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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/composer/composer/src/Composer/Util/Filesystem.php

<?php /* * This file is part of Composer. * * (c) Nils Adermann <> * Jordi Boggiano <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Util; use RecursiveDirectoryIterator; use RecursiveIteratorIterator; use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; /** * @author Jordi Boggiano <> * @author Johannes M. Schmitt <> */ class Filesystem { private $processExecutor; public function __construct(ProcessExecutor $executor = null) { $this->processExecutor = $executor ?: new ProcessExecutor(); } public function remove($file) { if (is_dir($file)) { return $this->removeDirectory($file); } if (file_exists($file)) { return $this->unlink($file); } return false; } /** * Checks if a directory is empty * * @param string $dir * @return bool */ public function isDirEmpty($dir) { $finder = Finder::create() ->ignoreVCS(false) ->ignoreDotFiles(false) ->depth(0) ->in($dir); return count($finder) === 0; } public function emptyDirectory($dir, $ensureDirectoryExists = true) { if (file_exists($dir) && is_link($dir)) { $this->unlink($dir); } if ($ensureDirectoryExists) { $this->ensureDirectoryExists($dir); } if (is_dir($dir)) { $finder = Finder::create() ->ignoreVCS(false) ->ignoreDotFiles(false) ->depth(0) ->in($dir); foreach ($finder as $path) { $this->remove((string) $path); } } } /** * Recursively remove a directory * * Uses the process component if proc_open is enabled on the PHP * installation. * * @param string $directory * @throws \RuntimeException * @return bool */ public function removeDirectory($directory) { if ($this->isSymlinkedDirectory($directory)) { return $this->unlinkSymlinkedDirectory($directory); } if ($this->isJunction($directory)) { return $this->removeJunction($directory); } if (is_link($directory)) { return unlink($directory); } if (!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) { return true; } if (preg_match('{^(?:[a-z]:)?[/\\\\]+$}i', $directory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Aborting an attempted deletion of '.$directory.', this was probably not intended, if it is a real use case please report it.'); } if (!function_exists('proc_open')) { return $this->removeDirectoryPhp($directory); } if (Platform::isWindows()) { $cmd = sprintf('rmdir /S /Q %s', ProcessExecutor::escape(realpath($directory))); } else { $cmd = sprintf('rm -rf %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($directory)); } $result = $this->getProcess()->execute($cmd, $output) === 0; // clear stat cache because external processes aren't tracked by the php stat cache clearstatcache(); if ($result && !file_exists($directory)) { return true; } return $this->removeDirectoryPhp($directory); } /** * Recursively delete directory using PHP iterators. * * Uses a CHILD_FIRST RecursiveIteratorIterator to sort files * before directories, creating a single non-recursive loop * to delete files/directories in the correct order. * * @param string $directory * @return bool */ public function removeDirectoryPhp($directory) { try { $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { // re-try once after clearing the stat cache if it failed as it // sometimes fails without apparent reason, see clearstatcache(); usleep(100000); if (!is_dir($directory)) { return true; } $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); } $ri = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($ri as $file) { if ($file->isDir()) { $this->rmdir($file->getPathname()); } else { $this->unlink($file->getPathname()); } } return $this->rmdir($directory); } public function ensureDirectoryExists($directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { if (file_exists($directory)) { throw new \RuntimeException( $directory.' exists and is not a directory.' ); } if (!@mkdir($directory, 0777, true)) { throw new \RuntimeException( $directory.' does not exist and could not be created.' ); } } } /** * Attempts to unlink a file and in case of failure retries after 350ms on windows * * @param string $path * @throws \RuntimeException * @return bool */ public function unlink($path) { $unlinked = @$this->unlinkImplementation($path); if (!