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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/magento/framework/Validator/Config.php

<?php /** * Validation configuration files handler * * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ namespace Magento\Framework\Validator; use Magento\Framework\Validator\Constraint\Option; use Magento\Framework\Validator\Constraint\Option\Callback; use Magento\Framework\Validator\Constraint\OptionInterface; class Config extends \Magento\Framework\Config\AbstractXml { /**#@+ * Constraints types */ const CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ENTITY = 'entity'; const CONSTRAINT_TYPE_PROPERTY = 'property'; /**#@-*/ /**#@-*/ protected $_defaultBuilderClass = \Magento\Framework\Validator\Builder::class; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Validator\UniversalFactory */ protected $_builderFactory; /** * @param array $configFiles * @param \Magento\Framework\Config\DomFactory $domFactory * @param \Magento\Framework\Validator\UniversalFactory $builderFactory */ public function __construct( $configFiles, \Magento\Framework\Config\DomFactory $domFactory, \Magento\Framework\Validator\UniversalFactory $builderFactory ) { $this->_builderFactory = $builderFactory; parent::__construct($configFiles, $domFactory); } /** * Create validator builder instance based on entity and group. * * @param string $entityName * @param string $groupName * @param array|null $builderConfig * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return \Magento\Framework\Validator\Builder */ public function createValidatorBuilder($entityName, $groupName, array $builderConfig = null) { if (!isset($this->_data[$entityName])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown validation entity "%s"', $entityName)); } if (!isset($this->_data[$entityName][$groupName])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Unknown validation group "%s" in entity "%s"', $groupName, $entityName) ); } $builderClass = isset( $this->_data[$entityName][$groupName]['builder'] ) ? $this->_data[$entityName][$groupName]['builder'] : $this->_defaultBuilderClass; if (!class_exists($builderClass)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Builder class "%s" was not found', $builderClass)); } $builder = $this->_builderFactory->create( $builderClass, ['constraints' => $this->_data[$entityName][$groupName]['constraints']] ); if (!$builder instanceof \Magento\Framework\Validator\Builder) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Builder "%s" must extend \Magento\Framework\Validator\Builder', $builderClass) ); } if ($builderConfig) { $builder->addConfigurations($builderConfig); } return $builder; } /** * Create validator based on entity and group. * * @param string $entityName * @param string $groupName * @param array|null $builderConfig * @return \Magento\Framework\Validator */ public function createValidator($entityName, $groupName, array $builderConfig = null) { return $this->createValidatorBuilder($entityName, $groupName, $builderConfig)->createValidator(); } /** * Extract configuration data from the DOM structure * * @param \DOMDocument $dom * @return array */ protected function _extractData(\DOMDocument $dom) { $result = []; /** @var \DOMElement $entity */ foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('entity') as $entity) { $result[$entity->getAttribute('name')] = $this->_extractEntityGroupsConstraintsData($entity); } return $result; } /** * Extract constraints associated with entity group using rules * * @param \DOMElement $entity * @return array */ protected function _extractEntityGroupsConstraintsData(\DOMElement $entity) { $result = []; $rulesConstraints = $this->_extractRulesConstraintsData($entity); /** @var \DOMElement $group */ foreach ($entity->getElementsByTagName('group') as $group) { $groupConstraints = []; /** @var \DOMElement $use */ foreach ($group->getElementsByTagName('use') as $use) { $ruleName = $use->getAttribute('rule'); if (isset($rulesConstraints[$ruleName])) { $groupConstraints = array_merge($groupConstraints, $rulesConstraints[$ruleName]); } } $result[$group->getAttribute('name')] = ['constraints' => $groupConstraints]; if ($group->hasAttribute('builder')) { $result[$group->getAttribute('name')]['builder'] = $group->getAttribute('builder'); } } unset($groupConstraints); unset($rulesConstraints); return $result; } /** * Extract constraints associated with rules * * @param \DOMElement $entity * @return array */ protected function _extractRulesConstraintsData(\DOMElement $entity) { $rules = []; /** @var \DOMElement $rule */ foreach ($entity->getElementsByTagName('rule') as $rule) { $ruleName = $rule->getAttribute('name'); /** @var \DOMElement $propertyConstraints */ foreach ($rule->getElementsByTagName('property_constraints') as $propertyConstraints) { /** @var \DOMElement $property */ foreach ($propertyConstraints->getElementsByTagName('property') as $property) { /** @var \DOMElement $constraint */ foreach ($property->getElementsByTagName('constraint') as $constraint) { $rules[$ruleName][] = [ 'alias' => $constraint->getAttribute('alias'), 'class' => $constraint->getAttribute('class'), 'options' => $this->_extractConstraintOptions($constraint), 'property' => $property->getAttribute('name'), 'type' => self::CONSTRAINT_TYPE_PROPERTY, ]; } } } /** @var \DOMElement $entityConstraints */ foreach ($rule->getElementsByTagName('entity_constraints') as $entityConstraints) { /** @var \DOMElement $constraint */ foreach ($entityConstraints->getElementsByTagName('constraint') as $constraint) { $rules[$ruleName][] = [ 'alias' => $constraint->getAttribute('alias'), 'class' => $constraint->getAttribute('class'), 'options' => $this->_extractConstraintOptions($constraint), 'type' => self::CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ENTITY, ]; } } } return $rules; } /** * Extract constraint options. * * @param \DOMElement $constraint * @return array|null */ protected function _extractConstraintOptions(\DOMElement $constraint) { if (!