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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/vendor/bin/release

#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /** * Usage: * * ./vendor/bin/release VERSION */ $semverRegEx = '(?<version>[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(?<prerelease>-[0-9a-zA-Z.]+)?(?<build>\+[0-9a-zA-Z.]*)?'; $optind = null; $options = getopt ("dvy", [ 'pattern:', 'simulate', 'yes', ], $optind) + [ 'pattern' => "^SEMVER$", ]; $simulate = array_key_exists('simulate', $options); $yes = array_key_exists('yes', $options) || array_key_exists('y', $options); $pos_args = array_slice($argv, $optind); $path = array_shift($pos_args); if (empty($path)) { print "Path to version file must be specified as a commandline argument\n"; exit(1); } if (!file_exists($path)) { print "Version file not found at $path\n"; exit(1); } // The --pattern option is expected to contain the string SEMVER $regex = str_replace('SEMVER', "$semverRegEx", $options['pattern']); if ($regex == $options['pattern']) { print "Pattern '$regex' must contain the string 'SEMVER'.\n"; exit(1); } // Read the contents of the version file and find the version string $contents = file_get_contents($path); if (!preg_match("#$regex#m", $contents, $matches)) { print "A semver version not found in $path\n"; exit(1); } $matches += ['prerelease' => '', 'build' => '']; // Calculate the stable and next version strings $original_version_match = $matches[0]; $original_version = $matches['version'] . $matches['prerelease'] . $matches['build']; $stable_version = $matches['version'] . (has_prerelease($matches) ? $matches['prerelease'] : ''); $next_version = next_version($matches); $stable_version_replacement = str_replace($original_version, $stable_version, $original_version_match); $next_version_replacement = str_replace($original_version, $next_version, $original_version_match); $stable_version_contents = str_replace($original_version_match, $stable_version_replacement, $contents); $next_version_contents = str_replace($original_version_match, $next_version_replacement, $contents); $composerContents = file_get_contents('composer.json'); $composerData = json_decode($composerContents, true); $project = $composerData['name']; $msg = "Release $project version $stable_version"; $dashes = str_pad('', strlen($msg) + 8, '-', STR_PAD_LEFT); print "\n$dashes\n\n"; print " $msg\n"; print "\n$dashes\n\n"; // Write the stable version into the version file, tag and push the release if (!$simulate) { file_put_contents($path, $stable_version_contents); } else { print "Replace stable version in $path:\n> $stable_version_replacement\n"; } run('git add {path}', ['{path}' => $path], $simulate); run('git commit -m "Version {version}"', ['{version}' => $stable_version], $simulate); run('git tag {version}', ['{version}' => $stable_version], $simulate); run('git push origin {version}', ['{version}' => $stable_version], $simulate); // Put the next version into the version file and push the result back to master if (!$simulate) { file_put_contents($path, $next_version_contents); } else { print "Replace next version in $path:\n> $next_version_replacement\n"; } run('git add {path}', ['{path}' => $path], $simulate); run('git commit -m "[ci skip] Back to {version}"', ['{version}' => $next_version], $simulate); run('git push origin master', [], $simulate); exit(0); /** * inflect replaces the placeholders in the command with the provided parameter values * @param string $cmd * @param array $parameters * @return string */ function inflect($cmd, $parameters = []) { if (!empty($parameters)) { return str_replace(array_keys($parameters), array_values($parameters), $cmd); } return $cmd; } /** * Run the specified command. Abort most rudely if an error is encountered */ function run($cmd, $parameters = [], $simulate = false) { $cmd = inflect($cmd, $parameters); if ($simulate) { print "$cmd\n"; return; } passthru($cmd, $status); if ($status) { exit($status); } } /** * Determine the next version after the current release */ function next_version($matches) { $version = $matches['version']; $next_version = next_version_prerelease($matches); if ($next_version !== false) { return $next_version; } return next_version_stable($matches); } /** * Determine the next version given that the current version is stable */ function next_version_stable($matches) { $version_parts = explode('.', $matches['version']); $last_version = array_pop($version_parts); $last_version++; $version_parts[] = $last_version; return implode('.', $version_parts) . (empty($matches['prerelease']) ? '-dev' : $matches['prerelease']); } function has_prerelease($matches) { if (empty($matches['prerelease'])) { return false; } return is_numeric(substr($matches['prerelease'], -1)); } /** * Determine the next version given that the current version has a pre-release * (e.g. '-alpha5'). */ function next_version_prerelease($version_parts) { if (!preg_match('#(.*?)([0-9]+)$#', $version_parts['prerelease'], $matches)) { return false; } $next = $matches[2] + 1; return $version_parts['version'] . $matches[1] . $next . '+dev'; }