Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-348.2.1.el8_5.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 16 14:42:35 UTC 2021 x86_64
Disable function : NONE
Safe mode : OFF
Host : | Server ip : | Your ip : | Time @ Server : 19 Oct 2024 11:23:53
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HOME about upload exec mass file domain root vuln newfile newfolder kill me

File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Util/Perforce.php

<?php /* * This file is part of Composer. * * (c) Nils Adermann <> * Jordi Boggiano <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Util; use Composer\IO\IOInterface; use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; /** * @author Matt Whittom <> */ class Perforce { protected $path; protected $p4Depot; protected $p4Client; protected $p4User; protected $p4Password; protected $p4Port; protected $p4Stream; protected $p4ClientSpec; protected $p4DepotType; protected $p4Branch; protected $process; protected $uniquePerforceClientName; protected $windowsFlag; protected $commandResult; protected $io; protected $filesystem; public function __construct($repoConfig, $port, $path, ProcessExecutor $process, $isWindows, IOInterface $io) { $this->windowsFlag = $isWindows; $this->p4Port = $port; $this->initializePath($path); $this->process = $process; $this->initialize($repoConfig); $this->io = $io; } public static function create($repoConfig, $port, $path, ProcessExecutor $process, IOInterface $io) { return new Perforce($repoConfig, $port, $path, $process, Platform::isWindows(), $io); } public static function checkServerExists($url, ProcessExecutor $processExecutor) { $output = null; return 0 === $processExecutor->execute('p4 -p ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($url) . ' info -s', $output); } public function initialize($repoConfig) { $this->uniquePerforceClientName = $this->generateUniquePerforceClientName(); if (!$repoConfig) { return; } if (isset($repoConfig['unique_perforce_client_name'])) { $this->uniquePerforceClientName = $repoConfig['unique_perforce_client_name']; } if (isset($repoConfig['depot'])) { $this->p4Depot = $repoConfig['depot']; } if (isset($repoConfig['branch'])) { $this->p4Branch = $repoConfig['branch']; } if (isset($repoConfig['p4user'])) { $this->p4User = $repoConfig['p4user']; } else { $this->p4User = $this->getP4variable('P4USER'); } if (isset($repoConfig['p4password'])) { $this->p4Password = $repoConfig['p4password']; } } public function initializeDepotAndBranch($depot, $branch) { if (isset($depot)) { $this->p4Depot = $depot; } if (isset($branch)) { $this->p4Branch = $branch; } } public function generateUniquePerforceClientName() { return gethostname() . "_" . time(); } public function cleanupClientSpec() { $client = $this->getClient(); $task = 'client -d ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($client); $useP4Client = false; $command = $this->generateP4Command($task, $useP4Client); $this->executeCommand($command); $clientSpec = $this->getP4ClientSpec(); $fileSystem = $this->getFilesystem(); $fileSystem->remove($clientSpec); } protected function executeCommand($command) { $this->commandResult = ''; return $this->process->execute($command, $this->commandResult); } public function getClient() { if (!isset($this->p4Client)) { $cleanStreamName = str_replace(array('//', '/', '@'), array('', '_', ''), $this->getStream()); $this->p4Client = 'composer_perforce_' . $this->uniquePerforceClientName . '_' . $cleanStreamName; } return $this->p4Client; } protected function getPath() { return $this->path; } public function initializePath($path) { $this->path = $path; $fs = $this->getFilesystem(); $fs->ensureDirectoryExists($path); } protected function getPort() { return $this->p4Port; } public function setStream($stream) { $this->p4Stream = $stream; $index = strrpos($stream, '/'); //Stream format is //depot/stream, while non-streaming depot is //depot if ($index > 2) { $this->p4DepotType = 'stream'; } } public function isStream() { return (strcmp($this->p4DepotType, 'stream') === 0); } public function getStream() { if (!isset($this->p4Stream)) { if ($this->isStream()) { $this->p4Stream = '//' . $this->p4Depot . '/' . $this->p4Branch; } else { $this->p4Stream = '//' . $this->p4Depot; } } return $this->p4Stream; } public function getStreamWithoutLabel($stream) { $index = strpos($stream, '@'); if ($index === false) { return $stream; } return substr($stream, 0, $index); } public function getP4ClientSpec() { return $this->path . '/' . $this->getClient() . '.p4.spec'; } public function getUser() { return $this->p4User; } public function setUser($user) { $this->p4User = $user; } public function queryP4User() { $this->getUser(); if (strlen($this->p4User) > 