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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/lib/web/mage/zoom.js

/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ /** * @deprecated since version 2.2.0 */ define([ 'jquery', 'mage/template', 'jquery-ui-modules/widget' ], function ($, mageTemplate) { 'use strict'; $.widget('mage.zoom', { options: { largeImage: null, startZoomEvent: 'click', stopZoomEvent: 'mouseleave', hideDelay: '100', effects: { show: { effect: 'fade', duration: 100 }, hide: { effect: 'fade', duration: 100 } }, controls: { lens: { template: '[data-template=zoom-lens]', opacity: 0.7, background: '#ffffff' }, track: { template: '[data-template=zoom-track]' }, display: { template: '[data-template=zoom-display]', width: 400, height: 400, left: 0, top: 0 }, notice: { template: '[data-template=notice]', text: null, container: '[data-role=gallery-notice-container]' } }, selectors: { image: '[data-role=zoom-image]', imageContainer: '[data-role=gallery-base-image-container]', zoomInner: '[data-role=zoom-inner]', track: '[data-role=zoom-track]', notice: '[data-role=notice]' } }, noticeOriginal: '', /** * Widget constructor. * @protected */ _create: function () { this._setZoomData(); this._render(); this._bind(); if (this.largeImage[0].complete) { this._largeImageLoaded(); } this._hide(this.display); this._hide(this.track); }, /** * Render zoom controls. * @protected */ _render: function () { var noticeContainer; this.element.append(this._renderControl('track').append(this._renderControl('lens'))); this.element.append(this._renderControl('display')) .find(this.options.selectors.zoomInner) .append(this._renderLargeImage()); noticeContainer = this.element.find(this.options.controls.notice.container); noticeContainer = noticeContainer.length ? noticeContainer : this.element; noticeContainer.append(this._renderControl('notice')); }, /** * Toggle zoom notice. * @protected */ _toggleNotice: function () { this.noticeOriginal = this.notice.text() !== this.options.controls.notice.text ? this.notice.text() : this.noticeOriginal; if (this.getZoomRatio() > 1 && this.largeImageSrc && !this.activated) { this.notice.text(this.options.controls.notice.text); } else { this.notice.text(this.noticeOriginal); } }, /** * Render zoom control. * * @param {String} control - name of the control * @return {Element} DOM-element * @protected */ _renderControl: function (control) { var controlData = this.options.controls[control], templateData = {}, css = {}, controlElement; switch (control) { case 'display': templateData = { img: this.largeImageSrc }; css = { width: controlData.width, height: controlData.height }; break; case 'notice': templateData = { text: controlData.text || '' }; break; } controlElement = this.element.find(this.options.selectors[control]); controlElement = controlElement.length ? controlElement : $(mageTemplate(controlData.template, { data: templateData })); this[control] = controlElement.css(css); return this[control]; }, /** * Refresh zoom controls. * @protected */ _refresh: function () { this._refreshControl('display'); this._refreshControl('track'); this._refreshControl('lens'); }, /** * Refresh zoom control position and css. * * @param {String} control - name of the control * @protected */ _refreshControl: function (control) { var controlData = this.options.controls[control], position, css = { position: 'absolute' }; switch (control) { case 'display': position = { my: 'left+' + this.options.controls.display.left + ' top+' + + '', at: 'left+' + $(this.image).outerWidth() + ' top', of: $(this.image) }; break; case 'track': $.extend(css, { height: $(this.image).height(), width: $(this.image).width() }); position = { my: 'left top', at: 'left top', of: $(this.image) }; break; case 'lens': $.extend(css, this._calculateLensSize(), { background: controlData.background, opacity: controlData.opacity, left: 0, top: 0 }); break; } this[control].css(css); if (position) { this[control].position(position); } }, /** * Bind zoom event handlers. * @protected */ _bind: function () { /* Events delegated to this.element, which means that all zoom controls can be changed any time * and not required to re-bind events */ var events = {}; events[this.options.startZoomEvent + ' ' + this.options.selectors.image] = 'show'; /** Handler */ events[this.options.stopZoomEvent + ' ' + this.options.selectors.track] = function () { this._delay(this.hide, this.options.hideDelay || 0); }; events['mousemove ' + this.options.selectors.track] = '_move'; events.imageupdated = '_onImageUpdated'; this._on(events); this._on(this.largeImage, { load: '_largeImageLoaded' }); }, /** * Store initial zoom data. * @protected */ _setZoomData: function () { this.image = this.element.find(this.options.selectors.image); this.largeImageSrc = this.options.largeImage || this.element.find(this.image).data('large'); }, /** * Update zoom when called enable method. * @override */ enable: function () { this._super(); this._onImageUpdated(); }, /** * Toggle notice when called disable method. * @override */ disable: function () { this.notice.text(this.noticeOriginal || ''); this._super(); }, /** * Show zoom controls. * * @param {Object} e - event object */ show: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.getZoomRatio() > 1 && this.largeImageSrc) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.activated = true; this._show(this.display,; this._show(this.track,; this._refresh(); this.lens.position({ my: 'center', at: 'center', of: e, using: $.proxy(this._refreshZoom, this) }); this._toggleNotice(); this._trigger('show'); } }, /** Hide zoom controls */ hide: function () { this.activated = false; this._hide(this.display, this.options.effects.hide); this._hide(this.track, this.options.effects.hide); this._toggleNotice(); this._trigger('hide'); }, /** * Refresh zoom when image is updated * @protected */ _onImageUpdated: function () { // Stop loader in case previous active image has not been loaded yet $(this.options.selectors.image).trigger('processStop'); if (!$(this.options.selectors.image))) { this._setZoomData(); if (this.largeImageSrc) { this._refreshLargeImage(); this._refresh(); } else { this.hide(); } } }, /** * Reset this.ratio when large image is loaded * @protected */ _largeImageLoaded: function () { this.largeImage.css({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }); this.largeImageSize = { width: this.largeImage.width() || this.largeImage.get(0).naturalWidth, height: this.largeImage.height() || this.largeImage.get(0).naturalHeight }; this.ratio = null; this._toggleNotice(); $(this.options.selectors.image).trigger('processStop'); }, /** * Refresh large image (refresh "src" and initial position) * @protected */ _refreshLargeImage: function () { var oldSrc; if (this.largeImage) { oldSrc = this.largeImage.attr('src'); if (oldSrc !== this.largeImageSrc) { $(this.options.selectors.image).trigger('processStart'); this.largeImage.attr('src', this.largeImageSrc); } this.largeImage.css({ top: 0, left: 0 }); } }, /** * @return {Element} DOM-element * @protected */ _renderLargeImage: function () { var image = $(this.options.selectors.image); // Start loader if 'load' event of image is expected to trigger later if (this.largeImageSrc) { image.trigger('processStart'); } // No need to create template just for img tag this.largeImage = $('<img />', { src: this.largeImageSrc }); return this.largeImage; }, /** * Calculate zoom ratio. * * @return {Number} * @protected */ getZoomRatio: function () { var imageWidth; if (this.ratio === null || typeof this.ratio === 'undefined') { imageWidth = $(this.image).width() || $(this.image).prop('width'); return this.largeImageSize ? this.largeImageSize.width / imageWidth : 1; } return this.ratio; }, /** * Calculate lens size, depending on zoom ratio. * * @return {Object} object contain width and height fields * @protected */ _calculateLensSize: function () { var displayData = this.options.controls.display, ratio = this.getZoomRatio(); return { width: Math.ceil(displayData.width / ratio), height: Math.ceil(displayData.height / ratio) }; }, /** * Refresh position of large image depending of position of zoom lens. * * @param {Object} position * @param {Object} ui * @protected */ _refreshZoom: function (position, ui) { $(ui.element.element).css(position); this.largeImage.css(this._getLargeImageOffset(position)); }, /** * @param {Object} position * @return {Object} * @private */ _getLargeImageOffset: function (position) { var ratio = this.getZoomRatio(); return { top: -( * ratio), left: -(position.left * ratio) }; }, /** * Mouse move handler. * * @param {Object} e - event object * @protected */ _move: function (e) { this.lens.position({ my: 'center', at: 'left top', of: e, collision: 'fit', within: this.image, using: $.proxy(this._refreshZoom, this) }); } }); /** Extension for zoom widget - white borders detection */ $.widget('mage.zoom', $.mage.zoom, { /** * Get aspect ratio of the element. * * @param {Object} element - jQuery collection * @return {*} * @protected */ _getAspectRatio: function (element) { var width, height, aspectRatio; if (!element || !element.length) { return null; } width = element.width() || element.prop('width'); height = element.height() || element.prop('height'); aspectRatio = width / height; return Math.round(aspectRatio * 100) / 100; }, /** * Calculate large image offset depending on enabled "white borders" functionality. * * @return {Object} * @protected */ _getWhiteBordersOffset: function () { var ratio = this.getZoomRatio(), largeWidth = this.largeImageSize.width / ratio, largeHeight = this.largeImageSize.height / ratio, width = this.image.width() || this.image.prop('width'), height = this.image.height() || this.image.prop('height'), offsetLeft = width - largeWidth > 0 ? Math.ceil((width - largeWidth) / 2) : 0, offsetTop = height - largeHeight > 0 ? Math.ceil((height - largeHeight) / 2) : 0; return { top: offsetTop, left: offsetLeft }; }, /** * @override */ _largeImageLoaded: function () { this._super(); this.whiteBordersOffset = null; if (this._getAspectRatio(this.image) !== this._getAspectRatio(this.largeImage)) { this.whiteBordersOffset = this._getWhiteBordersOffset(); } }, /** * @override */ _getLargeImageOffset: function (position) { if (this.whiteBordersOffset) { -=; position.left -= this.whiteBordersOffset.left; } return this._superApply([position]); } }); return $.mage.zoom; });