Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-348.2.1.el8_5.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 16 14:42:35 UTC 2021 x86_64
Disable function : NONE
Safe mode : OFF
Host : | Server ip : | Your ip : | Time @ Server : 19 Oct 2024 05:27:51
MySQL : OFF | MSSQL : OFF | cURL : ON | Oracle : OFF | wget : ON | Perl : ON


HOME about upload exec mass file domain root vuln newfile newfolder kill me

File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/codeception/codeception/RoboFile.php

<?php require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; use Robo\Task\Development\GenerateMarkdownDoc as Doc; class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks { const STABLE_BRANCH = '2.4'; const REPO_BLOB_URL = ''; public function release() { $this->say("CODECEPTION RELEASE: ".\Codeception\Codecept::VERSION); $this->update(); $this->buildDocs(); $this->publishDocs(); $this->buildPhar(); $this->buildPhar5(); $this->publishPhar(); $this->publishGit(); $this->publishBase(null, \Codeception\Codecept::VERSION); $this->versionBump(); $this->update(); //update dependencies after release, because buildPhar5 set them to old versions } public function versionBump($version = '') { if (!$version) { $versionParts = explode('.', \Codeception\Codecept::VERSION); $versionParts[count($versionParts)-1]++; $version = implode('.', $versionParts); } $this->say("Bumping version to $version"); $this->taskReplaceInFile('src/Codeception/Codecept.php') ->from(\Codeception\Codecept::VERSION) ->to($version) ->run(); } public function update() { $this->clean(); $this->taskComposerUpdate()->dir('tests/data/claypit')->run(); $this->taskComposerUpdate()->run(); } public function changed($change) { $this->taskChangelog() ->version(\Codeception\Codecept::VERSION) ->change($change) ->run(); } protected function server() { $this->taskServer(8000) ->background() ->dir('tests/data/app') ->run(); } public function testPhpbrowser($args = '', $opt = ['test|t' => null]) { $test = $opt['test'] ? ':'.$opt['test'] : ''; $this->server(); $this->taskCodecept('./codecept') ->args($args) ->test('tests/unit/Codeception/Module/PhpBrowserTest.php'.$test) ->run(); } public function testRestBrowser($args = '', $opt = ['test|t' => null]) { $test = $opt['test'] ? ':'.$opt['test'] : ''; $this->taskServer(8010) ->background() ->dir('tests/data') ->run(); $this->taskCodecept('./codecept') ->test('tests/unit/Codeception/Module/PhpBrowserRestTest.php'.$test) ->args($args) ->run(); } public function testCoverage() { $this->server(); $this->taskSymfonyCommand(new \Codeception\Command\Run('run')) ->arg('suite', 'coverage') ->run(); } public function testWebdriver($args = '', $opt = ['test|t' => null]) { $test = $opt['test'] ? ':'.$opt['test'] : ''; $this->taskServer(8000) ->dir('tests/data/app') ->background() ->host('') ->run(); $this->taskCodecept('./codecept') ->suite('web') ->args($args) ->run(); } public function testLaunchServer() { $this->taskServer(8010) ->background() ->dir('tests/data/rest') ->run(); $this->taskServer(8000) ->dir('tests/data/app') ->run(); } public function testCli() { $this->taskSymfonyCommand(new \Codeception\Command\Run('run')) ->arg('suite', 'cli') ->run(); $this->taskSymfonyCommand(new \Codeception\Command\Run('run')) ->arg('suite', 'tests/unit/Codeception/Command') ->run(); } private function installDependenciesForPhp5() { $this->taskReplaceInFile('composer.json') ->regex('/"platform": \{.*?\}/') ->to('"platform": {"php": "5.6.0"}') ->run(); $this->taskComposerUpdate()->run(); } private function installDependenciesForPhp70() { $this->taskReplaceInFile('composer.json') ->regex('/"platform": \{.*?