0) { return; } $this->p4User = $this->getP4variable('P4USER'); if (strlen($this->p4User) > 0) { return; } $this->p4User = $this->io->ask('Enter P4 User:'); if ($this->windowsFlag) { $command = 'p4 set P4USER=' . $this->p4User; } else { $command = 'export P4USER=' . $this->p4User; } $this->executeCommand($command); } protected function getP4variable($name) { if ($this->windowsFlag) { $command = 'p4 set'; $this->executeCommand($command); $result = trim($this->commandResult); $resArray = explode(PHP_EOL, $result); foreach ($resArray as $line) { $fields = explode('=', $line); if (strcmp($name, $fields[0]) == 0) { $index = strpos($fields[1], ' '); if ($index === false) { $value = $fields[1]; } else { $value = substr($fields[1], 0, $index); } $value = trim($value); return $value; } } return null; } $command = 'echo $' . $name; $this->executeCommand($command); $result = trim($this->commandResult); return $result; } public function queryP4Password() { if (isset($this->p4Password)) { return $this->p4Password; } $password = $this->getP4variable('P4PASSWD'); if (strlen($password) <= 0) { $password = $this->io->askAndHideAnswer('Enter password for Perforce user ' . $this->getUser() . ': '); } $this->p4Password = $password; return $password; } public function generateP4Command($command, $useClient = true) { $p4Command = 'p4 '; $p4Command .= '-u ' . $this->getUser() . ' '; if ($useClient) { $p4Command .= '-c ' . $this->getClient() . ' '; } $p4Command = $p4Command . '-p ' . $this->getPort() . ' ' . $command; return $p4Command; } public function isLoggedIn() { $command = $this->generateP4Command('login -s', false); $exitCode = $this->executeCommand($command); if ($exitCode) { $errorOutput = $this->process->getErrorOutput(); $index = strpos($errorOutput, $this->getUser()); if ($index === false) { $index = strpos($errorOutput, 'p4'); if ($index === false) { return false; } throw new \Exception('p4 command not found in path: ' . $errorOutput); } throw new \Exception('Invalid user name: ' . $this->getUser()); } return true; } public function connectClient() { $p4CreateClientCommand = $this->generateP4Command( 'client -i < ' . str_replace(" ", "\\ ", $this->getP4ClientSpec()) ); $this->executeCommand($p4CreateClientCommand); } public function syncCodeBase($sourceReference) { $prevDir = getcwd(); chdir($this->path); $p4SyncCommand = $this->generateP4Command('sync -f '); if (null !== $sourceReference) { $p4SyncCommand .= '@' . $sourceReference; } $this->executeCommand($p4SyncCommand); chdir($prevDir); } public function writeClientSpecToFile($spec) { fwrite($spec, 'Client: ' . $this->getClient() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, 'Update: ' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, 'Access: ' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s') . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, 'Owner: ' . $this->getUser() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, 'Description:' . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, ' Created by ' . $this->getUser() . ' from composer.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, 'Root: ' . $this->getPath() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, 'Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked modtime rmdir' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, 'SubmitOptions: revertunchanged' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, 'LineEnd: local' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); if ($this->isStream()) { fwrite($spec, 'Stream:' . PHP_EOL); fwrite($spec, ' ' . $this->getStreamWithoutLabel($this->p4Stream) . PHP_EOL); } else { fwrite( $spec, 'View: ' . $this->getStream() . '/... //' . $this->getClient() . '/... ' . PHP_EOL ); } } public function writeP4ClientSpec() { $clientSpec = $this->getP4ClientSpec(); $spec = fopen($clientSpec, 'w'); try { $this->writeClientSpecToFile($spec); } catch (\Exception $e) { fclose($spec); throw $e; } fclose($spec); } protected function read($pipe, $name) { if (feof($pipe)) { return; } $line = fgets($pipe); while ($line !== false) { $line = fgets($pipe); } } public function windowsLogin($password) { $command = $this->generateP4Command(' login -a'); // TODO in v3 generate command as an array if (method_exists('Symfony\Component\Process\Process', 'fromShellCommandline')) { $process = Process::fromShellCommandline($command, null, null, $password); } else { $process = new Process($command, null, null, $password); } return $process->run(); } public function p4Login() { $this->queryP4User(); if (!