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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/magento/framework/Webapi/ServiceInputProcessor.php

<?php /** * Service Input Processor * * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Magento\Framework\Webapi; use Magento\Framework\Api\AttributeValue; use Magento\Framework\Api\AttributeValueFactory; use Magento\Framework\Api\SimpleDataObjectConverter; use Magento\Framework\Exception\InputException; use Magento\Framework\Exception\SerializationException; use Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ConfigInterface; use Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface; use Magento\Framework\Phrase; use Magento\Framework\Reflection\MethodsMap; use Magento\Framework\Reflection\TypeProcessor; use Magento\Framework\Webapi\Exception as WebapiException; use Magento\Framework\Webapi\CustomAttribute\PreprocessorInterface; use Zend\Code\Reflection\ClassReflection; /** * Deserialize arguments from API requests. * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects) * @api * @since 100.0.2 */ class ServiceInputProcessor implements ServicePayloadConverterInterface { const EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTES_TYPE = \Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensionAttributesInterface::class; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Reflection\TypeProcessor */ protected $typeProcessor; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface */ protected $objectManager; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Api\AttributeValueFactory */ protected $attributeValueFactory; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Webapi\CustomAttributeTypeLocatorInterface */ protected $customAttributeTypeLocator; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Reflection\MethodsMap */ protected $methodsMap; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Reflection\NameFinder */ private $nameFinder; /** * @var array */ private $serviceTypeToEntityTypeMap; /** * @var ConfigInterface */ private $config; /** * @var PreprocessorInterface[] */ private $customAttributePreprocessors; /** * @var array */ private $attributesPreprocessorsMap = []; /** * Initialize dependencies. * * @param TypeProcessor $typeProcessor * @param ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager * @param AttributeValueFactory $attributeValueFactory * @param CustomAttributeTypeLocatorInterface $customAttributeTypeLocator * @param MethodsMap $methodsMap * @param ServiceTypeToEntityTypeMap $serviceTypeToEntityTypeMap * @param ConfigInterface $config * @param array $customAttributePreprocessors */ public function __construct( TypeProcessor $typeProcessor, ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager, AttributeValueFactory $attributeValueFactory, CustomAttributeTypeLocatorInterface $customAttributeTypeLocator, MethodsMap $methodsMap, ServiceTypeToEntityTypeMap $serviceTypeToEntityTypeMap = null, ConfigInterface $config = null, array $customAttributePreprocessors = [] ) { $this->typeProcessor = $typeProcessor; $this->objectManager = $objectManager; $this->attributeValueFactory = $attributeValueFactory; $this->customAttributeTypeLocator = $customAttributeTypeLocator; $this->methodsMap = $methodsMap; $this->serviceTypeToEntityTypeMap = $serviceTypeToEntityTypeMap ?: \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(ServiceTypeToEntityTypeMap::class); $this->config = $config ?: \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(ConfigInterface::class); $this->customAttributePreprocessors = $customAttributePreprocessors; } /** * The getter function to get the new NameFinder dependency * * @return \Magento\Framework\Reflection\NameFinder * * @deprecated 100.1.0 */ private function getNameFinder() { if ($this->nameFinder === null) { $this->nameFinder = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance() ->get(\Magento\Framework\Reflection\NameFinder::class); } return $this->nameFinder; } /** * Convert the input array from key-value format to a list of parameters suitable for the specified class / method. * * The input array should have the field name as the key, and the value will either be a primitive or another * key-value array. The top level of this array needs keys that match the names of the parameters on the * service method. * * Mismatched types are caught by the PHP runtime, not explicitly checked for by this code. * * @param string $serviceClassName name of the service class that we are trying to call * @param string $serviceMethodName name of the method that we are trying to call * @param array $inputArray data to send to method in key-value format * @return array list of parameters that can be used to call the service method * @throws WebapiException */ public function process($serviceClassName, $serviceMethodName, array $inputArray) { $inputData = []; $inputError = []; foreach ($this->methodsMap->getMethodParams($serviceClassName, $serviceMethodName) as $param) { $paramName = $param[MethodsMap::METHOD_META_NAME]; $snakeCaseParamName = strtolower(preg_replace("/(?<=\\w)(?