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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/magento/framework/GraphQlSchemaStitching/GraphQlReader.php

<?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Magento\Framework\GraphQlSchemaStitching; use Magento\Framework\Config\FileResolverInterface; use Magento\Framework\GraphQlSchemaStitching\GraphQlReader\TypeMetaReaderInterface as TypeReaderComposite; use Magento\Framework\Config\ReaderInterface; /** * Reads *.graphqls files from modules and combines the results as array to be used with a library to configure objects */ class GraphQlReader implements ReaderInterface { const GRAPHQL_PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_NAME = 'placeholder_graphql_field'; const GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_FILE = 'schema.graphqls'; /** * File locator * * @var FileResolverInterface */ private $fileResolver; /** * @var TypeReaderComposite */ private $typeReader; /** * @var string */ private $fileName; /** * @var string */ private $defaultScope; /** * @param FileResolverInterface $fileResolver * @param TypeReaderComposite $typeReader * @param string $fileName * @param string $defaultScope */ public function __construct( FileResolverInterface $fileResolver, TypeReaderComposite $typeReader, $fileName = self::GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_FILE, $defaultScope = 'global' ) { $this->fileResolver = $fileResolver; $this->typeReader = $typeReader; $this->defaultScope = $defaultScope; $this->fileName = $fileName; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function read($scope = null) : array { $results = []; $scope = $scope ?: $this->defaultScope; $schemaFiles = $this->fileResolver->get($this->fileName, $scope); if (!count($schemaFiles)) { return $results; } /** * Compatible with @see GraphQlReader::parseTypes */ $knownTypes = []; foreach ($schemaFiles as $partialSchemaContent) { $partialSchemaTypes = $this->parseTypes($partialSchemaContent); // Keep declarations from current partial schema, add missing declarations from all previously read schemas $knownTypes = $partialSchemaTypes + $knownTypes; $schemaContent = implode("\n", $knownTypes); $partialResults = $this->readPartialTypes($schemaContent); $results = array_replace_recursive($results, $partialResults); } $results = $this->copyInterfaceFieldsToConcreteTypes($results); return $results; } /** * Extract types as string from schema as string * * @param string $graphQlSchemaContent * @return string[] [$typeName => $typeDeclaration, ...] */ private function readPartialTypes(string $graphQlSchemaContent) : array { $partialResults = []; $graphQlSchemaContent = $this->addPlaceHolderInSchema($graphQlSchemaContent); $schema = \GraphQL\Utils\BuildSchema::build($graphQlSchemaContent); foreach ($schema->getTypeMap() as $typeName => $typeMeta) { // Only process custom types and skip built-in object types if ((strpos($typeName, '__') !== 0 && (!$typeMeta instanceof \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType))) { $type = $this->typeReader->read($typeMeta); if (!empty($type)) { $partialResults[$typeName] = $type; } else { throw new \LogicException("'{$typeName}' cannot be processed."); } } } $partialResults = $this->removePlaceholderFromResults($partialResults); return $partialResults; } /** * Extract types as string from a larger string that represents the graphql schema using regular expressions * * @param string $graphQlSchemaContent * @return string[] [$typeName => $typeDeclaration, ...] */ private function parseTypes(string $graphQlSchemaContent) : array { $typeKindsPattern = '(type|interface|union|enum|input)'; $typeNamePattern = '([_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]+)'; $typeDefinitionPattern = '([^\{]*)(\{[^\}]*\})'; $spacePattern = '[\s\t\n\r]+'; preg_match_all( "/{$typeKindsPattern}{$spacePattern}{$typeNamePattern}{$spacePattern}{$typeDefinitionPattern}/i", $graphQlSchemaContent, $matches ); $parsedTypes = []; if (!empty($matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $matchKey => $matchValue) { $matches[0][$matchKey] = $this->convertInterfacesToAnnotations($matchValue); } /** * $matches[0] is an indexed array with the whole type