$this->isLoggedIn()) { $password = $this->queryP4Password(); if ($this->windowsFlag) { $this->windowsLogin($password); } else { $command = 'echo ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($password) . ' | ' . $this->generateP4Command(' login -a', false); $exitCode = $this->executeCommand($command); $result = trim($this->commandResult); if ($exitCode) { throw new \Exception("Error logging in:" . $this->process->getErrorOutput()); } } } } public function getComposerInformation($identifier) { $composerFileContent = $this->getFileContent('composer.json', $identifier); if (!$composerFileContent) { return; } return json_decode($composerFileContent, true); } public function getFileContent($file, $identifier) { $path = $this->getFilePath($file, $identifier); $command = $this->generateP4Command(' print ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($path)); $this->executeCommand($command); $result = $this->commandResult; if (!trim($result)) { return null; } return $result; } public function getFilePath($file, $identifier) { $index = strpos($identifier, '@'); if ($index === false) { $path = $identifier. '/' . $file; return $path; } $path = substr($identifier, 0, $index) . '/' . $file . substr($identifier, $index); $command = $this->generateP4Command(' files ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($path), false); $this->executeCommand($command); $result = $this->commandResult; $index2 = strpos($result, 'no such file(s).'); if ($index2 === false) { $index3 = strpos($result, 'change'); if ($index3 !== false) { $phrase = trim(substr($result, $index3)); $fields = explode(' ', $phrase); return substr($identifier, 0, $index) . '/' . $file . '@' . $fields[1]; } } return null; } public function getBranches() { $possibleBranches = array(); if (!$this->isStream()) { $possibleBranches[$this->p4Branch] = $this->getStream(); } else { $command = $this->generateP4Command('streams '.ProcessExecutor::escape('//' . $this->p4Depot . '/...')); $this->executeCommand($command); $result = $this->commandResult; $resArray = explode(PHP_EOL, $result); foreach ($resArray as $line) { $resBits = explode(' ', $line); if (count($resBits) > 4) { $branch = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/', '', $resBits[4]); $possibleBranches[$branch] = $resBits[1]; } } } $command = $this->generateP4Command('changes '. ProcessExecutor::escape($this->getStream() . '/...'), false); $this->executeCommand($command); $result = $this->commandResult; $resArray = explode(PHP_EOL, $result); $lastCommit = $resArray[0]; $lastCommitArr = explode(' ', $lastCommit); $lastCommitNum = $lastCommitArr[1]; $branches = array('master' => $possibleBranches[$this->p4Branch] . '@'. $lastCommitNum); return $branches; } public function getTags() { $command = $this->generateP4Command('labels'); $this->executeCommand($command); $result = $this->commandResult; $resArray = explode(PHP_EOL, $result); $tags = array(); foreach ($resArray as $line) { if (strpos($line, 'Label') !== false) { $fields = explode(' ', $line); $tags[$fields[1]] = $this->getStream() . '@' . $fields[1]; } } return $tags; } public function checkStream() { $command = $this->generateP4Command('depots', false); $this->executeCommand($command); $result = $this->commandResult; $resArray = explode(PHP_EOL, $result); foreach ($resArray as $line) { if (strpos($line, 'Depot') !== false) { $fields = explode(' ', $line); if (strcmp($this->p4Depot, $fields[1]) === 0) { $this->p4DepotType = $fields[3]; return $this->isStream(); } } } return false; } /** * @param string $reference * @return mixed|null */ protected function getChangeList($reference) { $index = strpos($reference, '@'); if ($index === false) { return null; } $label = substr($reference, $index); $command = $this->generateP4Command(' changes -m1 ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($label)); $this->executeCommand($command); $changes = $this->commandResult; if (strpos($changes, 'Change') !== 0) { return null; } $fields = explode(' ', $changes); return $fields[1]; } /** * @param string $fromReference * @param string $toReference * @return mixed|null */ public function getCommitLogs($fromReference, $toReference) { $fromChangeList = $this->getChangeList($fromReference); if ($fromChangeList === null) { return null; } $toChangeList = $this->getChangeList($toReference); if ($toChangeList === null) { return null; } $index = strpos($fromReference, '@'); $main = substr($fromReference, 0, $index) . '/...'; $command = $this->generateP4Command('filelog ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($main . '@' . $fromChangeList. ',' . $toChangeList)); $this->executeCommand($command); return $this->commandResult; } public function getFilesystem() { if (empty($this->filesystem)) { $this->filesystem = new Filesystem($this->process); } return $this->filesystem; } public function setFilesystem(Filesystem $fs) { $this->filesystem = $fs; } }