=[A-Z])/", "_$1", $paramName)); if (isset($inputArray[$paramName]) || isset($inputArray[$snakeCaseParamName])) { $paramValue = isset($inputArray[$paramName]) ? $inputArray[$paramName] : $inputArray[$snakeCaseParamName]; try { $inputData[] = $this->convertValue($paramValue, $param[MethodsMap::METHOD_META_TYPE]); } catch (SerializationException $e) { throw new WebapiException(new Phrase($e->getMessage())); } } else { if ($param[MethodsMap::METHOD_META_HAS_DEFAULT_VALUE]) { $inputData[] = $param[MethodsMap::METHOD_META_DEFAULT_VALUE]; } else { $inputError[] = $paramName; } } } $this->processInputError($inputError); return $inputData; } /** * Retrieve constructor data * * @param string $className * @param array $data * @return array * @throws \ReflectionException * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException */ private function getConstructorData(string $className, array $data): array { $preferenceClass = $this->config->getPreference($className); $class = new ClassReflection($preferenceClass ?: $className); try { $constructor = $class->getMethod('__construct'); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { $constructor = null; } if ($constructor === null) { return []; } $res = []; $parameters = $constructor->getParameters(); foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if (isset($data[$parameter->getName()])) { $parameterType = $this->typeProcessor->getParamType($parameter); try { $res[$parameter->getName()] = $this->convertValue($data[$parameter->getName()], $parameterType); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { // Parameter was not correclty declared or the class is uknown. // By not returing the contructor value, we will automatically fall back to the "setters" way. continue; } } } return $res; } /** * Creates a new instance of the given class and populates it with the array of data. The data can * be in different forms depending on the adapter being used, REST vs. SOAP. For REST, the data is * in snake_case (e.g. tax_class_id) while for SOAP the data is in camelCase (e.g. taxClassId). * * @param string $className * @param array $data * @return object the newly created and populated object * @throws \Exception * @throws SerializationException * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity) */ protected function _createFromArray($className, $data) { $data = is_array($data) ? $data : []; // convert to string directly to avoid situations when $className is object // which implements __toString method like \ReflectionObject $className = (string) $className; $class = new ClassReflection($className); if (is_subclass_of($className, self::EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTES_TYPE)) { $className = substr($className, 0, -strlen('Interface')); } // Primary method: assign to constructor parameters $constructorArgs = $this->getConstructorData($className, $data); $object = $this->objectManager->create($className, $constructorArgs); // Secondary method: fallback to setter methods foreach ($data as $propertyName => $value) { if (isset($constructorArgs[$propertyName])) { continue; } // Converts snake_case to uppercase CamelCase to help form getter/setter method names // This use case is for REST only. SOAP request data is already camel cased $camelCaseProperty = SimpleDataObjectConverter::snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase($propertyName); $methodName = $this->getNameFinder()->getGetterMethodName($class, $camelCaseProperty); $methodReflection = $class->getMethod($methodName); if ($methodReflection->isPublic()) { $returnType = $this->typeProcessor->getGetterReturnType($methodReflection)['type']; try { $setterName = $this->getNameFinder()->getSetterMethodName($class, $camelCaseProperty); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (empty($value)) { continue; } else { throw $e; } } try { if ($camelCaseProperty === 'CustomAttributes') { $setterValue = $this->convertCustomAttributeValue($value, $className); } else { $setterValue = $this->convertValue($value, $returnType); } } catch (SerializationException $e) { throw new SerializationException( new Phrase( 'Error occurred during "%field_name" processing. %details', ['field_name' => $propertyName, 'details' => $e->getMessage()] ) ); } $object->{$setterName}($setterValue); } } return $object; } /** * Convert custom attribute data array to array of AttributeValue Data Object * * @param array $customAttributesValueArray * @param string $dataObjectClassName * @return AttributeValue[] * @throws SerializationException */ protected function convertCustomAttributeValue($customAttributesValueArray, $dataObjectClassName) { $result = []; $dataObjectClassName = ltrim($dataObjectClassName, '\\'); foreach ($customAttributesValueArray as $key => $customAttribute) { $this->runCustomAttributePreprocessors($key, $customAttribute); if (!is_array($customAttribute)) { $customAttribute = [AttributeValue::ATTRIBUTE_CODE => $key, AttributeValue::VALUE => $customAttribute]; } list($customAttributeCode, $customAttributeValue) = $this->processCustomAttribute($customAttribute); $entityType = $this->serviceTypeToEntityTypeMap->getEntityType($dataObjectClassName); if ($entityType) { $type = $this->customAttributeTypeLocator->getType( $customAttributeCode, $entityType ); } else { $type = TypeProcessor::ANY_TYPE; } if ($this->typeProcessor->isTypeAny($type) || $this->typeProcessor->isTypeSimple($type) || !is_array($customAttributeValue) ) { try { $attributeValue = $this->convertValue($customAttributeValue, $type); } catch (SerializationException $e) { throw new SerializationException( new Phrase( 'Attribute "%attribute_code" has invalid value. %details', ['attribute_code' => $customAttributeCode, 'details' => $e->getMessage()] ) ); } } else { $attributeValue = $this->_createDataObjectForTypeAndArrayValue($type, $customAttributeValue); } //Populate the attribute value data object once the value for custom attribute is derived based on type $result[$customAttributeCode] = $this->attributeValueFactory->create() ->setAttributeCode($customAttributeCode) ->setValue($attributeValue); } return $result; } /** * Get map of preprocessors related to the custom attributes * * @return array */ private function getAttributesPreprocessorsMap(): array { if (!