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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/magento/framework/Stdlib/ArrayUtils.php

<?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ namespace Magento\Framework\Stdlib; /** * Class ArrayUtils * * @api * @since 100.0.2 */ class ArrayUtils { /** * Sorts array with multibyte string keys * * @param array $sort * @param string $locale * @return array|bool */ public function ksortMultibyte(array &$sort, $locale) { if (empty($sort)) { return false; } $oldLocale = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, "0"); // use fallback locale if $localeCode is not available if (strpos($locale, '.UTF8') === false) { $locale .= '.UTF8'; } setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $locale, 'C.UTF-8', 'en_US.utf8'); ksort($sort, SORT_LOCALE_STRING); setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $oldLocale); return $sort; } /** * Decorate a plain array of arrays or objects * The array actually can be an object with Iterator interface * * Keys with prefix_* will be set: * *_is_first - if the element is first * *_is_odd / *_is_even - for odd/even elements * *_is_last - if the element is last * * The respective key/attribute will be set to element, depending on object it is or array. * \Magento\Framework\DataObject is supported. * * $forceSetAll true will cause to set all possible values for all elements. * When false (default), only non-empty values will be set. * * @param array $array * @param string $prefix * @param bool $forceSetAll * @return array * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity) * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity) */ public function decorateArray($array, $prefix = 'decorated_', $forceSetAll = false) { // check if array or an object to be iterated given if (!(is_array($array) || is_object($array))) { return $array; } $keyIsFirst = "{$prefix}is_first"; $keyIsOdd = "{$prefix}is_odd"; $keyIsEven = "{$prefix}is_even"; $keyIsLast = "{$prefix}is_last"; $count = count($array); // this will force Iterator to load $index = 0; $isEven = false; foreach ($array as $key => $element) { if (is_object($element)) { $this->_decorateArrayObject($element, $keyIsFirst, 0 === $index, $forceSetAll || 0 === $index); $this->_decorateArrayObject($element, $keyIsOdd, !$isEven, $forceSetAll || !$isEven); $this->_decorateArrayObject($element, $keyIsEven, $isEven, $forceSetAll || $isEven); $isEven = !$isEven; $index++; $this->_decorateArrayObject( $element, $keyIsLast, $index === $count, $forceSetAll || $index === $count ); } elseif (is_array($element)) { if ($forceSetAll || 0 === $index) { $array[$key][$keyIsFirst] = 0 === $index; } if ($forceSetAll || !$isEven) { $array[$key][$keyIsOdd] = !$isEven; } if ($forceSetAll || $isEven) { $array[$key][$keyIsEven] = $isEven; } $isEven = !$isEven; $index++; if ($forceSetAll || $index === $count) { $array[$key][$keyIsLast] = $index === $count; } } } return $array; } /** * Mark passed object with specified flag and appropriate value. * * @param \Magento\Framework\DataObject $element * @param string $key * @param bool $value * @param bool $isSkipped * @return void */ private function _decorateArrayObject($element, $key, $value, $isSkipped) { if ($isSkipped && $element instanceof \Magento\Framework\DataObject) { $element->setData($key, $value); } } /** * Expands multidimensional array into flat structure. * * Example: * * ```php * [ * 'default' => [ * 'web' => 2 * ] * ] * ``` * * Expands to: * * ```php * [ * 'default/web' => 2, * ] * ``` * * @param array $data The data to be flatten * @param string $path The leading path * @param string $separator The path parts separator * @return array * @since 101.0.0 */ public function flatten(array $data, $path = '', $separator = '/') { $result = []; $path = $path ? $path . $separator : ''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $fullPath = $path . $key; if (!is_array($value)) { $result[$fullPath] = $value; continue; } $result = array_merge( $result, $this->flatten($value, $fullPath, $separator) ); } return $result; } /** * Search for array differences recursively. * * @param array $originalArray The array to compare from * @param array $newArray The array to compare with * @return array Diff array * @since 101.0.0 */ public function recursiveDiff(array $originalArray, array $newArray) { $diff = []; foreach ($originalArray as $key => $value) { if (array_key_exists($key, $newArray)) { if (is_array($value)) { $valueDiff = $this->recursiveDiff($value, $newArray[$key]); if (count($valueDiff)) { $diff[$key] = $valueDiff; } } else { if ($value != $newArray[$key]) { $diff[$key] = $value; } } } else { $diff[$key] = $value; } } return $diff; } }