\}/') ->to('"platform": {"php": "7.0.0"}') ->run(); $this->taskComposerUpdate()->run(); } private function revertComposerJsonChanges() { $this->taskReplaceInFile('composer.json') ->regex('/"platform": \{.*?\}/') ->to('"platform": {}') ->run(); } /** * @desc creates codecept.phar * @throws Exception */ public function buildPhar() { $this->installDependenciesForPhp70(); $this->packPhar('package/codecept.phar'); $code = $this->taskExec('php codecept.phar')->dir('package')->run()->getExitCode(); if ($code !== 0) { throw new Exception("There was problem compiling phar"); } $this->revertComposerJsonChanges(); } /** * @desc creates codecept.phar with Guzzle 5.3 and Symfony 2.8 * @throws Exception */ public function buildPhar5() { if (!file_exists('package/php54')) { mkdir('package/php54'); } $this->installDependenciesForPhp5(); $this->packPhar('package/codecept5.phar'); $this->_copy('package/codecept5.phar', 'package/php54/codecept.phar'); $code = $this->taskExec('php codecept.phar')->dir('package/php54')->run()->getExitCode(); if ($code !== 0) { throw new Exception("There was problem compiling phar"); } $this->revertComposerJsonChanges(); } private function packPhar($pharFileName) { $pharTask = $this->taskPackPhar($pharFileName) ->compress() ->stub('package/stub.php'); $finder = Finder::create() ->ignoreVCS(true) ->name('*.php') ->name('*.tpl.dist') ->name('*.html.dist') ->in('src'); foreach ($finder as $file) { $pharTask->addFile('src/'.$file->getRelativePathname(), $file->getRealPath()); } $finder = Finder::create() ->ignoreVCS(true) ->name('*.php') ->in('ext'); foreach ($finder as $file) { $pharTask->addFile('ext/'.$file->getRelativePathname(), $file->getRealPath()); } $finder = Finder::create()->files() ->ignoreVCS(true) ->name('*.php') ->name('*.css') ->name('*.png') ->name('*.js') ->name('*.css') ->name('*.eot') ->name('*.svg') ->name('*.ttf') ->name('*.wof') ->name('*.woff') ->name('*.woff2') ->name('*.png') ->name('*.tpl.dist') ->name('*.html.dist') ->exclude('videlalvaro') ->exclude('php-amqplib') ->exclude('pheanstalk') ->exclude('phpseclib') ->exclude('codegyre') ->exclude('monolog') ->exclude('phpspec') ->exclude('squizlabs') ->exclude('Tests') ->exclude('tests') ->exclude('benchmark') ->exclude('demo') ->in('vendor'); foreach ($finder as $file) { $pharTask->addStripped('vendor/'.$file->getRelativePathname(), $file->getRealPath()); } $pharTask->addFile('autoload.php', 'autoload.php') ->addFile('codecept', 'package/bin') ->addFile('shim.php', 'shim.php'); if (file_exists(__DIR__ .'phpunit5-loggers.php')) { $pharTask->addFile('phpunit5-loggers.php', 'phpunit5-loggers.php'); } $pharTask->run(); } /** * @desc generates modules reference from source files */ public function buildDocs() { $this->say('generating documentation from source files'); $this->buildDocsModules(); $this->buildDocsUtils(); $this->buildDocsCommands(); $this->buildDocsStub(); $this->buildDocsApi(); $this->buildDocsExtensions(); } public function buildDocsModules() { $this->taskCleanDir('docs/modules')->run(); $this->say("Modules"); $modules = Finder::create()->files()->name('*.php')->in(__DIR__ . '/src/Codeception/Module'); foreach ($modules as $module) { $moduleName = basename(substr($module, 0, -4)); $className = 'Codeception\Module\\' . $moduleName; $source = "" .self::STABLE_BRANCH."/src/Codeception/Module/$moduleName.php"; $this->taskGenDoc('docs/modules/' . $moduleName . '.md') ->docClass($className) ->prepend('# '.$moduleName) ->append('<p>&nbsp;</p><div class="alert alert-warning">Module reference is taken from the source code. <a href="'.