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HOME about upload exec mass file domain root vuln newfile newfolder kill me

File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/consolidation/robo/src/Runner.php

<?php namespace Robo; use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\StringInput; use Robo\Contract\BuilderAwareInterface; use Robo\Collection\CollectionBuilder; use Robo\Common\IO; use Robo\Exception\TaskExitException; use League\Container\ContainerAwareInterface; use League\Container\ContainerAwareTrait; use Consolidation\Config\Util\EnvConfig; class Runner implements ContainerAwareInterface { use IO; use ContainerAwareTrait; const ROBOCLASS = 'RoboFile'; const ROBOFILE = 'RoboFile.php'; /** * @var string */ protected $roboClass; /** * @var string */ protected $roboFile; /** * Working dir of Robo. * * @var string */ protected $dir; /** * @var string[] */ protected $errorConditions = []; /** * GitHub Repo for SelfUpdate. * * @var string */ protected $selfUpdateRepository = null; /** * Filename to load configuration from (set to 'robo.yml' for RoboFiles). * * @var string */ protected $configFilename = 'conf.yml'; /** * @var string prefix for environment variable configuration overrides */ protected $envConfigPrefix = false; /** * @var null|\Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader */ protected $classLoader = null; /** * @var string */ protected $relativePluginNamespace; /** * Class Constructor * * @param null|string $roboClass * @param null|string $roboFile */ public function __construct($roboClass = null, $roboFile = null) { // set the const as class properties to allow overwriting in child classes $this->roboClass = $roboClass ? $roboClass : self::ROBOCLASS ; $this->roboFile = $roboFile ? $roboFile : self::ROBOFILE; $this->dir = getcwd(); } /** * @param string $msg * @param string $errorType */ protected function errorCondition($msg, $errorType) { $this->errorConditions[$msg] = $errorType; } /** * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output * * @return bool */ protected function loadRoboFile($output) { // If we have not been provided an output object, make a temporary one. if (!$output) { $output = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(); } // If $this->roboClass is a single class that has not already // been loaded, then we will try to obtain it from $this->roboFile. // If $this->roboClass is an array, we presume all classes requested // are available via the autoloader. if (is_array($this->roboClass) || class_exists($this->roboClass)) { return true; } if (!file_exists($this->dir)) { $this->errorCondition("Path `{$this->dir}` is invalid; please provide a valid absolute path to the Robofile to load.", 'red'); return false; } $realDir = realpath($this->dir); $roboFilePath = $realDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->roboFile; if (!file_exists($roboFilePath)) { $requestedRoboFilePath = $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->roboFile; $this->errorCondition("Requested RoboFile `$requestedRoboFilePath` is invalid, please provide valid absolute path to load Robofile.", 'red'); return false; } require_once $roboFilePath; if (!class_exists($this->roboClass)) { $this->errorCondition("Class {$this->roboClass} was not loaded.", 'red'); return false; } return true; } /** * @param array $argv * @param null|string $appName * @param null|string $appVersion * @param null|\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output * * @return int */ public function execute($argv, $appName = null, $appVersion = null, $output = null) { $argv = $this->shebang($argv); $argv = $this->processRoboOptions($argv); $app = null; if ($appName && $appVersion) { $app = Robo::createDefaultApplication($appName, $appVersion); } $commandFiles = $this->getRoboFileCommands($output); return $this->run($argv, $output, $app, $commandFiles, $this->classLoader); } /** * Get a list of locations where config files may be loaded * * @param string $userConfig * * @return string[] */ protected function getConfigFilePaths($userConfig) { $roboAppConfig = dirname(__DIR__) . '/' . basename($userConfig); $configFiles = [$userConfig, $roboAppConfig]; if (dirname($userConfig) != '.') { array_unshift($configFiles, basename($userConfig)); } return $configFiles; } /** * @param null|\Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input * @param null|\Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output * @param null|\Robo\Application $app * @param array[] $commandFiles * @param null|ClassLoader $classLoader * * @return int */ public function run($input = null, $output = null, $app = null, $commandFiles = [], $classLoader = null) { // Create default input and output objects if they were not provided if (!$input) { $input = new StringInput(''); } if (is_array($input)) { $input = new ArgvInput($input); } if (!