walk($tree); $sections = implode("\n", $this->sections); $blocks = implode("\n", $this->blocks); $klass = empty($this->sections) && empty($this->blocks) ? self::KLASS_NO_LAMBDAS : self::KLASS; $callable = $this->strictCallables ? $this->prepare(self::STRICT_CALLABLE) : ''; return sprintf($this->prepare($klass, 0, false, true), $name, $callable, $code, $sections, $blocks); } const BLOCK_VAR = ' $blockFunction = $context->findInBlock(%s); if (is_callable($blockFunction)) { $buffer .= call_user_func($blockFunction, $context); %s} '; const BLOCK_VAR_ELSE = '} else {%s'; private function blockVar($nodes, $id, $start, $end, $otag, $ctag, $level) { $id = var_export($id, true); $else = $this->walk($nodes, $level); if ($else !== '') { $else = sprintf($this->prepare(self::BLOCK_VAR_ELSE, $level + 1, false, true), $else); } return sprintf($this->prepare(self::BLOCK_VAR, $level), $id, $else); } const BLOCK_ARG = '%s => array($this, \'block%s\'),'; private function blockArg($nodes, $id, $start, $end, $otag, $ctag, $level) { $key = $this->block($nodes); $keystr = var_export($key, true); $id = var_export($id, true); return sprintf($this->prepare(self::BLOCK_ARG, $level), $id, $key); } const BLOCK_FUNCTION = ' public function block%s($context) { $indent = $buffer = \'\';%s return $buffer; } '; private function block($nodes) { $code = $this->walk($nodes, 0); $key = ucfirst(md5($code)); if (!isset($this->blocks[$key])) { $this->blocks[$key] = sprintf($this->prepare(self::BLOCK_FUNCTION, 0), $key, $code); } return $key; } const SECTION_CALL = ' // %s section $value = $context->%s(%s);%s $buffer .= $this->section%s($context, $indent, $value); '; const SECTION = ' private function section%s(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = \'\'; if (%s) { $source = %s; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, %s); if (strpos($result, \'{{\') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result%s) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); %s $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } '; private function section($nodes, $id, $filters, $start, $end, $otag, $ctag, $level) { $source = var_export(substr($this->source, $start, $end - $start), true); $callable = $this->getCallable(); if ($otag !== '{{' || $ctag !== '}}') { $delimTag = var_export(sprintf('{{= %s %s =}}', $otag, $ctag), true); $helper = sprintf('$this->lambdaHelper->withDelimiters(%s)', $delimTag); $delims = ', ' . $delimTag; } else { $helper = '$this->lambdaHelper'; $delims = ''; } $key = ucfirst(md5($delims . "\n" . $source)); if (!isset($this->sections[$key])) { $this->sections[$key] = sprintf($this->prepare(self::SECTION), $key, $callable, $source, $helper, $delims, $this->walk($nodes, 2)); } $method = $this->getFindMethod($id); $id = var_export($id, true); $filters = $this->getFilters($filters, $level); return sprintf($this->prepare(self::SECTION_CALL, $level), $id, $method, $id, $filters, $key); } const INVERTED_SECTION = ' // %s inverted section $value = $context->%s(%s);%s if (empty($value)) { %s } '; private function invertedSection($nodes, $id, $filters, $level) { $method = $this->getFindMethod($id); $id = var_export($id, true); $filters = $this->getFilters($filters, $level); return sprintf($this->prepare(self::INVERTED_SECTION, $level), $id, $method, $id, $filters, $this->walk($nodes, $level)); } const PARTIAL_INDENT = ', $indent . %s'; const PARTIAL = ' if ($partial = $this->mustache->loadPartial(%s)) { $buffer .= $partial->renderInternal($context%s); } '; private function partial($id, $indent, $level) { if ($indent !== '') { $indentParam = sprintf(self::PARTIAL_INDENT, var_export($indent, true)); } else { $indentParam = ''; } return sprintf( $this->prepare(self::PARTIAL, $level), var_export($id, true), $indentParam ); } const PARENT = ' if ($parent = $this->mustache->loadPartial(%s)) { $context->pushBlockContext(array(%s )); $buffer .= $parent->renderInternal($context, $indent); $context->popBlockContext(); } '; const PARENT_NO_CONTEXT = ' if ($parent = $this->mustache->loadPartial(%s)) { $buffer .