$source.'">Help us to improve documentation. Edit module reference</a></div>') ->processClassSignature(false) ->processClassDocBlock(function (\ReflectionClass $c, $text) { return "$text\n## Actions"; })->processProperty(false) ->filterMethods(function (\ReflectionMethod $method) use ($className) { if ($method->isConstructor() or $method->isDestructor()) { return false; } if (!$method->isPublic()) { return false; } if (strpos($method->name, '_') === 0) { $doc = $method->getDocComment(); try { $doc = $doc . $method->getPrototype()->getDocComment(); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { } if (strpos($doc, '@api') === false) { return false; } }; return true; })->processMethod(function (\ReflectionMethod $method, $text) use ($className, $moduleName) { $title = "\n### {$method->name}\n"; if (strpos($method->name, '_') === 0) { $text = str_replace("@api\n", '', $text); $text = "\n*hidden API method, expected to be used from Helper classes*\n" . $text; $text = str_replace("{{MODULE_NAME}}", $moduleName, $text); }; if (!trim($text)) { return $title . "__not documented__\n"; } $text = str_replace( ['@since', '@version'], [' * `Available since`', ' * `Available since`'], $text ); $text = str_replace('@part ', ' * `[Part]` ', $text); $text = str_replace("@return mixed\n", '', $text); $text = preg_replace('~@return (.*?)~', ' * `return` $1', $text); $text = preg_replace("~^@(.*?)([$\s])~", ' * `$1` $2', $text); $result = $title . $text; return preg_replace('/\n(\s*\n){2,}/', "\n\n", $result); })->processMethodSignature(false) ->reorderMethods('ksort') ->run(); } } public function buildDocsUtils() { $this->say("Util Classes"); $utils = ['Autoload', 'Fixtures', 'Locator', 'XmlBuilder', 'JsonType', 'HttpCode']; foreach ($utils as $utilName) { $className = '\Codeception\Util\\' . $utilName; $source = self::REPO_BLOB_URL."/".self::STABLE_BRANCH."/src/Codeception/Util/$utilName.php"; $this->documentApiClass('docs/reference/' . $utilName . '.md', $className, $source); } } public function buildDocsStub() { $this->say("Stub Classes"); $this->taskGenDoc('docs/reference/') ->docClass('Codeception\Stub') ->filterMethods(function(\ReflectionMethod $method) { if ($method->isConstructor() or $method->isDestructor()) return false; if (!$method->isPublic()) return false; if (strpos($method->name, '_') === 0) return false; return true; }) ->processMethodDocBlock( function (\ReflectionMethod $m, $doc) { $doc = str_replace(array('@since'), array(' * available since version'), $doc); $doc = str_replace(array(' @', "\n@"), array(" * ", "\n * "), $doc); return $doc; }) ->processProperty(false) ->run(); $mocksDocumentation = <<<EOF # Mocks Declare mocks inside `Codeception\Test\Unit` class. If you want to use mocks outside it, check the reference for [Codeception/Stub]( library. EOF; $this->taskGenDoc('docs/reference/') ->docClass('Codeception\Test\Feature\Stub') ->docClass('Codeception\Stub\Expected') ->processClassDocBlock(false) ->processClassSignature(false) ->prepend($mocksDocumentation) ->filterMethods(function(\ReflectionMethod $method) { if ($method->isConstructor() or $method->isDestructor()) return false; if (!$method->isPublic()) return false; if (strpos($method->name, '_') === 0) return false; if (strpos($method->name, 'stub') === 0) return false; return true; }) ->run(); } public function buildDocsApi() { $this->say("API Classes"); $apiClasses = ['Codeception\Module', 'Codeception\InitTemplate']; foreach ($apiClasses as $apiClass) { $name = (new ReflectionClass($apiClass))->getShortName(); $this->documentApiClass('docs/reference/' . $name . '.md', $apiClass, true); } } public function buildDocsCommands() { $this->say("Commands"); $commands = Finder::create()->files()->name('*.php')->depth(0)->in(__DIR__ . '/src/Codeception/Command'); $commandGenerator = $this->taskGenDoc('docs/reference/'); foreach ($commands as $command) { $commandName = basename(substr($command, 0, -4)); $className = '\Codeception\Command\\' . $commandName; $commandGenerator->docClass($className); } $commandGenerator ->prepend("# Console Commands\n") ->processClassSignature(function ($r, $text) { return "## ".