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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/magento/framework/Setup/SchemaPersistor.php

<?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ namespace Magento\Framework\Setup; use Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar; use Magento\Framework\Setup\Declaration\Schema\Sharding; /** * Persist listened schema to db_schema.xml file. */ class SchemaPersistor { /** * @var ComponentRegistrar */ private $componentRegistrar; /** * @var XmlPersistor */ private $xmlPersistor; /** * @param ComponentRegistrar $componentRegistrar * @param XmlPersistor $xmlPersistor */ public function __construct(ComponentRegistrar $componentRegistrar, XmlPersistor $xmlPersistor) { $this->componentRegistrar = $componentRegistrar; $this->xmlPersistor = $xmlPersistor; } /** * Initialize bare DOM XML element. * * @return \SimpleXMLElement */ private function initEmptyDom() { return new \SimpleXMLElement( '<schema xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Setup/Declaration/Schema/etc/schema.xsd"> </schema>' ); } /** * Do persist by modules to db_schema.xml file. * * @param SchemaListener $schemaListener */ public function persist(SchemaListener $schemaListener) { foreach ($schemaListener->getTables() as $moduleName => $tablesData) { $path = $this->componentRegistrar->getPath(ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, $moduleName); if (empty($path)) { /** Empty path means that module does not exist */ continue; } $schemaPatch = sprintf('%s/etc/db_schema.xml', $path); $dom = $this->processTables($schemaPatch, $tablesData); $this->persistModule($dom, $schemaPatch); } } /** * Convert tables data into XML document. * * @param string $schemaPatch * @param array $tablesData * @return \SimpleXMLElement */ private function processTables(string $schemaPatch, array $tablesData): \SimpleXMLElement { if (file_exists($schemaPatch)) { $dom = new \SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($schemaPatch)); } else { $dom = $this->initEmptyDom(); } $defaultAttributesValues = [ 'resource' => Sharding::DEFAULT_CONNECTION, ]; foreach ($tablesData as $tableName => $tableData) { $tableData = $this->handleDefinition($tableData); $table = $dom->xpath("//table[@name='" . $tableName . "']"); if (!$table) { $table = $dom->addChild('table'); $table->addAttribute('name', $tableName); } else { $table = reset($table); } $attributeNames = ['disabled', 'resource', 'engine', 'comment']; foreach ($attributeNames as $attributeName) { $this->updateElementAttribute( $table, $attributeName, $tableData, $defaultAttributesValues[$attributeName] ?? null ); } $this->processColumns($tableData, $table); $this->processConstraints($tableData, $table); $this->processIndexes($tableData, $table); } return $dom; } /** * Update element attribute value or create new attribute. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $element * @param string $attributeName * @param array $elementData * @param string|null $defaultValue */ private function updateElementAttribute( \SimpleXMLElement $element, string $attributeName, array $elementData, ?string $defaultValue = null ) { $attributeValue = $elementData[$attributeName] ?? $defaultValue; if ($attributeValue !== null) { if (is_bool($attributeValue)) { $attributeValue = $this->castBooleanToString($attributeValue); } if ($element->attributes()[$attributeName]) { $element->attributes()->$attributeName = $attributeValue; } else { $element->addAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue); } } } /** * If disabled attribute is set to false it remove it at all. * * Also handle other generic attributes. * * @param array $definition * @return array */ private function handleDefinition(array $definition) { if (isset($definition['disabled']) && !$definition['disabled']) { unset($definition['disabled']); } return $definition; } /** * Cast boolean types to string. * * @param bool $boolean * @return string */ private function castBooleanToString($boolean) { return $boolean ? 