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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/flow/jsonpath/

JSONPath ============= This is a [JSONPath]( implementation for PHP based on Stefan Goessner's JSONPath script. JSONPath is an XPath-like expression language for filtering, flattening and extracting data. I believe that this improves on the original script (which was last updated in 2007) by doing a few things: - Object-oriented code (should be easier to manage or extend in future) - Expressions are parsed into tokens using some code cribbed from Doctrine Lexer and cached - There is no `eval()` in use - Performance is pretty much the same - Any combination of objects/arrays/ArrayAccess-objects can be used as the data input which is great if you're de-serializing JSON in to objects or if you want to process your own data structures. Installation --- ```bash composer require flow/jsonpath ``` JSONPath Examples --- JSONPath | Result --------------------------|------------------------------------- `$.store.books[*].author` | the authors of all books in the store `$` | all authors `$.store..price` | the price of everything in the store. `$..books[2]` | the third book `$..books[(@.length-1)]` | the last book in order. `$..books[-1:]` | the last book in order. `$..books[0,1]` | the first two books `$..books[:2]` | the first two books `$..books[::2]` | every second book starting from first one `$..books[1:6:3]` | every third book starting from 1 till 6 `$..books[?(@.isbn)]` | filter all books with isbn number `$..books[?(@.price<10)]` | filter all books cheapier than 10 `$..*` | all elements in the data (recursively extracted) Expression syntax --- Symbol | Description ----------------------|------------------------- `$` | The root object/element (not strictly necessary) `@` | The current object/element `.` or `[]` | Child operator `..` | Recursive descent `*` | Wildcard. All child elements regardless their index. `[,]` | Array indices as a set `[start:end:step]` | Array slice operator borrowed from ES4/Python. `?()` | Filters a result set by a script expression `()` | Uses the result of a script expression as the index PHP Usage --- ```php $data = ['people' => [['name' => 'Joe'], ['name' => 'Jane'], ['name' => 'John']]]; $result = (new JSONPath($data))->find('$.people.*.name'); // returns new JSONPath // $result[0] === 'Joe' // $result[1] === 'Jane' // $result[2] === 'John' ``` ### Magic method access The options flag `JSONPath::ALLOW_MAGIC` will instruct JSONPath when retrieving a value to first check if an object has a magic `__get()` method and will call this method if available. This feature is *iffy* and not very predictable as: - wildcard and recursive features will only look at public properties and can't smell which properties are magically accessible - there is no `property_exists` check for magic methods so an object with a magic `__get()` will always return `true` when checking if the property exists - any errors thrown or unpredictable behaviour caused by fetching via `__get()` is your own problem to deal with ```php $jsonPath = new JSONPath($myObject, JSONPath::ALLOW_MAGIC); ``` For more examples, check the JSONPathTest.php tests file. Script expressions ------- Script expressions are not supported as the original author intended because: - This would only be achievable through `eval` (boo). - Using the script engine from different languages defeats the purpose of having a single expression evaluate the same way in different languages which seems like a bit of a flaw if you're creating an abstract expression syntax. So here are the types of query expressions that are supported: [?(@._KEY_ _OPERATOR_ _VALUE_)] // <, >, !=, and == Eg. [?(@.title == "A string")] // [?(@.title = "A string")] // A single equals is not an assignment but the SQL-style of '==' Similar projects ---------------- [JMESPath]( does similiar things, is full of features and has a PHP implementation The [Hash]( utility from CakePHP does some similar things The original JsonPath implementations is available at []() and re-hosted for composer here [Peekmo/JsonPath]( [ObjectPath]( ([]()) appears to be a Python/JS implementation with a new name and extra features. Changelog --------- ### 0.3.0 - Added JSONPathToken class as value object - Lexer clean up and refactor - Updated the lexing and filtering of the recursive token ("..") to allow for a combination of recursion and filters, eg. $..[?(@.type == 'suburb')].name ### 0.2.1 - 0.2.5 - Various bug fixes and clean up ### 0.2.0 - Added a heap of array access features for more creative iterating and chaining possibilities ### 0.1.x - Init