$r->getShortName(); }) ->filterMethods(function (ReflectionMethod $r) { return false; }) ->run(); } public function buildDocsExtensions() { $this->say('Extensions'); $extensions = Finder::create()->files()->sortByName()->name('*.php')->in(__DIR__ . '/ext'); $extGenerator= $this->taskGenDoc(__DIR__.'/ext/'); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $extensionName = basename(substr($extension, 0, -4)); $className = '\Codeception\Extension\\' . $extensionName; $extGenerator->docClass($className); } $extGenerator ->prepend("# Official Extensions\n") ->processClassSignature(function (ReflectionClass $r, $text) { $name = $r->getShortName(); return "## $name\n\n[See Source](" . self::REPO_BLOB_URL."/".self::STABLE_BRANCH. "/ext/$name.php)"; }) ->filterMethods(function (ReflectionMethod $r) { return false; }) ->filterProperties(function ($r) { return false; }) ->run(); } /** * @desc publishes generated phar to */ public function publishPhar() { $this->cloneSite(); $version = \Codeception\Codecept::VERSION; if (strpos($version, self::STABLE_BRANCH) === 0) { $this->say("publishing to release branch"); copy('../codecept.phar', 'codecept.phar'); if (!is_dir('php54')) { mkdir('php54'); } copy('../php54/codecept.phar', 'php5/codecept.phar'); $this->taskExec('git add codecept.phar')->run(); $this->taskExec('git add php5/codecept.phar')->run(); } $this->taskFileSystemStack() ->mkdir("releases/$version") ->mkdir("releases/$version/php54") ->copy('../codecept.phar', "releases/$version/codecept.phar") ->copy('../php54/codecept.phar', "releases/$version/php54/codecept.phar") ->run(); $this->taskGitStack()->add('-A')->run(); $sortByVersion = function (\SplFileInfo $a, \SplFileInfo $b) { return version_compare($a->getBaseName(), $b->getBaseName()); }; $releases = array_reverse( iterator_to_array(Finder::create()->depth(0)->directories()->sort($sortByVersion)->in('releases')) ); $branch = null; $releaseFile = $this->taskWriteToFile('builds.markdown') ->line('---') ->line('layout: page') ->line('title: Codeception Builds') ->line('---') ->line(''); foreach ($releases as $release) { $releaseName = $release->getBasename(); $downloadUrl = "$releaseName/codecept.phar"; list($major, $minor) = explode('.', $releaseName); if ("$major.$minor" != $branch) { $branch = "$major.$minor"; $releaseFile->line("\n## $branch"); if ($major < 2) { $releaseFile->line("*Requires: PHP 5.3 and higher + CURL*\n"); } elseif ($major == 2 && $minor < 4) { $releaseFile->line("*Requires: PHP 5.4 and higher + CURL*\n"); } else { $releaseFile->line("*Requires: PHP 5.6 and higher + CURL*\n"); } $releaseFile->line("* **[Download Latest $branch Release]($downloadUrl)**"); } $versionLine = "* [$releaseName]($downloadUrl)"; if (file_exists("releases/$releaseName/php54/codecept.phar")) { $downloadUrl = "$releaseName/php54/codecept.phar"; if (version_compare($releaseName, '2.4.0', '>=')) { $versionLine .= ", [for PHP 5.6]($downloadUrl)"; } elseif (version_compare($releaseName, '2.3.0', '>=')) { $versionLine .= ", [for PHP 5.4 - 5.6]($downloadUrl)"; } else { $versionLine .= ", [for PHP 5.4 or 5.5]($downloadUrl)"; } } $releaseFile->line($versionLine); } $releaseFile->run(); $this->publishSite(); } /** * Updates docs on * */ public function publishDocs() { if (strpos(\Codeception\Codecept::VERSION, self::STABLE_BRANCH) !== 0) { $this->say("The ".