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HOME about upload exec mass file domain root vuln newfile newfolder kill me

File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/magento/framework/System/Ftp.php

<?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ namespace Magento\Framework\System; /** * Class to work with remote FTP server */ class Ftp { /** * Connection object * * @var resource */ protected $_conn = false; /** * Check connected, throw exception if not * * @throws \Exception * @return void */ protected function checkConnected() { if (!$this->_conn) { throw new \Exception(__CLASS__ . " - no connection established with server"); } } /** * Wrapper for ftp_mkdir * * @param string $name * @return string the newly created directory name on success or <b>FALSE</b> on error. */ public function mdkir($name) { $this->checkConnected(); return @ftp_mkdir($this->_conn, $name); } /** * Make dir recursive * * @param string $path * @param int $mode * @return bool */ public function mkdirRecursive($path, $mode = 0777) { $this->checkConnected(); $dir = explode("/", $path); $path = ""; $ret = true; for ($i = 0, $count = count($dir); $i < $count; $i++) { $path .= "/" . $dir[$i]; if (!@ftp_chdir($this->_conn, $path)) { @ftp_chdir($this->_conn, "/"); if (!@ftp_mkdir($this->_conn, $path)) { $ret = false; break; } else { @ftp_chmod($this->_conn, $mode, $path); } } } return $ret; } /** * Try to login to server * * @param string $login * @param string $password * @return bool * @throws \Exception on invalid login credentials */ public function login($login = "anonymous", $password = "") { $this->checkConnected(); $res = @ftp_login($this->_conn, $login, $password); if (!$res) { throw new \Exception("Invalid login credentials"); } return $res; } /** * Validate connection string * * @param string $string * @throws \Exception * @return string */ public function validateConnectionString($string) { $data = parse_url($string); if (false === $data) { throw new \Exception("Connection string invalid: '{$string}'"); } if ($data['scheme'] != 'ftp') { throw new \Exception("Support for scheme unsupported: '{$data['scheme']}'"); } // Decode user & password strings from URL foreach (array_intersect(array_keys($data), ['user','pass']) as $key) { $data[$key] = urldecode($data[$key]); } return $data; } /** * Connect to server using connect string * Connection string: ftp://user:pass@server:port/path * user,pass,port,path are optional parts * * @param string $string * @param int $timeout * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function connect($string, $timeout = 900) { $params = $this->validateConnectionString($string); $port = isset($params['port']) ? (int)$params['port'] : 21; $this->_conn = ftp_connect($params['host'], $port, $timeout); if (!$this->_conn) { throw new \Exception("Cannot connect to host: {$params['host']}"); } if (isset($params['user']) && isset($params['pass'])) { $this->login($params['user'], $params['pass']); } else { $this->login(); } if (isset($params['path'])) { if (!$this->chdir($params['path'])) { throw new \Exception("Cannot chdir after login to: {$params['path']}"); } } } /** * Wrapper for ftp_fput * * @param string $remoteFile * @param resource $handle * @param int $mode FTP_BINARY | FTP_ASCII * @param int $startPos * @return bool */ public function fput($remoteFile, $handle, $mode = FTP_BINARY, $startPos = 0) { $this->checkConnected(); return @ftp_fput($this->_conn, $remoteFile, $handle, $mode, $startPos); } /** * Wrapper for ftp_put * * @param string $remoteFile * @param string $localFile * @param int $mode FTP_BINARY | FTP_ASCII * @param int $startPos * @return bool */ public function put($remoteFile, $localFile, $mode = FTP_BINARY, $startPos = 0) { $this->checkConnected(); return ftp_put($this->_conn, $remoteFile, $localFile, $mode, $startPos); } /** * Get current working directory * * @return false|string */ public function getcwd() { $d = $this->raw("pwd"); $data = explode(" ", $d[0], 3); if (empty($data[1])) { return false; } if ((int)$data[0] != 257) { return false; } $out = trim($data[1], '"'); if ($out !== "/") { $out = rtrim($out, "/"); } return $out; } /** * Wrapper for ftp_raw * * @param string $cmd * @return array The server's response as an array of strings. */ public function raw($cmd) { $this->checkConnected(); return @ftp_raw($this->_conn, $cmd); } /** * Upload local file to remote * * Can be used for relative and absoulte remote paths * Relative: use chdir before calling this * * @param string $remote * @param string $local * @param int $dirMode * @param int $ftpMode * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function upload($remote, $local, $dirMode = 0777, $ftpMode = FTP_BINARY) { $this->checkConnected(); if (!file_exists($local)) { throw new \Exception("Local file doesn't exist: {$local}"); } if (!is_readable($local)) { throw new \Exception("Local file is not readable: {$local}"); } if (is_dir($local)) { throw new \Exception("Directory given instead of file: {$local}"); } $globalPathMode = substr($remote, 0, 1) == "/"; $dirname = dirname($remote); $cwd = $this->getcwd(); if (false === $cwd) { throw new \Exception("Server returns something awful on PWD command"); } if (!