= $parent->renderInternal($context, $indent); } '; private function parent($id, $indent, array $children, $level) { $realChildren = array_filter($children, array(__CLASS__, 'onlyBlockArgs')); if (empty($realChildren)) { return sprintf($this->prepare(self::PARENT_NO_CONTEXT, $level), var_export($id, true)); } return sprintf( $this->prepare(self::PARENT, $level), var_export($id, true), $this->walk($realChildren, $level + 1) ); } private static function onlyBlockArgs(array $node) { return $node[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE] === Mustache_Tokenizer::T_BLOCK_ARG; } const VARIABLE = ' $value = $this->resolveValue($context->%s(%s), $context);%s $buffer .= %s%s; '; private function variable($id, $filters, $escape, $level) { $method = $this->getFindMethod($id); $id = ($method !== 'last') ? var_export($id, true) : ''; $filters = $this->getFilters($filters, $level); $value = $escape ? $this->getEscape() : '$value'; return sprintf($this->prepare(self::VARIABLE, $level), $method, $id, $filters, $this->flushIndent(), $value); } const FILTER = ' $filter = $context->%s(%s); if (!(%s)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownFilterException(%s); } $value = call_user_func($filter, $value);%s '; private function getFilters(array $filters, $level) { if (empty($filters)) { return ''; } $name = array_shift($filters); $method = $this->getFindMethod($name); $filter = ($method !== 'last') ? var_export($name, true) : ''; $callable = $this->getCallable('$filter'); $msg = var_export($name, true); return sprintf($this->prepare(self::FILTER, $level), $method, $filter, $callable, $msg, $this->getFilters($filters, $level)); } const LINE = '$buffer .= "\n";'; const TEXT = '$buffer .= %s%s;'; private function text($text, $level) { $indentNextLine = (substr($text, -1) === "\n"); $code = sprintf($this->prepare(self::TEXT, $level), $this->flushIndent(), var_export($text, true)); $this->indentNextLine = $indentNextLine; return $code; } private function prepare($text, $bonus = 0, $prependNewline = true, $appendNewline = false) { $text = ($prependNewline ? "\n" : '') . trim($text); if ($prependNewline) { $bonus++; } if ($appendNewline) { $text .= "\n"; } return preg_replace("/\n( {8})?/", "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $bonus * 4), $text); } const DEFAULT_ESCAPE = 'htmlspecialchars(%s, %s, %s)'; const CUSTOM_ESCAPE = 'call_user_func($this->mustache->getEscape(), %s)'; private function getEscape($value = '$value') { if ($this->customEscape) { return sprintf(self::CUSTOM_ESCAPE, $value); } return sprintf(self::DEFAULT_ESCAPE, $value, var_export($this->entityFlags, true), var_export($this->charset, true)); } private function getFindMethod($id) { if ($id === '.') { return 'last'; } if (isset($this->pragmas[Mustache_Engine::PRAGMA_ANCHORED_DOT]) && $this->pragmas[Mustache_Engine::PRAGMA_ANCHORED_DOT]) { if (substr($id, 0, 1) === '.') { return 'findAnchoredDot'; } } if (strpos($id, '.') === false) { return 'find'; } return 'findDot'; } const IS_CALLABLE = '!is_string(%s) && is_callable(%s)'; const STRICT_IS_CALLABLE = 'is_object(%s) && is_callable(%s)'; private function getCallable($variable = '$value') { $tpl = $this->strictCallables ? self::STRICT_IS_CALLABLE : self::IS_CALLABLE; return sprintf($tpl, $variable, $variable); } const LINE_INDENT = '$indent . '; private function flushIndent() { if (!$this->indentNextLine) { return ''; } $this->indentNextLine = false; return self::LINE_INDENT; } } class Mustache_Context { private $stack = array(); private $blockStack = array(); public function __construct($context = null) { if ($context !== null) { $this->stack = array($context); } } public function push($value) { array_push($this->stack, $value); } public function pushBlockContext($value) { array_push($this->blockStack, $value); } public function pop() { return array_pop($this->stack); } public function popBlockContext() { return array_pop($this->blockStack); } public function last() { return end($this->stack); } public function find($id) { return $this->findVariableInStack($id, $this->stack); } public function findDot($id) { $chunks = explode('.', $id); $first = array_shift($chunks); $value = $this->findVariableInStack($first, $this->stack); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { if ($value === '') { return $value; } $value = $this->findVariableInStack($chunk, array($value)); } return $value; } public function findAnchoredDot($id) { $chunks = explode('.', $id); $first = array_shift($chunks); if ($first !