Kernel : Linux 4.18.0-348.2.1.el8_5.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 16 14:42:35 UTC 2021 x86_64
Disable function : NONE
Safe mode : OFF
Host : | Server ip : | Your ip : | Time @ Server : 19 Oct 2024 05:23:55
MySQL : OFF | MSSQL : OFF | cURL : ON | Oracle : OFF | wget : ON | Perl : ON


HOME about upload exec mass file domain root vuln newfile newfolder kill me

File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/codeception/codeception/

#### 2.3.9 * Added `Codeception\Step\Argument\PasswordArgument` to pass sensitive data into tests: ```php <?php use \Codeception\Step\Argument\PasswordArgument; $I->amOnPage('/form/password_argument'); $I->fillField('password', new PasswordArgument('thisissecret')); ``` * [WebDriver] added `clearField` method to clean up input fields by @eknej * [DataFactory] added `make` method to create instances without saving them to database. But @ibpavlov * [REST] Fixed passing a file to `sendPOST()` without name, size or type parameter. BY @zebraf1 * [REST] Add missing / to relative url from config by @bscheshirwork * Fixed HTML Report marks tests as succeeded by @mpgo13 * `clean` command works recursively with included setups. By @davidnewcomb #### 2.3.8 * `Codeception\Util\Stub` moved to standalone package [Codeception\Stub]( * Use `Codeception\Stub` instead of `Codeception\Util\Stub` * Mocking methods `::once`, `::never`, etc moved to `Codeception\Stub\Expected` class * Calling mocking methods from `Codeception\Util\Stub` provides deprecation warning. * Non-static API is [recommended to use for mocking]( * [WebDriver] Added `executeAsyncJS` action to run asynchronous scripts. * [WebDriver] Added second parameter to `executeJS` to pass additional arguments into JavaScript function. * [Yii2] `setCookie` signs cookies when signing enabled. #4656 By @SamMousa * [Yii2] Method `createAndSetCsrfCookie` added. #4656 By @SamMousa * Compatibility with phpunit-mock-objects 5.* by @Naktibalda * [DataFactory] Removed dependency to `league/factory-muffin-faker` by @Naktibalda and @Insolita * Fixed auto-rebuilding Actor classes when dependencies are used. See #4694 by @stefankleff. * [Symfony] allows to use Symfony Dotenv component to parse `.env` files. Fix by @ebuildy * Added the ability to export the code coverage data in PHPUnit xml format by @tobiasstadler * `--coverage-phpunit` option added * Allows to use mutation testing with [Inflection]( * [ZendExpressive] Added Doctrine2 integration by @artmnv * [PhpBrowser][Frameworks] Added `_getResponseStatusCode` hidden method for using in helpers. By @FanchTheSystem * [Yii2] Use Yii DI to instantiate record class. Fixes #4762. By @bscheshirwork * Remote Code Coverage improvements #4768 by @bscheshirwork * Remove `:port` for cookie domain; * `->amOnPage('/');` executed when running code coverage with WebDriver * Fixed running single test with `include` config parameter. Fixes #4733 by @ppetpadriew * Fixed running single test when a custom suite path is configured (For instance, in single-suite setups). * `generate:test` command won't include `tester` property if actor is not set for this config. * [Facebook] Module is not maintained and is deprecated. If you are using it and you want to keep it, please contact us. #### 2.3.7 * **Symfony 4 support** implemented by @VolCh. * Dependencies updated to support Symfony 4.x components. * [Symfony] Support for Symfony Flex directory and namespace structure * [Demo application]( was updated to Symfony 4.0 * [Db] `seeInDatabse`, `dontSeeInDatabase`, `grabFromDatabase` and other methods to support SQL comparison operators: `<`, `>`, `>=`, `<=`, `!=`, `like`. Thanks @susgo and @Naktibalda. * [Db] Fixed quoting around schema identifiers in MSSQL by @Naktibalda. See #4542. * [Db] Added SSL options for connection. Thanks @kossi84 * [Db] Fix getting Database name from DSN in MSSQL by @yesdevnull. * [PhpBrowser] Fixed setting `User-Agent` in config via `headers`. Fixed #4576 by @Naktibalda. * [WebDriver] Implemented `dontSeeInPopup` by @kpascal. * [WebDriver] Allow to click a button located by its `title` attribute. See #4586 by @gimler. * [Silex] `app` property added to public API. Thanks @sky003 * [Yii2] Pass DB to Yii application as early as possible to reuse old connection. By @SilverFire. See #4601 * [Yii2] Resetting global event handlers after a test. See #4621 by @SamMousa * [Yii2] Recreate request object to reset headers and cookies before each request. Fixes #4587 by @erickskrauch * [MongoDb] Allowing `.tgz` files to be accepted for database dumps. #4611 by @Lukazar * [PhpBrowser][Frameworks] Fixed usage of `see` when source code contains `<=` JS operator. By @tobias-kuendig Fixes #4509. * [Queue] Added configuration parameter `endpoint` for AmazonSQS by @gitis. * Fixed signature error in `DummyCodeCoverage::stop` See #4665 by @network-spy * Throw exception if `exit(0)` was accidentally called. Fixes false-positive test reports. See #4604 by Fenikkusu. * Fixed using `path: tests: .