$unlinked) { // retry after a bit on windows since it tends to be touchy with mass removals if (Platform::isWindows()) { usleep(350000); $unlinked = @$this->unlinkImplementation($path); } if (!$unlinked) { $error = error_get_last(); $message = 'Could not delete '.$path.': ' . @$error['message']; if (Platform::isWindows()) { $message .= "\nThis can be due to an antivirus or the Windows Search Indexer locking the file while they are analyzed"; } throw new \RuntimeException($message); } } return true; } /** * Attempts to rmdir a file and in case of failure retries after 350ms on windows * * @param string $path * @throws \RuntimeException * @return bool */ public function rmdir($path) { $deleted = @rmdir($path); if (!$deleted) { // retry after a bit on windows since it tends to be touchy with mass removals if (Platform::isWindows()) { usleep(350000); $deleted = @rmdir($path); } if (!$deleted) { $error = error_get_last(); $message = 'Could not delete '.$path.': ' . @$error['message']; if (Platform::isWindows()) { $message .= "\nThis can be due to an antivirus or the Windows Search Indexer locking the file while they are analyzed"; } throw new \RuntimeException($message); } } return true; } /** * Copy then delete is a non-atomic version of {@link rename}. * * Some systems can't rename and also don't have proc_open, * which requires this solution. * * @param string $source * @param string $target */ public function copyThenRemove($source, $target) { $this->copy($source, $target); if (!is_dir($source)) { $this->unlink($source); return; } $this->removeDirectoryPhp($source); } /** * Copies a file or directory from $source to $target. * * @param string $source * @param string $target * @return bool */ public function copy($source, $target) { if (!is_dir($source)) { return copy($source, $target); } $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $ri = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $this->ensureDirectoryExists($target); $result = true; foreach ($ri as $file) { $targetPath = $target . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ri->getSubPathName(); if ($file->isDir()) { $this->ensureDirectoryExists($targetPath); } else { $result = $result && copy($file->getPathname(), $targetPath); } } return $result; } public function rename($source, $target) { if (true === @rename($source, $target)) { return; } if (!function_exists('proc_open')) { $this->copyThenRemove($source, $target); return; } if (Platform::isWindows()) { // Try to copy & delete - this is a workaround for random "Access denied" errors. $command = sprintf('xcopy %s %s /E /I /Q /Y', ProcessExecutor::escape($source), ProcessExecutor::escape($target)); $result = $this->processExecutor->execute($command, $output); // clear stat cache because external processes aren't tracked by the php stat cache clearstatcache(); if (0 === $result) { $this->remove($source); return; } } else { // We do not use PHP's "rename" function here since it does not support // the case where $source, and $target are located on different partitions. $command = sprintf('mv %s %s', ProcessExecutor::escape($source), ProcessExecutor::escape($target)); $result = $this->processExecutor->execute($command, $output); // clear stat cache because external processes aren't tracked by the php stat cache clearstatcache(); if (0 === $result) { return; } } $this->copyThenRemove($source, $target); } /** * Returns the shortest path from $from to $to * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @param bool $directories if true, the source/target are considered to be directories * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return string */ public function findShortestPath($from, $to, $directories = false) { if (!$this->isAbsolutePath($from) || !$this->isAbsolutePath($to)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('$from (%s) and $to (%s) must be absolute paths.', $from, $to)); } $from = lcfirst($this->normalizePath($from)); $to = lcfirst($this->normalizePath($to)); if ($directories) { $from = rtrim($from, '/') . '/dummy_file'; } if (dirname($from) === dirname($to)) { return './'.basename($to); } $commonPath = $to; while (strpos($from.'/', $commonPath.'/') !== 0 && '/' !== $commonPath && !preg_match('{^[a-z]:/?$}i', $commonPath)) { $commonPath = strtr(dirname($commonPath), '\\', '/'); } if (0 !