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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/codeception/codeception/src/Codeception/SuiteManager.php

<?php namespace Codeception; use Codeception\Lib\Di; use Codeception\Lib\GroupManager; use Codeception\Lib\ModuleContainer; use Codeception\Lib\Notification; use Codeception\Test\Interfaces\ScenarioDriven; use Codeception\Test\Loader; use Codeception\Test\Descriptor; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; class SuiteManager { public static $environment; public static $name; /** * @var \PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite */ protected $suite = null; /** * @var null|\Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher */ protected $dispatcher = null; /** * @var GroupManager */ protected $groupManager; /** * @var Loader */ protected $testLoader; /** * @var ModuleContainer */ protected $moduleContainer; /** * @var Di */ protected $di; protected $tests = []; protected $debug = false; protected $path = ''; protected $printer = null; protected $env = null; protected $settings; public function __construct(EventDispatcher $dispatcher, $name, array $settings) { $this->settings = $settings; $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; $this->di = new Di(); $this->path = $settings['path']; $this->groupManager = new GroupManager($settings['groups']); $this->moduleContainer = new ModuleContainer($this->di, $settings); $modules = Configuration::modules($this->settings); foreach ($modules as $moduleName) { $this->moduleContainer->create($moduleName); } $this->moduleContainer->validateConflicts(); if (isset($settings['current_environment'])) { $this->env = $settings['current_environment']; } $this->suite = $this->createSuite($name); } public function initialize() { $this->dispatcher->dispatch(Events::MODULE_INIT, new Event\SuiteEvent($this->suite, null, $this->settings)); foreach ($this->moduleContainer->all() as $module) { $module->_initialize(); } if ($this->settings['actor'] && !file_exists(Configuration::supportDir() . $this->settings['actor'] . '.php')) { throw new Exception\ConfigurationException( $this->settings['actor'] . " class doesn't exist in suite folder.\nRun the 'build' command to generate it" ); } $this->dispatcher->dispatch(Events::SUITE_INIT, new Event\SuiteEvent($this->suite, null, $this->settings)); ini_set('xdebug.show_exception_trace', 0); // Issue } public function loadTests($path = null) { $testLoader = new Loader($this->settings); $testLoader->loadTests($path); $tests = $testLoader->getTests(); if ($this->settings['shuffle']) { shuffle($tests); } foreach ($tests as $test) { $this->addToSuite($test); } $this->suite->reorderDependencies(); } protected function addToSuite($test) { $this->configureTest($test); if ($test instanceof \PHPUnit\Framework\DataProviderTestSuite) { foreach ($test->tests() as $t) { $this->addToSuite($t); } return; } if ($test instanceof TestInterface) { $this->checkEnvironmentExists($test); if (!$this->isExecutedInCurrentEnvironment($test)) { return; // skip tests from other environments } } $groups = $this->groupManager->groupsForTest($test); $this->suite->addTest($test, $groups); if (!empty($groups) && $test instanceof TestInterface) { $test->getMetadata()->setGroups($groups); } } protected function createSuite($name) { $suite = new Suite(); $suite->setBaseName(preg_replace('~\s.+$~', '', $name)); // replace everything after space (env name) if ($this->settings['namespace']) { $name = $this->settings['namespace'] . ".$name"; } $suite->setName($name); if (isset($this->settings['backup_globals'])) { $suite->setBackupGlobals((bool) $this->settings['backup_globals']); } if (isset($this->settings['be_strict_about_changes_to_global_state']) && method_exists($suite, 'setbeStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState')) { $suite->setbeStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState((bool)$this->settings['be_strict_about_changes_to_global_state']); } $suite->setModules($this->moduleContainer->all()); return $suite; } public function run(PHPUnit\Runner $runner, \PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult $result, $options) { $runner->prepareSuite($this->suite, $options); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(Events::SUITE_BEFORE, new Event\SuiteEvent($this->suite, $result, $this->settings)); $runner->doEnhancedRun($this->suite, $result, $options); $this->dispatcher->dispatch(Events::SUITE_AFTER, new Event\SuiteEvent($this->suite, $result, $this->settings)); } /** * @return \Codeception\Suite */ public function getSuite() { return $this->suite; } /** * @return ModuleContainer */ public function getModuleContainer() { return $this->moduleContainer; } protected function getActor() { if (!$this->settings['actor']) { return null; } return $this->settings['namespace'] ? rtrim($this->settings['namespace'], '\\') . '\\' . $this->settings['actor'] : $this->settings['actor']; } protected function checkEnvironmentExists(TestInterface $test) { $envs = $test->getMetadata()->getEnv(); if (empty($envs)) { return; } if (!isset($this->settings['env'])) { Notification::warning("Environments are not configured", Descriptor::getTestFullName($test)); return; } $availableEnvironments = array_keys($this->settings['env']); $listedEnvironments = explode(',', implode(',', $envs)); foreach ($listedEnvironments as $env) { if (!in_array($env, $availableEnvironments)) { Notification::warning("Environment $env was not configured but used in test", Descriptor::getTestFullName($test)); } } } protected function isExecutedInCurrentEnvironment(TestInterface $test) { $envs = $test->getMetadata()->getEnv(); if (empty($envs)) { return true; } $currentEnvironments = explode(',', $this->env); foreach ($envs as $envList) { $envList = explode(',', $envList); if (count($envList) == count(array_intersect($currentEnvironments, $envList))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param $t * @throws Exception\InjectionException */ protected function configureTest($t) { if (!$t instanceof TestInterface) { return; } $t->getMetadata()->setServices([ 'di' => clone($this->di), 'dispatcher' => $this->dispatcher, 'modules' => $this->moduleContainer ]); $t->getMetadata()->setCurrent([ 'actor' => $this->getActor(), 'env' => $this->env, 'modules' => $this->moduleContainer->all() ]); if ($t instanceof ScenarioDriven) { $t->preload(); } } }