\Codeception\Codecept::VERSION." is not in release branch. Site is not build"); return; } $this->say('building site...'); $this->cloneSite(); $this->taskCleanDir('docs') ->run(); $this->taskFileSystemStack() ->mkdir('docs/reference') ->mkdir('docs/modules') ->run(); chdir('../..'); $this->say('building changelog'); $this->taskWriteToFile('package/site/changelog.markdown') ->line('---') ->line('layout: page') ->line('title: Codeception Changelog') ->line('---') ->line('') ->line( '<div class="alert alert-warning">Download specific version at <a href="/builds">builds page</a></div>' ) ->line('') ->line('# Changelog') ->line('') ->line($this->processChangelog()) ->run(); $docs = Finder::create()->files('*.md')->sortByName()->in('docs'); $modules = []; $api = []; $reference = []; foreach ($docs as $doc) { $newfile = $doc->getFilename(); $name = substr($doc->getBasename(), 0, -3); $contents = $doc->getContents(); if (strpos($doc->getPathname(), 'docs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules') !== false) { $newfile = 'docs/modules/' . $newfile; $modules[$name] = '/docs/modules/' . $doc->getBasename(); $contents = str_replace('## ', '### ', $contents); $buttons = [ 'source' => self::REPO_BLOB_URL."/".self::STABLE_BRANCH."/src/Codeception/Module/$name.php" ]; // building version switcher foreach (['master', '2.3', '2.2', '2.1', '2.0', '1.8'] as $branch) { $buttons[$branch] = self::REPO_BLOB_URL."/$branch/docs/modules/$"; } $buttonHtml = "\n\n".'<div class="btn-group" role="group" style="float: right" aria-label="...">'; foreach ($buttons as $link => $url) { if ($link == self::STABLE_BRANCH) { $link = "<strong>$link</strong>"; } $buttonHtml.= '<a class="btn btn-default" href="'.$url.'">'.$link.'</a>'; } $buttonHtml .= '</div>'."\n\n"; $contents = $buttonHtml . $contents; } elseif (strpos($doc->getPathname(), 'docs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'reference') !== false) { $newfile = 'docs/reference/' . $newfile; $reference[$name] = '/docs/reference/' . $doc->getBasename(); } else { $newfile = 'docs/'.$newfile; $api[substr($name, 3)] = '/docs/'.$doc->getBasename(); } copy($doc->getPathname(), 'package/site/' . $newfile); $highlight_languages = implode('|', ['php', 'html', 'bash', 'yaml', 'json', 'xml', 'sql', 'gherkin']); $contents = preg_replace( "~```\s?($highlight_languages)\b(.*?)```~ms", "{% highlight $1 %}\n$2\n{% endhighlight %}", $contents ); $contents = str_replace('{% highlight %}', '{% highlight yaml %}', $contents); $contents = preg_replace("~```\s?(.*?)```~ms", "{% highlight yaml %}\n$1\n{% endhighlight %}", $contents); // set default language in order not to leave unparsed code inside '```' $matches = []; $title = $name; $contents = "---\nlayout: doc\ntitle: ".($title!="" ? $title." - " : "") ."Codeception - Documentation\n---\n\n".$contents; file_put_contents('package/site/' .$newfile, $contents); } chdir('package/site'); $guides = array_keys($api); foreach ($api as $name => $url) { $filename = substr($url, 6); $doc = file_get_contents('docs/'.$filename)."\n\n\n"; $i = array_search($name, $guides); if (isset($guides[$i+1])) { $next_title = $guides[$i+1]; $next_url = $api[$guides[$i+1]]; $next_url = substr($next_url, 0, -3); $doc .= "\n* **Next Chapter: [$next_title >]($next_url)**"; } if (isset($guides[$i-1])) { $prev_title = $guides[$i-1]; $prev_url = $api[$guides[$i-1]]; $prev_url = substr($prev_url, 0, -3); $doc .= "\n* **Previous Chapter: [< $prev_title]($prev_url)**"; } $this->taskWriteToFile('docs/'.$filename) ->text($doc) ->run(); } $guides_list = ''; foreach ($api as $name => $url) { $url = substr($url, 0, -3); $name = preg_replace('/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/', '\\1 \\2', $name); $name = preg_replace('/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/', '\\1 \\2', $name); $guides_list .