` in configuration. Fixes #4432 by @marcovtwout * Fixed suite name containing slash in remote code coverage. #4612 by @bscheshirwork * Improved generated actions file by removing redundant `use` section. #4614 by @bscheshirwork * Don't skip last test if some test has missing dependency by @Naktibalda. Fixes #4598 * Improved PHP 7.2 compatibility by @FanchTheSystem. See #4557 * Implemented `Descriptor::getTestSignatureUnique` to create unique names for tests. See #4673 by @Tenzian. Fixes #4672 * Fixed `setExpectedException()` default value for PHPUnit 5.7.23 by @MilesChou. See #4566 * Fixed printing wrong failed step by @eXorus. See #4654 * Fixed undefined `argv` warnings, added check for `register_argc_argv`. Fixes #4595 by @Naktibalda * Added `init` command to `codecept.phar` by @Naktibalda. And many thanks to our awesome contributors! Thanks to @VolCh for upgrading to Symfony 4, thanks @Naktibalda for patches and reviews and thanks to @carusogabriel for refactoring tests. #### 2.3.6 * **Laravel 5.5 compatibility**. Laravel5 module documentation updated. * [Doctrine2][DataFactory] Fixes using Doctrine2 with DataFactory module. See #4529. Fix by @samusenkoiv * [REST] Fixed JsonType crash when key 0 is not an array. Fixes #4517 by @Naktibalda * [PhpBrowser][Frameworks] `haveHttpHeader` enhanced to handle special characters. #4541 by @bnpatel1990 * [WebDriver] Delete all cookies before loading session snapshot. Fix by @eXorus. See #4487 * Added `suite_namespace` config option to suite config. Allows to set custom namespace for tests per suite. #4525 by @pohnean * [Db] Module enhancements by @eXorus: * added `updateInDatabase` method * added hidden `_insertInDatabase` to insert record without cleanup * [Yii2] Set transaction also in `backupConfig` when initializing yii2 module * [Yii2] Unload fixtures after rolling back database transaction. By @devonliu02 (#4497) * [Yii2] Use `andWhere` instead of `where` in Yii module's `findRecord()` by @SamMousa. See #4482 * [REST] Added `amNTLMAuthenticated` for NTLM authentication using PhpBrowser. By @Tenzian * Inject exception file and line number frame into stack trace in case it is missing. By @rhl-jfm at #4491) * `Extension\RunFailed`. Added `fail-group` parameter to customize name of a failed group. By @ maxgorovenko * Added `\Codeception\Util\Fixtures::exists()` method by @eXorus * Added line number to `TestParseException` exception message by @gaainf. See #4446 * Fixed `init` command: create the `_generated` folder before writing a `.gitignore` file there by @nstapelbroek. See #4449 * Better failure messages for `@dataProvider` by @sh41. See #4439 * Fixed aliasing issue with `Codeception/Verify` by @ddinchev #### 2.3.5 * Fixed HTML report with unencoded HTML code by @mpgo13. See #3819 #4423 * Made `assertArraySubset` protected across all modules by @guidocella * [WebDriver][PhpBrowser][Frameworks] Added support for associative arrays in `seeInFormFields` by @guidocella * [PhpBrowser][Frameworks] Submit default values of checkboxes. See #4411 by @guidocella * [PhpBrowser][Frameworks] Make `seeInField` check options' texts and trimmed texts. By @guidocella * [PhpBrowser] Prevents `submitForm` to submit inputs in disabled fieldsets. Fixes #4426 by @moebrowne * [PhpBrowser] Fixed `amOnUrl` with empty path component. If path component was empty, it used previous url. Fixes #4383 by @Naktibalda * [Db] Improved postgres cleanup (recreate schema) by @samusenkoiv * [Laravel5] Don't duplicate associative array fields on form submission. See #4414 by @guidocella * [WebDriver] Fixed `webDriver->getCapabilities()` for `facebook/php-webdriver` < 1.3 (could happen on PHP 5.4, 5.5). Fixes #4435 * [WebDriver] Make `wait` accept fractional amount of seconds to wait for less than a second. By @gvlasov * [Laravel5] Changing params loader to use `$_SERVER` global instead of `$_ENV`. See #4401 by @EricTendian * [Mongo] Fixes `haveInCollection` using `__toString`. See #4442 by @samusenkoiv * Dereferencing variables for Steps output. Fixes #4402 by @alambe * [Symfony] Load persistent services before loading profiler. See #4437 by @samusenkoiv #### 2.3.4 * Added `@prepare` annotation to make realtime configuration for tests in Cest and Test classes. [See documentation]( Example: disabling Doctrine2 database transaction for a test ```php <?php /**@prepare disableTransactions */ function testDoctrine() { } protected function disableTransactions(Doctrine2 $module) { $module->_reconfigure(['cleanup' => false]); } ``` * [WebDriver] **SmartWait**. Automatically waits for a few extra seconds for element to appear on a page before failing. Can reduce high usage of `wait*` methods. [See Documentation]( * Added [RunProcess extension]( Use it to start/stop Selenium (or other process) automatically for a test suite. * [WebDriver] Customization improvements: * added `start` option to disable autostart of a browser for tests. (can be useful for Cloud testing setups) * added `_capabilities` method for setting desired capabilities in runtime (can be combined with `@prepare` annotation) * `_initializeSession` and `_closeSession` can be used in Helpers to start and stop browser manually (combine with `start: false` config) * Fixed running a single test from a global config when using included configs. See #4366 by @zebraf1 (improves PhpStorm integration) * [Doctrine2][Laravel5][Yii2][Phalcon] Print debug information for started/stopped transactions in tests. See #4352 * [PhpBrowser][Frameworks] click with context respects base tag #4330 by @Naktibalda. * [Yii2] Split `cleanup` configuration option (backward-compatible): (#4379 by @leandrogehlen) * `cleanup` - to cleanup loaded fixtures * `transaction` - wrap tes into transaction * [Asserts] Added `assertStringStartsWith` and `assertArraySubset` by @guidocella * [Db] Added `updateInDatabase` method by @eXorus. See #4385 * In helpers and modules to check `$module::$excludeActions` property for existence before accessing it. Fixes #4381 by @CactusCoder * [Symfony] Fixed printing debug response when `Symfony::extractRawRoles()` failed on security collector (Symfony >= 3.3) #4309 by @Basster * [Laravel5] Fixed bug with `disable_exception_handling` functionality. See #4370. By @janhenkgerritsen * [Db] Added `grabColumnFromDatabase` to fetches values from the column in database. By @RebOOter #### 2.3.3 * Fixed running with `--coverage`, `--xml`, `--html` options without parameters (Symfony Console 3.3 compatibility). * Removed `files` section from `composer.json` (regression from 2.3.2) to avoid unintentionally loading shim files. Fixes [Yii migration issue]( * [WebDriver] `saveScreenshot` allows to save screenshots with no name passed in. See #4263 by @eXorus * [REST][PhpBrowser] Fixed #4287, using empty values for headers by @tobiastom. * Phar `self-update` downloads php5.4 build if php version <7.0. Fixes #4269 #### 2.3.2 * [Db] Fixed: Database has been cleaned up between tests even with `cleanup: false`. * [Db] Made `dump` optional if `populator` is set. Fixes #4247 * Fixed `generate:suite` command to create a directory for the suite. Fixes #4251 * Fixed composer autoloading with PHPUnit 6 by @enumag. See #4262 #### 2.3.1 * Updated composer constraints to include PHPUnit 6.x #### 2.3.0 * **PHPUnit 6.x** support #4142 by @MontealegreLuis. Class aliases are used, so PHPUnit 4.x and 5.x (for PHP <7) are still supported as well. * Suite customization. [Announcement](/05-22-2017/codeception-2-3.html#configuration-improvements) * Installation Templates. [Announcement](/05-22-2017/codeception-2-3.html#installation-templates) * DotReporter introduced. Use it with ``` codecept run --ext DotReporter ``` * `--ext` parameter added to load extensions dynamically. * Db Populator [Announcement](/05-22-2017/codeception-2-3.html#db-populator) by @brutuscat * [Db] New configuration defaults, cleanups are disabled: `cleanup: false`, `populate: false`. Enable them to load dumps between tests. * [Redis] New configuration defaults, cleanups are disabled: `cleanupBefore: 'never'` by @hchonan * Command `generate:phpunit` removed. * Bootstrap `_bootstrap.php` files are disabled by default. * Configuration changes: `actor` replaced with `actor_suffix` in global config * Configuration changes: `class_name` replaced with `actor` in suite config