== '') { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unexpected id for findAnchoredDot: %s', $id)); } $value = $this->last(); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { if ($value === '') { return $value; } $value = $this->findVariableInStack($chunk, array($value)); } return $value; } public function findInBlock($id) { foreach ($this->blockStack as $context) { if (array_key_exists($id, $context)) { return $context[$id]; } } return ''; } private function findVariableInStack($id, array $stack) { for ($i = count($stack) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $frame = &$stack[$i]; switch (gettype($frame)) { case 'object': if (!($frame instanceof Closure)) { if (method_exists($frame, $id)) { return $frame->$id(); } if (isset($frame->$id)) { return $frame->$id; } if ($frame instanceof ArrayAccess && isset($frame[$id])) { return $frame[$id]; } } break; case 'array': if (array_key_exists($id, $frame)) { return $frame[$id]; } break; } } return ''; } } interface Mustache_Exception { } class Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException extends InvalidArgumentException implements Mustache_Exception { } class Mustache_Exception_LogicException extends LogicException implements Mustache_Exception { } class Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException extends RuntimeException implements Mustache_Exception { } class Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException extends LogicException implements Mustache_Exception { protected $token; public function __construct($msg, array $token, Exception $previous = null) { $this->token = $token; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) { parent::__construct($msg, 0, $previous); } else { parent::__construct($msg); } } public function getToken() { return $this->token; } } class Mustache_Exception_UnknownFilterException extends UnexpectedValueException implements Mustache_Exception { protected $filterName; public function __construct($filterName, Exception $previous = null) { $this->filterName = $filterName; $message = sprintf('Unknown filter: %s', $filterName); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) { parent::__construct($message, 0, $previous); } else { parent::__construct($message); } } public function getFilterName() { return $this->filterName; } } class Mustache_Exception_UnknownHelperException extends InvalidArgumentException implements Mustache_Exception { protected $helperName; public function __construct($helperName, Exception $previous = null) { $this->helperName = $helperName; $message = sprintf('Unknown helper: %s', $helperName); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) { parent::__construct($message, 0, $previous); } else { parent::__construct($message); } } public function getHelperName() { return $this->helperName; } } class Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException extends InvalidArgumentException implements Mustache_Exception { protected $templateName; public function __construct($templateName, Exception $previous = null) { $this->templateName = $templateName; $message = sprintf('Unknown template: %s', $templateName); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) { parent::__construct($message, 0, $previous); } else { parent::__construct($message); } } public function getTemplateName() { return $this->templateName; } } class Mustache_HelperCollection { private $helpers = array(); public function __construct($helpers = null) { if ($helpers === null) { return; } if (!is_array($helpers) && !$helpers instanceof Traversable) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException('HelperCollection constructor expects an array of helpers'); } foreach ($helpers as $name => $helper) { $this->add($name, $helper); } } public function __set($name, $helper) { $this->add($name, $helper); } public function add($name, $helper) { $this->helpers[$name] = $helper; } public function __get($name) { return $this->get($name); } public function get($name) { if (!$this->has($name)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownHelperException($name); } return $this->helpers[$name]; } public function __isset($name) { return $this->has($name); } public function has($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->helpers); } public function __unset($name) { $this->remove($name); } public function remove($name) { if (!