= '<li><a href="'.$url.'">'.$name.'</a></li>'; } file_put_contents('_includes/guides.html', $guides_list); $this->say("Building Guides index"); $this->taskWriteToFile('_includes/guides.html') ->text($guides_list) ->run(); $this->taskWriteToFile('docs/index.html') ->line('---') ->line('layout: doc') ->line('title: Codeception Documentation') ->line('---') ->line('') ->line("<h1>Codeception Documentation Guides</h1>") ->line('') ->text($guides_list) ->run(); /** * Align modules in two columns like this: * A D * B E * C */ $modules_cols = 2; $modules_rows = ceil(count($modules) / $modules_cols); $module_names_chunked = array_chunk(array_keys($modules), $modules_rows); $modules_list = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $modules_rows; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $modules_cols; $j++) { if (isset($module_names_chunked[$j][$i])) { $name = $module_names_chunked[$j][$i]; $url = substr($modules[$name], 0, -3); $modules_list .= '<li><a href="'.$url.'">'.$name.'</a></li>'; } } } file_put_contents('_includes/modules.html', $modules_list); $reference_list = ''; foreach ($reference as $name => $url) { if ($name == 'Commands') { continue; } if ($name == 'Configuration') { continue; } $url = substr($url, 0, -3); $reference_list .= '<li><a href="'.$url.'">'.$name.'</a></li>'; } file_put_contents('_includes/reference.html', $reference_list); $this->say("Writing extensions docs"); $this->taskWriteToFile('_includes/') ->textFromFile(__DIR__.'/ext/') ->run(); $this->publishSite(); $this->taskExec('git add')->args('.')->run(); } /** * @desc creates a new version tag and pushes to github * @param null $branch * @param array $opt */ public function publishGit($branch = null, $opt = ['tag|t' => null]) { $version = isset($opt['tag']) ? $opt['tag'] : \Codeception\Codecept::VERSION; $this->say('creating new tag for '.$version); if (!$branch) { $branch = explode('.', $version); array_pop($branch); $branch = implode('.', $branch); } $this->taskExec("git tag $version")->run(); $this->taskExec("git push origin $branch --tags")->run(); } protected function processChangelog() { $sortByVersionDesc = function (\SplFileInfo $a, \SplFileInfo $b) { $pattern = '/^CHANGELOG-(\d+\.\d+).md$/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $a->getBasename(), $matches1) && preg_match($pattern, $b->getBasename(), $matches2)) { return version_compare($matches1[1], $matches2[1]) * -1; } return 0; }; $changelogFiles = Finder::create()->name('CHANGELOG-*.md')->in('.')->depth(0)->sort($sortByVersionDesc); $changelog = ''; foreach ($changelogFiles as $file) { $changelog .= $file->getContents(); } //user $changelog = preg_replace('~\s@([\w-]+)~', ' **[$1]($1)**', $changelog); //issue $changelog = preg_replace( '~#(\d+)~', '[#$1]($1)', $changelog ); //module $changelog = preg_replace('~\s\[(\w+)\]\s~', ' **[$1]** ', $changelog); return $changelog; } /** * @desc cleans all log and temp directories */ public function clean() { $this->taskCleanDir([ 'tests/log', 'tests/data/claypit/tests/_output', 'tests/data/included/_log', 'tests/data/included/jazz/tests/_log', 'tests/data/included/shire/tests/_log', ])->run(); $this->taskDeleteDir([ 'tests/data/claypit/c3tmp', 'tests/data/sandbox' ])->run(); } public function buildActors() { $build = 'php codecept build'; $this->taskExec($build)->run(); $this->taskExec($build)->args('-c tests/data/claypit')->run(); $this->taskExec($build)->args('-c tests/data/included')->run(); $this->taskExec($build)->args('-c tests/data/included/jazz')->run(); $this->taskExec($build)->args('-c