== strpos($from, $commonPath) || '/' === $commonPath) { return $to; } $commonPath = rtrim($commonPath, '/') . '/'; $sourcePathDepth = substr_count(substr($from, strlen($commonPath)), '/'); $commonPathCode = str_repeat('../', $sourcePathDepth); return ($commonPathCode . substr($to, strlen($commonPath))) ?: './'; } /** * Returns PHP code that, when executed in $from, will return the path to $to * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @param bool $directories if true, the source/target are considered to be directories * @param bool $staticCode * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @return string */ public function findShortestPathCode($from, $to, $directories = false, $staticCode = false) { if (!$this->isAbsolutePath($from) || !$this->isAbsolutePath($to)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('$from (%s) and $to (%s) must be absolute paths.', $from, $to)); } $from = lcfirst($this->normalizePath($from)); $to = lcfirst($this->normalizePath($to)); if ($from === $to) { return $directories ? '__DIR__' : '__FILE__'; } $commonPath = $to; while (strpos($from.'/', $commonPath.'/') !== 0 && '/' !== $commonPath && !preg_match('{^[a-z]:/?$}i', $commonPath) && '.' !== $commonPath) { $commonPath = strtr(dirname($commonPath), '\\', '/'); } if (0 !== strpos($from, $commonPath) || '/' === $commonPath || '.' === $commonPath) { return var_export($to, true); } $commonPath = rtrim($commonPath, '/') . '/'; if (strpos($to, $from.'/') === 0) { return '__DIR__ . '.var_export(substr($to, strlen($from)), true); } $sourcePathDepth = substr_count(substr($from, strlen($commonPath)), '/') + $directories; if ($staticCode) { $commonPathCode = "__DIR__ . '".str_repeat('/..', $sourcePathDepth)."'"; } else { $commonPathCode = str_repeat('dirname(', $sourcePathDepth).'__DIR__'.str_repeat(')', $sourcePathDepth); } $relTarget = substr($to, strlen($commonPath)); return $commonPathCode . (strlen($relTarget) ? '.' . var_export('/' . $relTarget, true) : ''); } /** * Checks if the given path is absolute * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function isAbsolutePath($path) { return substr($path, 0, 1) === '/' || substr($path, 1, 1) === ':' || substr($path, 0, 2) === '\\\\'; } /** * Returns size of a file or directory specified by path. If a directory is * given, it's size will be computed recursively. * * @param string $path Path to the file or directory * @throws \RuntimeException * @return int */ public function size($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException("$path does not exist."); } if (is_dir($path)) { return $this->directorySize($path); } return filesize($path); } /** * Normalize a path. This replaces backslashes with slashes, removes ending * slash and collapses redundant separators and up-level references. * * @param string $path Path to the file or directory * @return string */ public function normalizePath($path) { $parts = array(); $path = strtr($path, '\\', '/'); $prefix = ''; $absolute = false; // extract a prefix being a protocol://, protocol:, protocol://drive: or simply drive: if (preg_match('{^( [0-9a-z]{2,}+: (?: // (?: [a-z]: )? )? | [a-z]: )}ix', $path, $match)) { $prefix = $match[1]; $path = substr($path, strlen($prefix)); } if (substr($path, 0, 1) === '/') { $absolute = true; $path = substr($path, 1); } $up = false; foreach (explode('/', $path) as $chunk) { if ('..' === $chunk && ($absolute || $up)) { array_pop($parts); $up = !(empty($parts) || '..' === end($parts)); } elseif ('.' !== $chunk && '' !== $chunk) { $parts[] = $chunk; $up = '..' !== $chunk; } } return $prefix.($absolute ? '/' : '').implode('/', $parts); } /** * Return if the given path is local * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public static function isLocalPath($path) { return (bool) preg_match('{^(file://(?!//)|/(?!/)|/?[a-z]:[\\\\/]|\.\.[\\\\/]|[a-z0-9_.-]+[\\\\/])}i', $path); } public static function getPlatformPath($path) { if (Platform::isWindows()) { $path = preg_replace('{^(?:file:///([a-z]):?