definitions * $matches[2] is an indexed array with type names */ $parsedTypes = array_combine($matches[2], $matches[0]); } return $parsedTypes; } /** * Copy interface fields to concrete types * * @param array $source * @return array */ private function copyInterfaceFieldsToConcreteTypes(array $source): array { foreach ($source as $interface) { if ($interface['type'] == 'graphql_interface') { foreach ($source as $typeName => $type) { if (isset($type['implements']) && isset($type['implements'][$interface['name']]) && isset($type['implements'][$interface['name']]['copyFields']) && $type['implements'][$interface['name']]['copyFields'] === true ) { $source[$typeName]['fields'] = isset($type['fields']) ? array_replace($interface['fields'], $type['fields']) : $interface['fields']; } } } } return $source; } /** * Find the implements statement and convert them to annotation to enable copy fields feature * * @param string $graphQlSchemaContent * @return string */ private function convertInterfacesToAnnotations(string $graphQlSchemaContent): string { $implementsKindsPattern = 'implements'; $typeNamePattern = '([_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]+)'; $spacePattern = '([\s\t\n\r]+)'; $spacePatternNotMandatory = '[\s\t\n\r]*'; preg_match_all( "/{$spacePattern}{$implementsKindsPattern}{$spacePattern}{$typeNamePattern}" . "(,{$spacePatternNotMandatory}$typeNamePattern)*/im", $graphQlSchemaContent, $allMatchesForImplements ); if (!empty($allMatchesForImplements)) { foreach (array_unique($allMatchesForImplements[0]) as $implementsString) { $implementsStatementString = preg_replace( "/{$spacePattern}{$implementsKindsPattern}{$spacePattern}/m", '', $implementsString ); preg_match_all( "/{$typeNamePattern}+/im", $implementsStatementString, $implementationsMatches ); if (!empty($implementationsMatches)) { $annotationString = ' @implements(interfaces: ['; foreach ($implementationsMatches[0] as $interfaceName) { $annotationString.= "\"{$interfaceName}\", "; } $annotationString = rtrim($annotationString, ', '); $annotationString .= ']) '; $graphQlSchemaContent = str_replace($implementsString, $annotationString, $graphQlSchemaContent); } } } return $graphQlSchemaContent; } /** * Add a placeholder field into the schema to allow parser to not throw error on empty types * This method is paired with @see self::removePlaceholderFromResults() * This is needed so that the placeholder doens't end up in the actual schema * * @param string $graphQlSchemaContent * @return string */ private function addPlaceHolderInSchema(string $graphQlSchemaContent) :string { $placeholderField = self::GRAPHQL_PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_NAME; $typesKindsPattern = '(type|interface|input)'; $enumKindsPattern = '(enum)'; $typeNamePattern = '([_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]+)'; $typeDefinitionPattern = '([^\{]*)(\{[\s\t\n\r^\}]*\})'; $spacePattern = '([\s\t\n\r]+)'; //add placeholder in empty types $graphQlSchemaContent = preg_replace( "/{$typesKindsPattern}{$spacePattern}{$typeNamePattern}{$spacePattern}{$typeDefinitionPattern}/im", "\$1\$2\$3\$4\$5{\n{$placeholderField}: String\n}", $graphQlSchemaContent ); //add placeholder in empty enums $graphQlSchemaContent = preg_replace( "/{$enumKindsPattern}{$spacePattern}{$typeNamePattern}{$spacePattern}{$typeDefinitionPattern}/im", "\$1\$2\$3\$4\$5{\n{$placeholderField}\n}", $graphQlSchemaContent ); return $graphQlSchemaContent; } /** * Remove parsed placeholders as these should not be present in final result * * @param array $partialResults * @return array */ private function removePlaceholderFromResults(array $partialResults) : array { $placeholderField = self::GRAPHQL_PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_NAME; //remove parsed placeholders foreach ($partialResults as $typeKeyName => $partialResultTypeArray) { if (isset($partialResultTypeArray['fields'][$placeholderField])) { //unset placeholder for fields unset($partialResults[$typeKeyName]['fields'][$placeholderField]); } elseif (isset($partialResultTypeArray['items'][$placeholderField])) { //unset placeholder for enums unset($partialResults[$typeKeyName]['items'][$placeholderField]); } } return $partialResults; } }