$globalPathMode) { $dirname = $cwd . "/" . $dirname; $remote = $cwd . "/" . $remote; } $res = $this->mkdirRecursive($dirname, $dirMode); $this->chdir($cwd); if (!$res) { return false; } return $this->put($remote, $local, $ftpMode); } /** * Download remote file to local machine * * @param string $remote * @param string $local * @param int $ftpMode FTP_BINARY|FTP_ASCII * @return bool */ public function download($remote, $local, $ftpMode = FTP_BINARY) { $this->checkConnected(); return $this->get($local, $remote, $ftpMode); } /** * Wrapper for ftp_pasv * * @param bool $pasv * @return bool */ public function pasv($pasv) { $this->checkConnected(); return @ftp_pasv($this->_conn, (bool)$pasv); } /** * Close FTP connection * * @return void */ public function close() { if ($this->_conn) { @ftp_close($this->_conn); } } /** * Wrapper for ftp_chmod * * @param int $mode * @param string $remoteFile * @return int The new file permissions on success or <b>FALSE</b> on error. */ public function chmod($mode, $remoteFile) { $this->checkConnected(); return @ftp_chmod($this->_conn, $mode, $remoteFile); } /** * Wrapper for ftp_chdir * * @param string $dir * @return bool */ public function chdir($dir) { $this->checkConnected(); return @ftp_chdir($this->_conn, $dir); } /** * Wrapper for ftp_cdup * * @return bool */ public function cdup() { $this->checkConnected(); return @ftp_cdup($this->_conn); } /** * Wrapper for ftp_get * * @param string $localFile * @param string $remoteFile * @param int $fileMode FTP_BINARY | FTP_ASCII * @param int $resumeOffset * @return bool * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.BooleanGetMethodName) */ public function get($localFile, $remoteFile, $fileMode = FTP_BINARY, $resumeOffset = 0) { $remoteFile = $this->correctFilePath($remoteFile); $this->checkConnected(); return @ftp_get($this->_conn, $localFile, $remoteFile, $fileMode, $resumeOffset); } /** * Wrapper for ftp_nlist * * @param string $dir * @return bool */ public function nlist($dir = "/") { $this->checkConnected(); $dir = $this->correctFilePath($dir); return @ftp_nlist($this->_conn, $dir); } /** * Wrapper for ftp_rawlist * * @param string $dir * @param bool $recursive * @return array an array where each element corresponds to one line of text. */ public function rawlist($dir = "/", $recursive = false) { $this->checkConnected(); $dir = $this->correctFilePath($dir); return @ftp_rawlist($this->_conn, $dir, $recursive); } /** * Convert byte count to float KB/MB format * * @param int $bytes * @return string */ public static function byteconvert($bytes) { $symbol = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; $exp = floor(log($bytes) / log(1024)); return sprintf('%.2f ' . $symbol[$exp], $bytes / pow(1024, floor($exp))); } /** * Chmod string "-rwxrwxrwx" to "777" converter * * @param string $chmod * @return string */ public static function chmodnum($chmod) { $trans = ['-' => '0', 'r' => '4', 'w' => '2', 'x' => '1']; $chmod = substr(strtr($chmod, $trans), 1); $array = str_split($chmod, 3); return array_sum(str_split($array[0])) . array_sum(str_split($array[1])) . array_sum(str_split($array[2])); } /** * Check whether file exists * * @param string $path * @param bool $excludeIfIsDir * @return bool */ public function fileExists($path, $excludeIfIsDir = true) { $path = $this->correctFilePath($path); $globalPathMode = substr($path, 0, 1) == "/"; $file = basename($path); $dir = $globalPathMode ? dirname($path) : $this->getcwd() . "/" . $path; $data = $this->ls($dir); foreach ($data as $row) { if ($file == $row['name']) { if ($excludeIfIsDir && $row['dir']) { continue; } return true; } } return false; } /** * Get directory contents in PHP array * * @param string $dir * @param bool $recursive * @return array * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ShortMethodName) */ public function ls($dir = "/", $recursive = false) { $dir = $this->correctFilePath($dir); $rawfiles = (array)$this->rawlist($dir, $recursive); $structure = []; $arraypointer = & $structure; foreach ($rawfiles as $rawfile) { if ($rawfile[0] == '/') { $paths = array_slice(explode('/', str_replace(':', '', $rawfile)), 1); $arraypointer = & $structure; foreach ($paths as $path) { foreach ($arraypointer as $i => $file) { if ($file['name'] == $path) { $arraypointer = & $arraypointer[$i]['children']; break; } } } } elseif (!empty($rawfile)) { $info = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $rawfile, 9); $arraypointer[] = [ 'name' => $info[8], 'dir' => $info[0][0] == 'd', 'size' => (int)$info[4], 'chmod' => self::chmodnum($info[0]), 'rawdata' => $info, 'raw' => $rawfile, ]; } } return $structure; } /** * Correct file path * * @param string $str * @return string */ public function correctFilePath($str) { $str = str_replace("\\", "/", $str); $str = preg_replace("/^.\//", "", $str); return $str; } /** * Delete file * * @param string $file * @return bool */ public function delete($file) { $this->checkConnected(); $file = $this->correctFilePath($file); return @ftp_delete($this->_conn, $file); } }