/)}i', 'file://$1:/', $path); } return preg_replace('{^file://}i', '', $path); } protected function directorySize($directory) { $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $ri = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); $size = 0; foreach ($ri as $file) { if ($file->isFile()) { $size += $file->getSize(); } } return $size; } protected function getProcess() { return $this->processExecutor; } /** * delete symbolic link implementation (commonly known as "unlink()") * * symbolic links on windows which link to directories need rmdir instead of unlink * * @param string $path * * @return bool */ private function unlinkImplementation($path) { if (Platform::isWindows() && is_dir($path) && is_link($path)) { return rmdir($path); } return unlink($path); } /** * Creates a relative symlink from $link to $target * * @param string $target The path of the binary file to be symlinked * @param string $link The path where the symlink should be created * @return bool */ public function relativeSymlink($target, $link) { $cwd = getcwd(); $relativePath = $this->findShortestPath($link, $target); chdir(dirname($link)); $result = @symlink($relativePath, $link); chdir($cwd); return $result; } /** * return true if that directory is a symlink. * * @param string $directory * * @return bool */ public function isSymlinkedDirectory($directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { return false; } $resolved = $this->resolveSymlinkedDirectorySymlink($directory); return is_link($resolved); } /** * @param string $directory * * @return bool */ private function unlinkSymlinkedDirectory($directory) { $resolved = $this->resolveSymlinkedDirectorySymlink($directory); return $this->unlink($resolved); } /** * resolve pathname to symbolic link of a directory * * @param string $pathname directory path to resolve * * @return string resolved path to symbolic link or original pathname (unresolved) */ private function resolveSymlinkedDirectorySymlink($pathname) { if (!is_dir($pathname)) { return $pathname; } $resolved = rtrim($pathname, '/'); if (!strlen($resolved)) { return $pathname; } return $resolved; } /** * Creates an NTFS junction. * * @param string $target * @param string $junction */ public function junction($target, $junction) { if (!Platform::isWindows()) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Function %s is not available on non-Windows platform', __CLASS__)); } if (!is_dir($target)) { throw new IOException(sprintf('Cannot junction to "%s" as it is not a directory.', $target), 0, null, $target); } $cmd = sprintf( 'mklink /J %s %s', ProcessExecutor::escape(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $junction)), ProcessExecutor::escape(realpath($target)) ); if ($this->getProcess()->execute($cmd, $output) !== 0) { throw new IOException(sprintf('Failed to create junction to "%s" at "%s".', $target, $junction), 0, null, $target); } clearstatcache(true, $junction); } /** * Returns whether the target directory is a Windows NTFS Junction. * * We test if the path is a directory and not an ordinary link, then check * that the mode value returned from lstat (which gives the status of the * link itself) is not a directory, by replicating the POSIX S_ISDIR test. * * This logic works because PHP does not set the mode value for a junction, * since there is no universal file type flag for it. Unfortunately an * uninitialized variable in PHP prior to 7.2.16 and 7.3.3 may cause a * random value to be returned. See * * If this random value passes the S_ISDIR test, then a junction will not be * detected and a recursive delete operation could lead to loss of data in * the target directory. Note that Windows rmdir can handle this situation * and will only delete the junction (from Windows 7 onwards). * * @param string $junction Path to check. * @return bool */ public function isJunction($junction) { if (!Platform::isWindows()) { return false; } // Important to clear all caches first clearstatcache(true, $junction); if (!is_dir($junction) || is_link($junction)) { return false; } $stat = lstat($junction); // S_ISDIR test (S_IFDIR is 0x4000, S_IFMT is 0xF000 bitmask) return $stat ? 0x4000 !== ($stat['mode'] & 0xF000) : false; } /** * Removes a Windows NTFS junction. * * @param string $junction * @return bool */ public function removeJunction($junction) { if (!Platform::isWindows()) { return false; } $junction = rtrim(str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $junction), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (!$this->isJunction($junction)) { throw new IOException(sprintf('%s is not a junction and thus cannot be removed as one', $junction)); } return $this->rmdir($junction); } }