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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/magento/framework/Module/Setup/Migration.php

<?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ namespace Magento\Framework\Module\Setup; use Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList; use Magento\Framework\Filesystem; use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface; /** * Resource setup model with methods needed for migration process between Magento versions * * @api * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList) * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects) * @since 100.0.2 */ class Migration { /**#@+ * Type of field content where class alias is used */ const FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_PLAIN = 'plain'; const FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_XML = 'xml'; const FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_WIKI = 'wiki'; const FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_SERIALIZED = 'serialized'; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Entity type of alias */ const ENTITY_TYPE_MODEL = 'Model'; const ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK = 'Block'; const ENTITY_TYPE_RESOURCE = 'Model_Resource'; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Replace pattern */ const SERIALIZED_REPLACE_PATTERN = 's:%d:"%s"'; /**#@-*/ /**#@-*/ protected $_confPathToMapFile; /** * List of possible entity types sorted by possibility of usage * * @var array */ protected $_entityTypes = [self::ENTITY_TYPE_MODEL, self::ENTITY_TYPE_BLOCK, self::ENTITY_TYPE_RESOURCE]; /** * Rows per page. To split processing data from tables * * @var int */ protected $_rowsPerPage = 100; /** * Replace rules for tables * * [table name] => array( * [field name] => array( * 'entity_type' => [entity type] * 'content_type' => [content type] * 'additional_where' => [additional where] * ) * ) * * @var array */ protected $_replaceRules = []; /** * Aliases to classes map * * [entity type] => array( * [alias] => [class name] * ) * * @var array */ protected $_aliasesMap; /** * Replacement regexps for specified content types * * @var array */ protected $_replacePatterns = []; /** * Path to map file from config * * @var string */ protected $_pathToMapFile; /** * List of composite module names * * @var array */ protected $_compositeModules; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\Read */ protected $_directory; /** * @var MigrationData */ protected $_migrationData; /** * @var ModuleDataSetupInterface */ private $setup; /** * @var \Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer\Json */ private $serializer; /** * @param ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup * @param Filesystem $filesystem * @param MigrationData $migrationData * @param string $confPathToMapFile * @param array $compositeModules * @param \Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer\Json|null $serializer * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function __construct( ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, Filesystem $filesystem, MigrationData $migrationData, $confPathToMapFile, $compositeModules = [], \Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer\Json $serializer = null ) { $this->_directory = $filesystem->getDirectoryRead(DirectoryList::ROOT); $this->_pathToMapFile = $confPathToMapFile; $this->_migrationData = $migrationData; $this->_replacePatterns = [ self::FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_WIKI => $this->_migrationData->getWikiFindPattern(), self::FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_XML => $this->_migrationData->getXmlFindPattern(), ]; $this->_compositeModules = $compositeModules; $this->setup = $setup; $this->serializer = $serializer?: \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance() ->get(\Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer\Json::class); } /** * Add alias replace rule * * @param string $tableName name of table to replace aliases in * @param string $fieldName name of table column to replace aliases in * @param string $entityType entity type of alias * @param string $fieldContentType type of field content where class alias is used * @param array $primaryKeyFields row pk field(s) to update by * @param string $additionalWhere additional where condition * @return void */ public function appendClassAliasReplace( $tableName, $fieldName, $entityType = '', $fieldContentType = self::FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_PLAIN, array $primaryKeyFields = [], $additionalWhere = '' ) { if (!isset($this->_replaceRules[$tableName])) { $this->_replaceRules[$tableName] = []; } if (!isset($this->_replaceRules[$tableName][$fieldName])) { $this->_replaceRules[$tableName][$fieldName] = [ 'entity_type' => $entityType, 'content_type' => $fieldContentType, 'pk_fields' => $primaryKeyFields, 'additional_where' => $additionalWhere, ]; } } /** * Start process of replacing aliases with class names using rules * * @return void */ public function doUpdateClassAliases() { foreach ($this->_replaceRules as $tableName => $tableRules) { $this->_updateClassAliasesInTable($tableName, $tableRules); } } /** * Update class aliases in table * * @param string $tableName name of table to replace aliases in * @param array $tableRules replacing rules for table * @return void */ protected function _updateClassAliasesInTable($tableName, array $tableRules) { foreach ($tableRules as $fieldName => $fieldRule) { $pagesCount = ceil( $this->_getRowsCount($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldRule['additional_where']) / $this->_rowsPerPage ); for ($page = 1; $page <= $pagesCount; $page++) { $this->_applyFieldRule($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldRule, $page); } } } /** * Get amount of rows for table column which should