'true' : 'false'; } /** * Convert columns from array to XML format. * * @param array $tableData * @param \SimpleXMLElement $table * @return \SimpleXMLElement */ private function processColumns(array $tableData, \SimpleXMLElement $table) { if (!isset($tableData['columns'])) { return $table; } foreach ($tableData['columns'] as $columnName => $columnData) { $columnData = $this->handleDefinition($columnData); $domColumn = $table->xpath("column[@name='" . $columnName . "']"); if (!$domColumn) { $domColumn = $table->addChild('column'); if (!empty($columnData['xsi:type'])) { $domColumn->addAttribute('xsi:type', $columnData['xsi:type'], 'xsi'); } $domColumn->addAttribute('name', $columnName); } else { $domColumn = reset($domColumn); } $attributeNames = array_diff(array_keys($columnData), ['name', 'xsi:type']); foreach ($attributeNames as $attributeName) { $this->updateElementAttribute( $domColumn, $attributeName, $columnData ); } } return $table; } /** * Convert columns from array to XML format. * * @param array $tableData * @param \SimpleXMLElement $table * @return \SimpleXMLElement */ private function processIndexes(array $tableData, \SimpleXMLElement $table) { if (isset($tableData['indexes'])) { foreach ($tableData['indexes'] as $indexName => $indexData) { $indexData = $this->handleDefinition($indexData); $domIndex = $table->xpath("index[@referenceId='" . $indexName . "']"); if (!$domIndex) { $domIndex = $this->getUniqueIndexByName($table, $indexName); } if (!$domIndex) { $domIndex = $table->addChild('index'); $domIndex->addAttribute('referenceId', $indexName); } elseif (is_array($domIndex)) { $domIndex = reset($domIndex); } $attributeNames = array_diff(array_keys($indexData), ['referenceId', 'columns', 'name']); foreach ($attributeNames as $attributeName) { $this->updateElementAttribute( $domIndex, $attributeName, $indexData ); } if (!empty($indexData['columns'])) { foreach ($indexData['columns'] as $column) { $columnXml = $domIndex->addChild('column'); $columnXml->addAttribute('name', $column); } } } } return $table; } /** * Convert constraints from array to XML format. * * @param array $tableData * @param \SimpleXMLElement $table * @return \SimpleXMLElement */ private function processConstraints(array $tableData, \SimpleXMLElement $table) { if (!isset($tableData['constraints'])) { return $table; } foreach ($tableData['constraints'] as $constraintType => $constraints) { foreach ($constraints as $constraintName => $constraintData) { $constraintData = $this->handleDefinition($constraintData); $domConstraint = $table->xpath("constraint[@referenceId='" . $constraintName . "']"); if (!$domConstraint) { $domConstraint = $table->addChild('constraint'); $domConstraint->addAttribute('xsi:type', $constraintType, 'xsi'); $domConstraint->addAttribute('referenceId', $constraintName); } else { $domConstraint = reset($domConstraint); } $attributeNames = array_diff( array_keys($constraintData), ['referenceId', 'xsi:type', 'disabled', 'columns', 'name', 'type'] ); foreach ($attributeNames as $attributeName) { $this->updateElementAttribute( $domConstraint, $attributeName, $constraintData ); } if (!empty($constraintData['columns'])) { foreach ($constraintData['columns'] as $column) { $columnXml = $domConstraint->addChild('column'); $columnXml->addAttribute('name', $column); } } if (!empty($constraintData['disabled'])) { $this->updateElementAttribute( $domConstraint, 'disabled', $constraintData ); } } } return $table; } /** * Do schema persistence to specific module. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $simpleXmlElementDom * @param string $path * @return void */ private function persistModule(\SimpleXMLElement $simpleXmlElementDom, $path) { $this->xmlPersistor->persist($simpleXmlElementDom, $path); } /** * Retrieve unique index declaration by name. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $table * @param string $indexName * @return \SimpleXMLElement|null */ private function getUniqueIndexByName(\SimpleXMLElement $table, string $indexName): ?\SimpleXMLElement { $indexElement = null; $constraint = $table->xpath("constraint[@referenceId='" . $indexName . "']"); if ($constraint) { $constraint = reset($constraint); $type = $constraint->attributes('xsi', true)->type; if ($type == 'unique') { $indexElement = $constraint; } } return $indexElement; } }