$this->has($name)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownHelperException($name); } unset($this->helpers[$name]); } public function clear() { $this->helpers = array(); } public function isEmpty() { return empty($this->helpers); } } class Mustache_LambdaHelper { private $mustache; private $context; private $delims; public function __construct(Mustache_Engine $mustache, Mustache_Context $context, $delims = null) { $this->mustache = $mustache; $this->context = $context; $this->delims = $delims; } public function render($string) { return $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $string, $this->delims) ->renderInternal($this->context); } public function __invoke($string) { return $this->render($string); } public function withDelimiters($delims) { return new self($this->mustache, $this->context, $delims); } } interface Mustache_Loader { public function load($name); } class Mustache_Loader_ArrayLoader implements Mustache_Loader, Mustache_Loader_MutableLoader { private $templates; public function __construct(array $templates = array()) { $this->templates = $templates; } public function load($name) { if (!isset($this->templates[$name])) { throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException($name); } return $this->templates[$name]; } public function setTemplates(array $templates) { $this->templates = $templates; } public function setTemplate($name, $template) { $this->templates[$name] = $template; } } class Mustache_Loader_CascadingLoader implements Mustache_Loader { private $loaders; public function __construct(array $loaders = array()) { $this->loaders = array(); foreach ($loaders as $loader) { $this->addLoader($loader); } } public function addLoader(Mustache_Loader $loader) { $this->loaders[] = $loader; } public function load($name) { foreach ($this->loaders as $loader) { try { return $loader->load($name); } catch (Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException $e) { } } throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException($name); } } class Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader implements Mustache_Loader { private $baseDir; private $extension = '.mustache'; private $templates = array(); public function __construct($baseDir, array $options = array()) { $this->baseDir = $baseDir; if (strpos($this->baseDir, '://') === false) { $this->baseDir = realpath($this->baseDir); } if ($this->shouldCheckPath() && !is_dir($this->baseDir)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException(sprintf('FilesystemLoader baseDir must be a directory: %s', $baseDir)); } if (array_key_exists('extension', $options)) { if (empty($options['extension'])) { $this->extension = ''; } else { $this->extension = '.' . ltrim($options['extension'], '.'); } } } public function load($name) { if (!isset($this->templates[$name])) { $this->templates[$name] = $this->loadFile($name); } return $this->templates[$name]; } protected function loadFile($name) { $fileName = $this->getFileName($name); if ($this->shouldCheckPath() && !file_exists($fileName)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException($name); } return file_get_contents($fileName); } protected function getFileName($name) { $fileName = $this->baseDir . '/' . $name; if (substr($fileName, 0 - strlen($this->extension)) !== $this->extension) { $fileName .= $this->extension; } return $fileName; } protected function shouldCheckPath() { return strpos($this->baseDir, '://') === false || strpos($this->baseDir, 'file://') === 0; } } class Mustache_Loader_InlineLoader implements Mustache_Loader { protected $fileName; protected $offset; protected $templates; public function __construct($fileName, $offset) { if (!is_file($fileName)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException('InlineLoader expects a valid filename.'); } if (!is_int($offset) || $offset < 0) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException('InlineLoader expects a valid file offset.'); } $this->fileName = $fileName; $this->offset = $offset; } public function load($name) { $this->loadTemplates(); if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->templates)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException($name); } return $this->templates[$name]; } protected function loadTemplates() { if ($this->templates === null) { $this->templates = array(); $data = file_get_contents($this->fileName, false, null, $this->offset); foreach (preg_split("/^@@(?= [\w\d\.]