$output) { $output = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(); } $this->setInput($input); $this->setOutput($output); // If we were not provided a container, then create one if (!$this->getContainer()) { $configFiles = $this->getConfigFilePaths($this->configFilename); $config = Robo::createConfiguration($configFiles); if ($this->envConfigPrefix) { $envConfig = new EnvConfig($this->envConfigPrefix); $config->addContext('env', $envConfig); } $container = Robo::createDefaultContainer($input, $output, $app, $config, $classLoader); $this->setContainer($container); // Automatically register a shutdown function and // an error handler when we provide the container. $this->installRoboHandlers(); } if (!$app) { $app = Robo::application(); } if ($app instanceof \Robo\Application) { $app->addSelfUpdateCommand($this->getSelfUpdateRepository()); if (!isset($commandFiles)) { $this->errorCondition("Robo is not initialized here. Please run `robo init` to create a new RoboFile.", 'yellow'); $app->addInitRoboFileCommand($this->roboFile, $this->roboClass); $commandFiles = []; } } if (!empty($this->relativePluginNamespace)) { $commandClasses = $this->discoverCommandClasses($this->relativePluginNamespace); $commandFiles = array_merge((array)$commandFiles, $commandClasses); } $this->registerCommandClasses($app, $commandFiles); try { $statusCode = $app->run($input, $output); } catch (TaskExitException $e) { $statusCode = $e->getCode() ?: 1; } // If there were any error conditions in bootstrapping Robo, // print them only if the requested command did not complete // successfully. if ($statusCode) { foreach ($this->errorConditions as $msg => $color) { $this->yell($msg, 40, $color); } } return $statusCode; } /** * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output * * @return null|string */ protected function getRoboFileCommands($output) { if (!$this->loadRoboFile($output)) { return; } return $this->roboClass; } /** * @param \Robo\Application $app * @param array $commandClasses */ public function registerCommandClasses($app, $commandClasses) { foreach ((array)$commandClasses as $commandClass) { $this->registerCommandClass($app, $commandClass); } } /** * @param string $relativeNamespace * * @return string[] */ protected function discoverCommandClasses($relativeNamespace) { /** @var \Robo\ClassDiscovery\RelativeNamespaceDiscovery $discovery */ $discovery = Robo::service('relativeNamespaceDiscovery'); $discovery->setRelativeNamespace($relativeNamespace . '\Commands') ->setSearchPattern('/.*Commands?\.php$/'); return $discovery->getClasses(); } /** * @param \Robo\Application $app * @param string|BuilderAwareInterface|ContainerAwareInterface $commandClass * * @return null|object */ public function registerCommandClass($app, $commandClass) { $container = Robo::getContainer(); $roboCommandFileInstance = $this->instantiateCommandClass($commandClass); if (!$roboCommandFileInstance) { return; } // Register commands for all of the public methods in the RoboFile. $commandFactory = $container->get('commandFactory'); $commandList = $commandFactory->createCommandsFromClass($roboCommandFileInstance); foreach ($commandList as $command) { $app->add($command); } return $roboCommandFileInstance; } /** * @param string|\Robo\Contract\BuilderAwareInterface|\League\Container\ContainerAwareInterface $commandClass * * @return null|object */ protected function instantiateCommandClass($commandClass) { $container = Robo::getContainer(); // Register the RoboFile with the container and then immediately // fetch it; this ensures that all of the inflectors will run. // If the command class is already an instantiated object, then // just use it exactly as it was provided to us. if (is_string($commandClass)) { if (!class_exists($commandClass)) { return; } $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($commandClass); if ($reflectionClass->isAbstract()) { return; } $commandFileName = "{$commandClass}Commands"; $container->share($commandFileName, $commandClass); $commandClass = $container->get($commandFileName); } // If the command class is a Builder Aware Interface, then // ensure that it has a builder. Every command class needs // its own collection builder, as they have references to each other. if ($commandClass instanceof BuilderAwareInterface) { $builder = CollectionBuilder::create($container, $commandClass); $commandClass->setBuilder($builder); } if ($commandClass instanceof ContainerAwareInterface) { $commandClass->setContainer($container); } return $commandClass; } public function installRoboHandlers() { register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); set_error_handler(array($this, 'handleError')); } /** * Process a shebang script, if one was used to launch this Runner. * * @param array $args * * @return array $args * With shebang script removed. */ protected function shebang($args) { // Option 1: Shebang line names Robo, but includes no parameters. // #!