$this->attributesPreprocessorsMap) { foreach ($this->customAttributePreprocessors as $attributePreprocessor) { foreach ($attributePreprocessor->getAffectedAttributes() as $attributeKey) { $this->attributesPreprocessorsMap[$attributeKey][] = $attributePreprocessor; } } } return $this->attributesPreprocessorsMap; } /** * Prepare attribute value by loaded attribute preprocessors * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $customAttribute */ private function runCustomAttributePreprocessors($key, &$customAttribute) { $preprocessorsMap = $this->getAttributesPreprocessorsMap(); if ($key && is_array($customAttribute) && array_key_exists($key, $preprocessorsMap)) { $preprocessorsList = $preprocessorsMap[$key]; foreach ($preprocessorsList as $attributePreprocessor) { if ($attributePreprocessor->shouldBeProcessed($key, $customAttribute)) { $attributePreprocessor->process($key, $customAttribute); } } } } /** * Derive the custom attribute code and value. * * @param string[] $customAttribute * @return string[] * @throws SerializationException */ private function processCustomAttribute($customAttribute) { $camelCaseAttributeCodeKey = lcfirst( SimpleDataObjectConverter::snakeCaseToUpperCamelCase(AttributeValue::ATTRIBUTE_CODE) ); // attribute code key could be snake or camel case, depending on whether SOAP or REST is used. if (isset($customAttribute[AttributeValue::ATTRIBUTE_CODE])) { $customAttributeCode = $customAttribute[AttributeValue::ATTRIBUTE_CODE]; } elseif (isset($customAttribute[$camelCaseAttributeCodeKey])) { $customAttributeCode = $customAttribute[$camelCaseAttributeCodeKey]; } else { $customAttributeCode = null; } if (!$customAttributeCode && !isset($customAttribute[AttributeValue::VALUE])) { throw new SerializationException( new Phrase('An empty custom attribute is specified. Enter the attribute and try again.') ); } elseif (!$customAttributeCode) { throw new SerializationException( new Phrase( 'A custom attribute is specified with a missing attribute code. Verify the code and try again.' ) ); } elseif (!array_key_exists(AttributeValue::VALUE, $customAttribute)) { throw new SerializationException( new Phrase( 'The "' . $customAttributeCode . '" attribute code doesn\'t have a value set. Enter the value and try again.' ) ); } return [$customAttributeCode, $customAttribute[AttributeValue::VALUE]]; } /** * Creates a data object type from a given type name and a PHP array. * * @param string $type The type of data object to create * @param array $customAttributeValue The data object values * @return mixed */ protected function _createDataObjectForTypeAndArrayValue($type, $customAttributeValue) { if (substr($type, -2) === "[]") { $type = substr($type, 0, -2); $attributeValue = []; foreach ($customAttributeValue as $value) { $attributeValue[] = $this->_createFromArray($type, $value); } } else { $attributeValue = $this->_createFromArray($type, $customAttributeValue); } return $attributeValue; } /** * Convert data from array to Data Object representation if type is Data Object or array of Data Objects. * * @param mixed $data * @param string $type Convert given value to the this type * @return mixed * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException */ public function convertValue($data, $type) { $isArrayType = $this->typeProcessor->isArrayType($type); if ($isArrayType && isset($data['item'])) { $data = $this->_removeSoapItemNode($data); } if ($this->typeProcessor->isTypeSimple($type) || $this->typeProcessor->isTypeAny($type)) { $result = $this->typeProcessor->processSimpleAndAnyType($data, $type); } else { /** Complex type or array of complex types */ if ($isArrayType) { // Initializing the result for array type else it will return null for empty array $result = is_array($data) ? [] : null; $itemType = $this->typeProcessor->getArrayItemType($type); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $item) { $result[$key] = $this->_createFromArray($itemType, $item); } } } else { $result = $this->_createFromArray($type, $data); } } return $result; } /** * Remove item node added by the SOAP server for array types * * @param array|mixed $value * @return array * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ protected function _removeSoapItemNode($value) { if (isset($value['item'])) { if (is_array($value['item'])) { $value = $value['item']; } else { return [$value['item']]; } } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Value must be an array and must contain "item" field.'); } /** * In case when only one Data object value is passed, it will not be wrapped into a subarray * within item node. If several Data object values are passed, they will be wrapped into * an indexed array within item node. */ $isAssociative = array_keys($value) !== range(0, count($value) - 1); return $isAssociative ? [$value] : $value; } /** * Process an input error * * @param array $inputError * @return void * @throws InputException */ protected function processInputError($inputError) { if (!empty($inputError)) { $exception = new InputException(); foreach ($inputError as $errorParamField) { $exception->addError( new Phrase('"%fieldName" is required. Enter and try again.', ['fieldName' => $errorParamField]) ); } if ($exception->wasErrorAdded()) { throw $exception; } } } }