tests/data/included/shire')->run(); $this->taskExec($build)->args('-c tests/data/included/jazz')->run(); } protected function cloneSite() { @mkdir("package/site"); $this->taskExec('git clone') ->args('') ->args('package/site/') ->run(); chdir('package/site'); } protected function publishSite() { $this->taskGitStack() ->add('-A') ->commit('auto updated documentation') ->push() ->run(); chdir('..'); sleep(2); $this->taskDeleteDir('site')->run(); chdir('..'); $this->say("Site build succesfully"); } /** * Publishes Codeception base * @param null $branch * @param null $tag */ public function publishBase($branch = null, $tag = null) { if (!$branch) { $branch = self::STABLE_BRANCH; } $this->say("Updating Codeception Base distribution"); $tempBranch = "tmp".uniqid(); $this->taskGitStack() ->checkout("-b $tempBranch") ->run(); $this->taskReplaceInFile('composer.json') ->from('"codeception/codeception"') ->to('"codeception/base"') ->run(); $this->taskReplaceInFile('composer.json') ->regex('~^\s+"facebook\/webdriver".*$~m') ->to('') ->run(); $this->taskReplaceInFile('composer.json') ->regex('~^\s+"guzzlehttp\/guzzle".*$~m') ->to('') ->run(); $this->taskComposerUpdate()->run(); $this->taskGitStack() ->add('composer.json') ->commit('auto-update') ->exec("push -f base $tempBranch:$branch") ->run(); if ($tag) { $this->taskGitStack() ->exec("tag -d $tag") ->exec("push base :refs/tags/$tag") ->exec("tag $tag") ->push('base', $tag) ->run(); } $this->taskGitStack() ->checkout('-- composer.json') ->checkout($branch) ->exec("branch -D $tempBranch") ->run(); } /** * Checks Codeception code style * Most useful values for `report` option: `full`, `summary`, `diff` * * @param array $opt */ public function codestyleCheck($opt = ['report|r' => 'summary']) { $this->say("Checking code style"); $this->taskExec('php vendor/bin/phpcs') ->arg('.') ->arg('--standard=ruleset.xml') ->arg('--report=' . $opt['report']) ->arg('--ignore=tests,vendor,package,docs') ->run(); } public function codestyleFix() { $this->taskExec('php vendor/bin/phpcbf') ->arg('.') ->arg('--standard=ruleset.xml') ->arg('--ignore=tests,vendor,package,docs') ->run(); } /** * @param $file * @param $className * @param $source */ protected function documentApiClass($file, $className, $all = false) { $uri = str_replace('\\', '/', $className); $source = self::REPO_BLOB_URL."/".self::STABLE_BRANCH."/src/$uri.php"; $this->taskGenDoc($file) ->docClass($className) ->filterMethods(function (ReflectionMethod $r) use ($all, $className) { return $all || $r->isPublic(); }) ->append( '<p>&nbsp;</p><div class="alert alert-warning">Reference is taken from the source code. ' . '<a href="' . $source . '">Help us to improve documentation. Edit module reference</a></div>' ) ->processPropertySignature(function ($r) { return "\n#### $" . $r->name. "\n\n"; }) ->processPropertyDocBlock(function ($r, $text) { $modifiers = implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($r->getModifiers())); $text = ' *' . $modifiers . '* **$' . $r->name . "**\n" . $text; $text = preg_replace("~@(.*?)\s(.*)~", 'type `$2`', $text); return $text; }) ->processClassDocBlock( function (ReflectionClass $r, $text) { return $text . "\n"; } ) ->processMethodSignature(function ($r, $text) { return "#### {$r->name}()\n\n" . ltrim($text, '#'); }) ->processMethodDocBlock( function (ReflectionMethod $r, $text) use ($file) { $file = str_replace(__DIR__, '', $r->getFileName()); $source = self::REPO_BLOB_URL."/".self::STABLE_BRANCH. $file; $line = $r->getStartLine(); $text = preg_replace("~^\s?@(.*?)\s~m", ' * `$1` $2', $text); $text .= "\n[See source]($source#L$line)"; return "\n" . $text . "\n"; } ) ->reorderMethods('ksort') ->run(); } }