/bin/env robo // The robo class may contain multiple commands; the user may // select which one to run, or even get a list of commands or // run 'help' on any of the available commands as usual. if ((count($args) > 1) && $this->isShebangFile($args[1])) { return array_merge([$args[0]], array_slice($args, 2)); } // Option 2: Shebang line stipulates which command to run. // #!/bin/env robo mycommand // The robo class must contain a public method named 'mycommand'. // This command will be executed every time. Arguments and options // may be provided on the commandline as usual. if ((count($args) > 2) && $this->isShebangFile($args[2])) { return array_merge([$args[0]], explode(' ', $args[1]), array_slice($args, 3)); } return $args; } /** * Determine if the specified argument is a path to a shebang script. * If so, load it. * * @param string $filepath * File to check. * * @return bool * Returns TRUE if shebang script was processed. */ protected function isShebangFile($filepath) { // Avoid trying to call $filepath on remote URLs if ((strpos($filepath, '://') !== false) && (substr($filepath, 0, 7) != 'file://')) { return false; } if (!is_file($filepath)) { return false; } $fp = fopen($filepath, "r"); if ($fp === false) { return false; } $line = fgets($fp); $result = $this->isShebangLine($line); if ($result) { while ($line = fgets($fp)) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == '<?php') { $script = stream_get_contents($fp); if (preg_match('#^class *([^ ]+)#m', $script, $matches)) { $this->roboClass = $matches[1]; eval($script); $result = true; } } } } fclose($fp); return $result; } /** * Test to see if the provided line is a robo 'shebang' line. * * @param string $line * * @return bool */ protected function isShebangLine($line) { return ((substr($line, 0, 2) == '#!') && (strstr($line, 'robo') !== false)); } /** * Check for Robo-specific arguments such as --load-from, process them, * and remove them from the array. We have to process --load-from before * we set up Symfony Console. * * @param array $argv * * @return array */ protected function processRoboOptions($argv) { // loading from other directory $pos = $this->arraySearchBeginsWith('--load-from', $argv) ?: array_search('-f', $argv); if ($pos === false) { return $argv; } $passThru = array_search('--', $argv); if (($passThru !== false) && ($passThru < $pos)) { return $argv; } if (substr($argv[$pos], 0, 12) == '--load-from=') { $this->dir = substr($argv[$pos], 12); } elseif (isset($argv[$pos + 1])) { $this->dir = $argv[$pos + 1]; unset($argv[$pos + 1]); } unset($argv[$pos]); // Make adjustments if '--load-from' points at a file. if (is_file($this->dir) || (substr($this->dir, -4) == '.php')) { $this->roboFile = basename($this->dir); $this->dir = dirname($this->dir); $className = basename($this->roboFile, '.php'); if ($className != $this->roboFile) { $this->roboClass = $className; } } // Convert directory to a real path, but only if the // path exists. We do not want to lose the original // directory if the user supplied a bad value. $realDir = realpath($this->dir); if ($realDir) { chdir($realDir); $this->dir = $realDir; } return $argv; } /** * @param string $needle * @param string[] $haystack * * @return bool|int */ protected function arraySearchBeginsWith($needle, $haystack) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($haystack); ++$i) { if (substr($haystack[$i], 0, strlen($needle)) == $needle) { return $i; } } return false; } public function shutdown() { $error = error_get_last(); if (!is_array($error)) { return; } $this->writeln(sprintf("<error>ERROR: %s \nin %s:%d\n</error>", $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line'])); } /** * This is just a proxy error handler that checks the current error_reporting level. * In case error_reporting is disabled the error is marked as handled, otherwise * the normal internal error handling resumes. * * @return bool */ public function handleError() { if (error_reporting() === 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfUpdateRepository() { return $this->selfUpdateRepository; } /** * @param $selfUpdateRepository * * @return $this */ public function setSelfUpdateRepository($selfUpdateRepository) { $this->selfUpdateRepository = $selfUpdateRepository; return $this; } /** * @param string $configFilename * * @return $this */ public function setConfigurationFilename($configFilename) { $this->configFilename = $configFilename; return $this; } /** * @param string $envConfigPrefix * * @return $this */ public function setEnvConfigPrefix($envConfigPrefix) { $this->envConfigPrefix = $envConfigPrefix; return $this; } /** * @param \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader $classLoader * * @return $this */ public function setClassLoader(ClassLoader $classLoader) { $this->classLoader = $classLoader; return $this; } /** * @param string $relativeNamespace * * @return $this */ public function setRelativePluginNamespace($relativeNamespace) { $this->relativePluginNamespace = $relativeNamespace; return $this; } }