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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/magento/framework/Api/ExtensionAttributesFactory.php

<?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ namespace Magento\Framework\Api; /** * Factory class for instantiation of extension attributes objects. */ class ExtensionAttributesFactory { const EXTENSIBLE_INTERFACE_NAME = \Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensibleDataInterface::class; /** * Object Manager instance * * @var \Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface */ protected $objectManager; /** * Map is used for performance optimization. * * @var array */ private $classInterfaceMap = []; /** * Factory constructor * * @param \Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager */ public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager) { $this->objectManager = $objectManager; } /** * Create extension attributes object, custom for each extensible class. * * @param string $extensibleClassName * @param array $data * @return \Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensionAttributesInterface */ public function create($extensibleClassName, $data = []) { $interfaceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->getExtensibleInterfaceName($extensibleClassName)); $methodReflection = $interfaceReflection->getMethod('getExtensionAttributes'); if ($methodReflection->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === self::EXTENSIBLE_INTERFACE_NAME) { throw new \LogicException( "Method 'getExtensionAttributes' must be overridden in the interfaces " . "which extend '" . self::EXTENSIBLE_INTERFACE_NAME . "'. " . "Concrete return type should be specified." ); } $interfaceName = '\\' . $interfaceReflection->getName(); $extensionClassName = substr($interfaceName, 0, -strlen('Interface')) . 'Extension'; $extensionInterfaceName = $extensionClassName . 'Interface'; /** Ensure that proper return type of getExtensionAttributes() method is specified */ $methodDocBlock = $methodReflection->getDocComment(); $pattern = "/@return\s+" . str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $extensionInterfaceName) . "/"; if (!preg_match($pattern, $methodDocBlock)) { throw new \LogicException( "Method 'getExtensionAttributes' must be overridden in the interfaces " . "which extend '" . self::EXTENSIBLE_INTERFACE_NAME . "'. " . "Concrete return type must be specified. Please fix :" . $interfaceName ); } $extensionFactoryName = $extensionClassName . 'Factory'; $extensionFactory = $this->objectManager->create($extensionFactoryName); return $extensionFactory->create($data); } /** * Identify concrete extensible interface name based on the class name. * * @param string $extensibleClassName * @return string */ public function getExtensibleInterfaceName($extensibleClassName) { $exceptionMessage = "Class '{$extensibleClassName}' must implement an interface, " . "which extends from '" . self::EXTENSIBLE_INTERFACE_NAME . "'"; $notExtensibleClassFlag = ''; if (isset($this->classInterfaceMap[$extensibleClassName])) { if ($notExtensibleClassFlag === $this->classInterfaceMap[$extensibleClassName]) { throw new \LogicException($exceptionMessage); } else { return $this->classInterfaceMap[$extensibleClassName]; } } $modelReflection = new \ReflectionClass($extensibleClassName); if ($modelReflection->isInterface() && $modelReflection->isSubclassOf(self::EXTENSIBLE_INTERFACE_NAME) && $modelReflection->hasMethod('getExtensionAttributes') ) { $this->classInterfaceMap[$extensibleClassName] = $extensibleClassName; return $this->classInterfaceMap[$extensibleClassName]; } foreach ($modelReflection->getInterfaces() as $interfaceReflection) { if ($interfaceReflection->isSubclassOf(self::EXTENSIBLE_INTERFACE_NAME) && $interfaceReflection->hasMethod('getExtensionAttributes') ) { $this->classInterfaceMap[$extensibleClassName] = $interfaceReflection->getName(); return $this->classInterfaceMap[$extensibleClassName]; } } $this->classInterfaceMap[$extensibleClassName] = $notExtensibleClassFlag; throw new \LogicException($exceptionMessage); } }