+$)/m", $data, -1) as $chunk) { if (trim($chunk)) { list($name, $content) = explode("\n", $chunk, 2); $this->templates[trim($name)] = trim($content); } } } } } interface Mustache_Loader_MutableLoader { public function setTemplates(array $templates); public function setTemplate($name, $template); } class Mustache_Loader_StringLoader implements Mustache_Loader { public function load($name) { return $name; } } interface Mustache_Logger { const EMERGENCY = 'emergency'; const ALERT = 'alert'; const CRITICAL = 'critical'; const ERROR = 'error'; const WARNING = 'warning'; const NOTICE = 'notice'; const INFO = 'info'; const DEBUG = 'debug'; public function emergency($message, array $context = array()); public function alert($message, array $context = array()); public function critical($message, array $context = array()); public function error($message, array $context = array()); public function warning($message, array $context = array()); public function notice($message, array $context = array()); public function info($message, array $context = array()); public function debug($message, array $context = array()); public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()); } abstract class Mustache_Logger_AbstractLogger implements Mustache_Logger { public function emergency($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(Mustache_Logger::EMERGENCY, $message, $context); } public function alert($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(Mustache_Logger::ALERT, $message, $context); } public function critical($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(Mustache_Logger::CRITICAL, $message, $context); } public function error($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(Mustache_Logger::ERROR, $message, $context); } public function warning($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(Mustache_Logger::WARNING, $message, $context); } public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(Mustache_Logger::NOTICE, $message, $context); } public function info($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(Mustache_Logger::INFO, $message, $context); } public function debug($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(Mustache_Logger::DEBUG, $message, $context); } } class Mustache_Logger_StreamLogger extends Mustache_Logger_AbstractLogger { protected static $levels = array( self::DEBUG => 100, self::INFO => 200, self::NOTICE => 250, self::WARNING => 300, self::ERROR => 400, self::CRITICAL => 500, self::ALERT => 550, self::EMERGENCY => 600, ); protected $level; protected $stream = null; protected $url = null; public function __construct($stream, $level = Mustache_Logger::ERROR) { $this->setLevel($level); if (is_resource($stream)) { $this->stream = $stream; } else { $this->url = $stream; } } public function __destruct() { if (is_resource($this->stream)) { fclose($this->stream); } } public function setLevel($level) { if (!array_key_exists($level, self::$levels)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unexpected logging level: %s', $level)); } $this->level = $level; } public function getLevel() { return $this->level; } public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) { if (!array_key_exists($level, self::$levels)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unexpected logging level: %s', $level)); } if (self::$levels[$level] >= self::$levels[$this->level]) { $this->writeLog($level, $message, $context); } } protected function writeLog($level, $message, array $context = array()) { if (!is_resource($this->stream)) { if (!isset($this->url)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_LogicException('Missing stream url, the stream can not be opened. This may be caused by a premature call to close().'); } $this->stream = fopen($this->url, 'a'); if (!is_resource($this->stream)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_RuntimeException(sprintf('The stream or file "%s" could not be opened.', $this->url)); } } fwrite($this->stream, self::formatLine($level, $message, $context)); } protected static function getLevelName($level) { return strtoupper($level); } protected static function formatLine($level, $message, array $context = array()) { return sprintf( "%s: %s\n", self::getLevelName($level), self::interpolateMessage($message, $context) ); } protected static function interpolateMessage($message, array $context = array()) { if (strpos($message, '{') === false) { return $message; } $replace = array(); foreach ($context as $key => $val) { $replace['{' . $key . '}'] = $val; } return strtr($message, $replace); } } class Mustache_Parser { private $lineNum; private $lineTokens; private $pragmas; private $defaultPragmas = array(); private $pragmaFilters; private $pragmaBlocks; public function parse(array $tokens = array()) { $this->lineNum = -1; $this->lineTokens = 0; $this->pragmas = $this->defaultPragmas; $this->pragmaFilters = isset($this->pragmas[Mustache_Engine::PRAGMA_FILTERS]); $this->pragmaBlocks = isset($this->pragmas[Mustache_Engine::PRAGMA_BLOCKS]); return $this->buildTree($tokens); } public function setPragmas(array $pragmas) { $this->pragmas = array(); foreach ($pragmas as $pragma) { $this->enablePragma($pragma); } $this->defaultPragmas = $this->pragmas; } private function buildTree(array &$tokens, array $parent = null) { $nodes = array(); while (!empty($tokens)) { $token = array_shift($tokens); if ($token[Mustache_Tokenizer::LINE] === $this->lineNum) { $this->lineTokens++; } else { $this->lineNum = $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::LINE]; $this->lineTokens = 0; } if ($this->pragmaFilters && isset($token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME])) { list($name, $filters) = $this->getNameAndFilters($token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME]); if (!empty($filters)) { $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME] = $name; $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::FILTERS] = $filters; } } switch ($token[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE]) { case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_DELIM_CHANGE: $this->checkIfTokenIsAllowedInParent($parent, $token); $this->clearStandaloneLines($nodes, $tokens); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_SECTION: case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_INVERTED: $this->checkIfTokenIsAllowedInParent($parent, $token); $this->clearStandaloneLines($nodes, $tokens); $nodes[] = $this->buildTree($tokens, $token); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_END_SECTION: if (!isset($parent)) { $msg = sprintf( 'Unexpected closing tag: /%s on line %d', $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::LINE] ); throw new Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException($msg, $token); } if ($token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME] !== $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME]) { $msg = sprintf( 'Nesting error: %s (on line %d) vs. %s (on line %d)', $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::LINE], $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::LINE] ); throw new Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException($msg, $token); } $this->clearStandaloneLines($nodes, $tokens); $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::END] = $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDEX]; $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::NODES] = $nodes; return $parent; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PARTIAL: $this->checkIfTokenIsAllowedInParent($parent, $token); if ($indent = $this->clearStandaloneLines($nodes, $tokens)) { $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::INDENT] = $indent[Mustache_Tokenizer::VALUE]; } $nodes[] = $token; break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PARENT: $this->checkIfTokenIsAllowedInParent($parent, $token); $nodes[] = $this->buildTree($tokens, $token); break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_BLOCK_VAR: if ($this->pragmaBlocks) { if (isset($parent) && $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE] === Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PARENT) { $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE] = Mustache_Tokenizer::T_BLOCK_ARG; } $this->clearStandaloneLines($nodes, $tokens); $nodes[] = $this->buildTree($tokens, $token); } else { $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE] = Mustache_Tokenizer::T_ESCAPED; $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME] = '$' . $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME]; $nodes[] = $token; } break; case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PRAGMA: $this->enablePragma($token[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME]); case Mustache_Tokenizer::T_COMMENT: $this->clearStandaloneLines($nodes, $tokens); $nodes[] = $token; break; default: $nodes[] = $token; break; } } if (isset($parent)) { $msg = sprintf( 'Missing closing tag: %s opened on line %d', $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::NAME], $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::LINE] ); throw new Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException($msg, $parent); } return $nodes; } private function clearStandaloneLines(array &$nodes, array &$tokens) { if ($this->lineTokens > 1) { return; } $prev = null; if ($this->lineTokens === 1) { if ($prev = end($nodes)) { if (!