$constraint->hasChildNodes()) { return null; } $options = []; $children = $this->_collectChildren($constraint); /** * Read constructor arguments * * <constraint class="Constraint"> * <argument> * <option name="minValue">123</option> * <option name="maxValue">234</option> * </argument> * <argument>0</argument> * <argument> * <callback class="Class" method="method" /> * </argument> * </constraint> */ $arguments = $this->_readArguments($children); if ($arguments) { $options['arguments'] = $arguments; } /** * Read constraint configurator callback * * <constraint class="Constraint"> * <callback class="Magento\Foo\Helper\Data" method="configureValidator"/> * </constraint> */ $callback = $this->_readCallback($children); if ($callback) { $options['callback'] = $callback; } /** * Read constraint method configuration */ $methods = $this->_readMethods($children); if ($methods) { $options['methods'] = $methods; } return $options; } /** * Get element children. * * @param \DOMElement $element * @return array */ protected function _collectChildren($element) { $children = []; /** @var $node \DOMElement */ foreach ($element->childNodes as $node) { if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement) { continue; } $nodeName = strtolower($node->nodeName); if (!array_key_exists($nodeName, $children)) { $children[$nodeName] = []; } $children[$nodeName][] = $node; } return $children; } /** * Get arguments. * * @param array $children * @return OptionInterface[]|null */ protected function _readArguments($children) { if (array_key_exists('argument', $children)) { $arguments = []; /** @var $node \DOMElement */ foreach ($children['argument'] as $node) { $nodeChildren = $this->_collectChildren($node); $callback = $this->_readCallback($nodeChildren); $options = $this->_readOptions($nodeChildren); if ($callback) { $arguments[] = $callback[0]; } elseif ($options) { $arguments[] = $options; } else { $argument = $node->textContent; $arguments[] = new Option(trim($argument)); } } return $arguments; } return null; } /** * Get callback rules. * * @param array $children * @return Callback[]|null */ protected function _readCallback($children) { if (array_key_exists('callback', $children)) { $callbacks = []; /** @var $callbackData \DOMElement */ foreach ($children['callback'] as $callbackData) { $callbacks[] = new Callback( [trim($callbackData->getAttribute('class')), trim($callbackData->getAttribute('method'))], null, true ); } return $callbacks; } return null; } /** * Get options array. * * @param array $children * @return Option|null */ protected function _readOptions($children) { if (array_key_exists('option', $children)) { $data = []; /** @var $option \DOMElement */ foreach ($children['option'] as $option) { $value = trim($option->textContent); if ($option->hasAttribute('name')) { $data[$option->getAttribute('name')] = $value; } else { $data[] = $value; } } return new Option($data); } return null; } /** * Get methods configuration. * * Example of method configuration: * <constraint class="Constraint"> * <method name="setMaxValue"> * <argument> * <option name="minValue">123</option> * <option name="maxValue">234</option> * </argument> * <argument>0</argument> * <argument> * <callback class="Class" method="method" /> * </argument> * </method> * </constraint> * * @param array $children * @return array|null */ protected function _readMethods($children) { if (array_key_exists('method', $children)) { $methods = []; /** @var $method \DOMElement */ foreach ($children['method'] as $method) { $children = $this->_collectChildren($method); $methodName = $method->getAttribute('name'); $methodOptions = ['method' => $methodName]; $arguments = $this->_readArguments($children); if ($arguments) { $methodOptions['arguments'] = $arguments; } $methods[$methodName] = $methodOptions; } return $methods; } return null; } /** * Get absolute path to validation.xsd * * @return string */ public function getSchemaFile() { return __DIR__ . '/etc/validation.xsd'; } /** * Get initial XML of a valid document. * * @return string */ protected function _getInitialXml() { return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . '<validation xmlns:xsi=""></validation>'; } /** * Define id attributes for entities * * @return array */ protected function _getIdAttributes() { return [ '/validation/entity' => 'name', '/validation/entity/rules/rule' => 'name', '/validation/entity/rules/rule/entity_constraints/constraint' => 'class', '/validation/entity/rules/rule/property_constraints/property/constraint' => 'class', '/validation/entity/rules/rule/property_constraints/property' => 'name', '/validation/entity/groups/group' => 'name', '/validation/entity/groups/group/uses/use' => 'rule' ]; } }