be processed * * @param string $tableName name of table to replace aliases in * @param string $fieldName name of table column to replace aliases in * @param string $additionalWhere additional where condition * @return int */ protected function _getRowsCount($tableName, $fieldName, $additionalWhere = '') { $connection = $this->setup->getConnection(); $query = $connection->select()->from( $this->setup->getTable($tableName), ['rows_count' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('COUNT(*)')] )->where( $fieldName . ' IS NOT NULL' ); if (!empty($additionalWhere)) { $query->where($additionalWhere); } return (int)$connection->fetchOne($query); } /** * Replace aliases with class names in rows * * @param string $tableName name of table to replace aliases in * @param string $fieldName name of table column to replace aliases in * @param array $fieldRule * @param int $currentPage * @return void */ protected function _applyFieldRule($tableName, $fieldName, array $fieldRule, $currentPage = 0) { $fieldsToSelect = [$fieldName]; if (!empty($fieldRule['pk_fields'])) { $fieldsToSelect = array_merge($fieldsToSelect, $fieldRule['pk_fields']); } $tableData = $this->_getTableData( $tableName, $fieldName, $fieldsToSelect, $fieldRule['additional_where'], $currentPage ); $fieldReplacements = []; foreach ($tableData as $rowData) { $replacement = $this->_getReplacement( $rowData[$fieldName], $fieldRule['content_type'], $fieldRule['entity_type'] ); if ($replacement !== $rowData[$fieldName]) { $fieldReplacement = ['to' => $replacement]; if (empty($fieldRule['pk_fields'])) { $fieldReplacement['where_fields'] = [$fieldName => $rowData[$fieldName]]; } else { $fieldReplacement['where_fields'] = []; foreach ($fieldRule['pk_fields'] as $pkField) { $fieldReplacement['where_fields'][$pkField] = $rowData[$pkField]; } } $fieldReplacements[] = $fieldReplacement; } } $this->_updateRowsData($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldReplacements); } /** * Update rows data in database * * @param string $tableName * @param string $fieldName * @param array $fieldReplacements * @return void */ protected function _updateRowsData($tableName, $fieldName, array $fieldReplacements) { if (count($fieldReplacements) > 0) { $connection = $this->setup->getConnection(); foreach ($fieldReplacements as $fieldReplacement) { $where = []; foreach ($fieldReplacement['where_fields'] as $whereFieldName => $value) { $where[$connection->quoteIdentifier($whereFieldName) . ' = ?'] = $value; } $connection->update( $this->setup->getTable($tableName), [$fieldName => $fieldReplacement['to']], $where ); } } } /** * Get data for table column which should be processed * * @param string $tableName name of table to replace aliases in * @param string $fieldName name of table column to replace aliases in * @param array $fieldsToSelect array of fields to select * @param string $additionalWhere additional where condition * @param int $currPage * @return array */ protected function _getTableData( $tableName, $fieldName, array $fieldsToSelect, $additionalWhere = '', $currPage = 0 ) { $connection = $this->setup->getConnection(); $query = $connection->select()->from( $this->setup->getTable($tableName), $fieldsToSelect )->where( $fieldName . ' IS NOT NULL' ); if (!empty($additionalWhere)) { $query->where($additionalWhere); } if ($currPage) { $query->limitPage($currPage, $this->_rowsPerPage); } return $connection->fetchAll($query); } /** * Get data with replaced aliases with class names * * @param string $data * @param string $contentType type of data (field content) * @param string $entityType entity type of alias * @return string */ protected function _getReplacement($data, $contentType, $entityType = '') { switch ($contentType) { case self::FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_SERIALIZED: $data = $this->_getAliasInSerializedStringReplacement($data, $entityType); break; // wiki and xml content types use the same replacement method case self::FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_WIKI: case self::FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_XML: $data = $this->_getPatternReplacement($data, $contentType, $entityType); break; case self::FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE_PLAIN: default: $data = $this->_getModelReplacement($data, $entityType); break; } return $data; } /** * Get appropriate class name for alias * * @param string $alias * @param string $entityType entity type of alias * @return string */ protected function _getCorrespondingClassName($alias, $entityType = '') { if ($this->_isFactoryName($alias)) { if ($className = $this->_getAliasFromMap($alias, $entityType)) { return $className; } list($module, $name) = $this->_getModuleName($alias); if (!empty($entityType)) { $className = $this->_getClassName($module, $entityType, $name); $properEntityType = $entityType; } else { // Try to find appropriate class name for all entity types $className = ''; $properEntityType = ''; foreach ($this->_entityTypes as $entityType) { if (empty($className)) { $className = $this->_getClassName($module, $entityType, $name); $properEntityType = $entityType; } else { // If was found more than one match - alias cannot be replaced return ''; } } } $this->_pushToMap($properEntityType, $alias, $className); return $className; } return ''; } /** * Replacement for model alias and model alias with method * * @param string $data * @param string $entityType * @return string */ protected function _getModelReplacement($data, $entityType = '') { if (preg_match($this->_migrationData->getPlainFindPattern(), $data, $matches)) { $classAlias = $matches['alias']; $className = $this->_getCorrespondingClassName($classAlias, $entityType); if ($className) { return str_replace($classAlias, $className, $data); } } $className = $this->_getCorrespondingClassName($data, $entityType); if (!empty($className)) { return $className; } else { return $data; } } /** * Replaces class aliases using pattern * * @param string $data * @param string $contentType * @param string $entityType * @return string|null */ protected function _getPatternReplacement($data, $contentType, $entityType = '') { if (!array_key_exists($contentType, $this->_replacePatterns)) { return null; } $replacements = []; $pattern = $this->_replacePatterns[$contentType]; preg_match_all($pattern, $data, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if (isset($matches['alias'])) { $matches = array_unique($matches['alias']); foreach ($matches as $classAlias) { $className = $this->_getCorrespondingClassName($classAlias, $entityType); if ($className) { $replacements[$classAlias] = $className; } } } foreach ($replacements as $classAlias => $className) { $data = str_replace($classAlias, $className, $data); } return $data; } /** * Generate class name * * @param string $module * @param string $type * @param string $name * @return string */ protected function _getClassName($module, $type, $name = null) { $className = implode('\\', array_map('ucfirst', explode('_', $module . '_' . $type . '_' . $name))); if (class_exists($className)) { return $className; } return ''; } /** * Whether the given class name is a factory name * * @param string $factoryName * @return bool */ protected function _isFactoryName($factoryName) { return false !== strpos($factoryName, '/') || preg_match('/^[a-z\d]+(_[A-Za-z\d]+)?$/', $factoryName); } /** * Transform factory name into a pair of module and name * * @param string $factoryName * @return array */ protected function _getModuleName($factoryName) { if (false !== strpos($factoryName, '/')) { list($module, $name) = explode('/', $factoryName); } else { $module = $factoryName; $name = false; } $compositeModuleName = $this->_getCompositeModuleName($module); if (null !== $compositeModuleName) { $module = $compositeModuleName; } elseif (false === strpos($module, '_')) { $module = "Magento_{$module}"; } return [$module, $name]; } /** * Get composite module name by module alias * * @param string $moduleAlias * @return string|null */ protected function _getCompositeModuleName($moduleAlias) { if (array_key_exists($moduleAlias, $this->_compositeModules)) { return $this->_compositeModules[$moduleAlias]; } return null; } /** * Search class by alias in map * * @param string $alias * @param string $entityType * @return string */ protected function _getAliasFromMap($alias, $entityType = '') { if ($map = $this->_getAliasesMap()) { if (!empty($entityType) && isset($map[$entityType]) && !empty($map[$entityType][$alias])) { return $map[$entityType][$alias]; } else { $className = ''; foreach ($this->_entityTypes as $entityType) { if (empty($className)) { if (isset($map[$entityType]) && !empty($map[$entityType][$alias])) { $className = $map[$entityType][$alias]; } } else { return ''; } } return $className; } } return ''; } /** * Store already generated class name for alias * * @param string $entityType * @param string $alias * @param string $className * @return void */ protected function _pushToMap($entityType, $alias, $className) { // Load map from file if it wasn't loaded $this->_getAliasesMap(); if (!isset($this->_aliasesMap[$entityType])) { $this->_aliasesMap[$entityType] = []; } if (!isset($this->_aliasesMap[$entityType][$alias])) { $this->_aliasesMap[$entityType][$alias] = $className; } } /** * Retrieve aliases to classes map if exit * * @return array */ protected function _getAliasesMap() { if (null === $this->_aliasesMap) { $this->_aliasesMap = []; $map = $this->_loadMap($this->_pathToMapFile); if (!empty($map)) { $this->_aliasesMap = $this->_jsonDecode($map); } } return $this->_aliasesMap; } /** * Load aliases to classes map from file * * @param string $pathToMapFile * @return string */ protected function _loadMap($pathToMapFile) { if ($this->_directory->isFile($pathToMapFile)) { return $this->_directory->readFile($pathToMapFile); } return ''; } /** * @param string $data * @param string $entityType * @return string */ protected function _getAliasInSerializedStringReplacement($data, $entityType = '') { $matches = $this->_parseSerializedString($data); if (isset($matches['alias']) && count($matches['alias']) > 0) { foreach ($matches['alias'] as $key => $alias) { $className = $this->_getCorrespondingClassName($alias, $entityType); if (!empty($className)) { $replaceString = sprintf(self::SERIALIZED_REPLACE_PATTERN, strlen($className), $className); $data = str_replace($matches['string'][$key], $replaceString, $data); } } } return $data; } /** * Parse class aliases from serialized string * * @param string $string * @return array */ protected function _parseSerializedString($string) { if ($string && preg_match_all($this->_migrationData->getSerializedFindPattern(), $string, $matches)) { unset($matches[0], $matches[1], $matches[2]); return $matches; } else { return []; } } /** * List of correspondence between composite module aliases and module names * * @return array */ public function getCompositeModules() { return $this->_compositeModules; } /** * Decodes the given $encodedValue string which is * encoded in the JSON format * * @param string $encodedValue * @param int $objectDecodeType * @return string|int|float|bool|array|null * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter) * @deprecated 101.0.1 * @see \Magento\Framework\Module\Setup\Migration::jsonDecode */ protected function _jsonDecode($encodedValue, $objectDecodeType = 1) { return $this->jsonDecode($encodedValue); } /** * Decodes the given $encodedValue string which is * encoded in the JSON format * * @param string $encodedValue * @return string|int|float|bool|array|null * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ private function jsonDecode($encodedValue) { return $this->serializer->unserialize($encodedValue); } }