$this->tokenIsWhitespace($prev)) { return; } } } if ($next = reset($tokens)) { if ($next[Mustache_Tokenizer::LINE] !== $this->lineNum) { return; } if (!$this->tokenIsWhitespace($next)) { return; } if (count($tokens) !== 1) { if (substr($next[Mustache_Tokenizer::VALUE], -1) !== "\n") { return; } } array_shift($tokens); } if ($prev) { return array_pop($nodes); } } private function tokenIsWhitespace(array $token) { if ($token[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE] === Mustache_Tokenizer::T_TEXT) { return preg_match('/^\s*$/', $token[Mustache_Tokenizer::VALUE]); } return false; } private function checkIfTokenIsAllowedInParent($parent, array $token) { if (isset($parent) && $parent[Mustache_Tokenizer::TYPE] === Mustache_Tokenizer::T_PARENT) { throw new Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException('Illegal content in < parent tag', $token); } } private function getNameAndFilters($name) { $filters = array_map('trim', explode('|', $name)); $name = array_shift($filters); return array($name, $filters); } private function enablePragma($name) { $this->pragmas[$name] = true; switch ($name) { case Mustache_Engine::PRAGMA_BLOCKS: $this->pragmaBlocks = true; break; case Mustache_Engine::PRAGMA_FILTERS: $this->pragmaFilters = true; break; } } } abstract class Mustache_Template { protected $mustache; protected $strictCallables = false; public function __construct(Mustache_Engine $mustache) { $this->mustache = $mustache; } public function __invoke($context = array()) { return $this->render($context); } public function render($context = array()) { return $this->renderInternal( $this->prepareContextStack($context) ); } abstract public function renderInternal(Mustache_Context $context, $indent = ''); protected function isIterable($value) { switch (gettype($value)) { case 'object': return $value instanceof Traversable; case 'array': $i = 0; foreach ($value as $k => $v) { if ($k !== $i++) { return false; } } return true; default: return false; } } protected function prepareContextStack($context = null) { $stack = new Mustache_Context(); $helpers = $this->mustache->getHelpers(); if (!$helpers->isEmpty()) { $stack->push($helpers); } if (!empty($context)) { $stack->push($context); } return $stack; } protected function resolveValue($value, Mustache_Context $context) { if (($this->strictCallables ? is_object($value) : !is_string($value)) && is_callable($value)) { return $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) call_user_func($value)) ->renderInternal($context); } return $value; } } class Mustache_Tokenizer { const IN_TEXT = 0; const IN_TAG_TYPE = 1; const IN_TAG = 2; const T_SECTION = '#'; const T_INVERTED = '^'; const T_END_SECTION = '/'; const T_COMMENT = '!'; const T_PARTIAL = '>'; const T_PARENT = '<'; const T_DELIM_CHANGE = '='; const T_ESCAPED = '_v'; const T_UNESCAPED = '{'; const T_UNESCAPED_2 = '&'; const T_TEXT = '_t'; const T_PRAGMA = '%'; const T_BLOCK_VAR = '$'; const T_BLOCK_ARG = '$arg'; private static $tagTypes = array( self::T_SECTION => true, self::T_INVERTED => true, self::T_END_SECTION => true, self::T_COMMENT => true, self::T_PARTIAL => true, self::T_PARENT => true, self::T_DELIM_CHANGE => true, self::T_ESCAPED => true, self::T_UNESCAPED => true, self::T_UNESCAPED_2 => true, self::T_PRAGMA => true, self::T_BLOCK_VAR => true, ); const TYPE = 'type'; const NAME = 'name'; const OTAG = 'otag'; const CTAG = 'ctag'; const LINE = 'line'; const INDEX = 'index'; const END = 'end'; const INDENT = 'indent'; const NODES = 'nodes'; const VALUE = 'value'; const FILTERS = 'filters'; private $state; private $tagType; private $buffer; private $tokens; private $seenTag; private $line; private $otag; private $otagChar; private $otagLen; private $ctag; private $ctagChar; private $ctagLen; public function scan($text, $delimiters = null) { $encoding = null; if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') && ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2) { $encoding = mb_internal_encoding(); mb_internal_encoding('ASCII'); } $this->reset(); if ($delimiters = trim($delimiters)) { $this->setDelimiters($delimiters); } $len = strlen($text); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { switch ($this->state) { case self::IN_TEXT: $char = $text[$i]; if ($char === $this->otagChar && substr($text, $i, $this->otagLen) === $this->otag) { $i--; $this->flushBuffer(); $this->state = self::IN_TAG_TYPE; } else { $this->buffer .= $char; if ($char === "\n") { $this->flushBuffer(); $this->line++; } } break; case self::IN_TAG_TYPE: $i += $this->otagLen - 1; $char = $text[$i + 1]; if (isset(self::$tagTypes[$char])) { $tag = $char; $this->tagType = $tag; } else { $tag = null; $this->tagType = self::T_ESCAPED; } if ($this->tagType === self::T_DELIM_CHANGE) { $i = $this->changeDelimiters($text, $i); $this->state = self::IN_TEXT; } elseif ($this->tagType === self::T_PRAGMA) { $i = $this->addPragma($text, $i); $this->state = self::IN_TEXT; } else { if ($tag !== null) { $i++; } $this->state = self::IN_TAG; } $this->seenTag = $i; break; default: $char = $text[$i]; if ($char === $this->ctagChar && substr($text, $i, $this->ctagLen) === $this->ctag) { $token = array( self::TYPE => $this->tagType, self::NAME => trim($this->buffer), self::OTAG => $this->otag, self::CTAG => $this->ctag, self::LINE => $this->line, self::INDEX => ($this->tagType === self::T_END_SECTION) ? $this->seenTag - $this->otagLen : $i + $this->ctagLen, ); if ($this->tagType === self::T_UNESCAPED) { if ($this->ctag === '}}') { if (($i + 2 < $len) && $text[$i + 2] === '}') { $i++; } else { $msg = sprintf( 'Mismatched tag delimiters: %s on line %d', $token[self::NAME], $token[self::LINE] ); throw new Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException($msg, $token); } } else { $lastName = $token[self::NAME]; if (substr($lastName, -1) === '}') { $token[self::NAME] = trim(substr($lastName, 0, -1)); } else { $msg = sprintf( 'Mismatched tag delimiters: %s on line %d', $token[self::NAME], $token[self::LINE] ); throw new Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException($msg, $token); } } } $this->buffer = ''; $i += $this->ctagLen - 1; $this->state = self::IN_TEXT; $this->tokens[] = $token; } else { $this->buffer .= $char; } break; } } $this->flushBuffer(); if ($encoding) { mb_internal_encoding($encoding); } return $this->tokens; } private function reset() { $this->state = self::IN_TEXT; $this->tagType = null; $this->buffer = ''; $this->tokens = array(); $this->seenTag = false; $this->line = 0; $this->otag = '{{'; $this->otagChar = '{'; $this->otagLen = 2; $this->ctag = '}}'; $this->ctagChar = '}'; $this->ctagLen = 2; } private function flushBuffer() { if (strlen($this->buffer) > 0) { $this->tokens[] = array( self::TYPE => self::T_TEXT, self::LINE => $this->line, self::VALUE => $this->buffer, ); $this->buffer = ''; } } private function changeDelimiters($text, $index) { $startIndex = strpos($text, '=', $index) + 1; $close = '=' . $this->ctag; $closeIndex = strpos($text, $close, $index); $token = array( self::TYPE => self::T_DELIM_CHANGE, self::LINE => $this->line, ); try { $this->setDelimiters(trim(substr($text, $startIndex, $closeIndex - $startIndex))); } catch (Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new Mustache_Exception_SyntaxException($e->getMessage(), $token); } $this->tokens[] = $token; return $closeIndex + strlen($close) - 1; } private function setDelimiters($delimiters) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/', $delimiters, $matches)) { throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid delimiters: %s', $delimiters)); } list($_, $otag, $ctag) = $matches; $this->otag = $otag; $this->otagChar = $otag[0]; $this->otagLen = strlen($otag); $this->ctag = $ctag; $this->ctagChar = $ctag[0]; $this->ctagLen = strlen($ctag); } private function addPragma($text, $index) { $end = strpos($text, $this->ctag, $index); $pragma = trim(substr($text, $index + 2, $end - $index - 2)); array_unshift($this->tokens, array( self::TYPE => self::T_PRAGMA, self::NAME => $pragma, self::LINE => 0, )); return $end + $this->ctagLen - 1; } }