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File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/lib/web/mage/adminhtml/grid.js

/** * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ // also depends on a mage/adminhtml/tools.js for Base64 encoding /* global varienGrid, setLocation, varienGlobalEvents, FORM_KEY, BASE_URL, Base64, varienGridMassaction, varienStringArray, serializerController */ /* eslint-disable strict */ define([ 'jquery', 'mage/template', 'Magento_Ui/js/modal/alert', 'Magento_Ui/js/modal/confirm', 'mage/mage', 'prototype', 'mage/adminhtml/form', 'mage/adminhtml/events' ], function (jQuery, mageTemplate, alert, confirm) { /** * @param {*} grid * @param {*} event */ function openGridRow(grid, event) { var element = Event.findElement(event, 'tr'); if (['a', 'input', 'select', 'option'].indexOf(Event.element(event).tagName.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return; } if (element.title) { setLocation(element.title); } } window.openGridRow = openGridRow; window.varienGrid = new Class.create(); varienGrid.prototype = { /** * @param {String} containerId * @param {String} url * @param {*} pageVar * @param {*} sortVar * @param {*} dirVar * @param {*} filterVar */ initialize: function (containerId, url, pageVar, sortVar, dirVar, filterVar) { this.containerId = containerId; jQuery('#' + containerId).data('gridObject', this); this.url = url; this.pageVar = pageVar || false; this.sortVar = sortVar || false; this.dirVar = dirVar || false; this.filterVar = filterVar || false; this.tableSufix = '_table'; this.useAjax = false; this.rowClickCallback = false; this.checkboxCheckCallback = false; this.preInitCallback = false; this.initCallback = false; this.initRowCallback = false; this.doFilterCallback = false; this.sortableUpdateCallback = false; this.filterKeyPressCallback = false; this.reloadParams = false; this.trOnMouseOver = this.rowMouseOver.bindAsEventListener(this); this.trOnMouseOut = this.rowMouseOut.bindAsEventListener(this); this.trOnClick = this.rowMouseClick.bindAsEventListener(this); this.trOnDblClick = this.rowMouseDblClick.bindAsEventListener(this); this.trOnKeyPress = this.keyPress.bindAsEventListener(this); this.thLinkOnClick = this.doSort.bindAsEventListener(this); this.initGrid(); }, /** * Init grid. */ initGrid: function () { var row, columns, col; if (this.preInitCallback) { this.preInitCallback(this); } if ($(this.containerId + this.tableSufix)) { this.rows = $$('#' + this.containerId + this.tableSufix + ' tbody tr'); for (row = 0; row < this.rows.length; row++) { if (row % 2 == 0) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq, max-depth Element.addClassName(this.rows[row], 'even'); } Event.observe(this.rows[row], 'mouseover', this.trOnMouseOver); Event.observe(this.rows[row], 'mouseout', this.trOnMouseOut); Event.observe(this.rows[row], 'click', this.trOnClick); Event.observe(this.rows[row], 'dblclick', this.trOnDblClick); } } if (this.sortVar && this.dirVar) { columns = $$('#' + this.containerId + this.tableSufix + ' thead [data-sort]'); for (col = 0; col < columns.length; col++) { Event.observe(columns[col], 'click', this.thLinkOnClick); } } this.bindFilterFields(); this.bindFieldsChange(); if (this.initCallback) { try { this.initCallback(this); } catch (e) { if (window.console) { //eslint-disable-line max-depth console.log(e); } } } jQuery('#' + this.containerId).trigger('gridinit', this); }, /** * Init grid ajax. */ initGridAjax: function () { this.initGrid(); this.initGridRows(); }, /** * Init grid rows. */ initGridRows: function () { var row; if (this.initRowCallback) { for (row = 0; row < this.rows.length; row++) { try { //eslint-disable-line max-depth this.initRowCallback(this, this.rows[row]); } catch (e) { if (window.console) { //eslint-disable-line max-depth console.log(e); } } } } }, /** * @param {*} event */ rowMouseOver: function (event) { var element = Event.findElement(event, 'tr'); if (!element.title) { return; } Element.addClassName(element, 'on-mouse'); if (!Element.hasClassName('_clickable') && (this.rowClickCallback !== openGridRow || element.title)) { if (element.title) { Element.addClassName(element, '_clickable'); } } }, /** * @param {*} event */ rowMouseOut: function (event) { var element = Event.findElement(event, 'tr'); Element.removeClassName(element, 'on-mouse'); }, /** * @param {*} event */ rowMouseClick: function (event) { if (this.rowClickCallback) { try { this.rowClickCallback(this, event); } catch (e) { } } varienGlobalEvents.fireEvent('gridRowClick', event); }, /** * @param {*} event */ rowMouseDblClick: function (event) { varienGlobalEvents.fireEvent('gridRowDblClick', event); }, /** * Key press. */ keyPress: function () {}, /** * @param {*} event * @return {Boolean} */ doSort: function (event) { var element = Event.findElement(event, 'th'); if (element.readAttribute('data-sort') && element.readAttribute('data-direction')) { this.addVarToUrl(this.sortVar, element.readAttribute('data-sort')); this.addVarToUrl(this.dirVar, element.readAttribute('data-direction')); this.reload(this.url); } Event.stop(event); return false; }, /** * @param {Object} element */ loadByElement: function (element) { if (element && { this.reload(this.addVarToUrl(, element.value)); } }, /** * @param {*} data * @param {*} textStatus * @param {*} transport * @private */ _onAjaxSeccess: function (data, textStatus, transport) { var responseText, response, divId; /* eslint-disable max-depth */ try { responseText = transport.responseText; if (transport.responseText.isJSON()) { response = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); if (response.error) { alert({ content: response.message }); } if (response.ajaxExpired && response.ajaxRedirect) { setLocation(response.ajaxRedirect); } } else { /*eslint-disable max-len*/ /** * For IE <= 7. * If there are two elements, and first has name, that equals id of second. * In this case, IE will choose one that is above * * @see */ /*eslint-enable max-len*/ divId = $(this.containerId); if ( == this.containerId) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq divId.update(responseText); } else { $$('div[id="' + this.containerId + '"]')[0].update(responseText); } } } catch (e) { divId = $(this.containerId); if ( == this.containerId) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq divId.update(responseText); } else { $$('div[id="' + this.containerId + '"]')[0].update(responseText); } } /* eslint-enable max-depth */ jQuery('#' + this.containerId).trigger('contentUpdated'); }, /** * @param {*} url * @param {Function} onSuccessCallback * @return {*} */ reload: function (url, onSuccessCallback) { var ajaxSettings, ajaxRequest; this.reloadParams = this.reloadParams || {}; this.reloadParams['form_key'] = FORM_KEY; url = url || this.url; if (this.useAjax) { ajaxSettings = { url: url + (url.match(new RegExp('\\?')) ? '&ajax=true' : '?ajax=true'), showLoader: true, method: 'post', context: jQuery('#' + this.containerId), data: this.reloadParams, error: this._processFailure.bind(this), complete: this.initGridAjax.bind(this), dataType: 'html', /** * Success callback. */ success: function (data, textStatus, transport) { this._onAjaxSeccess(data, textStatus, transport); if (onSuccessCallback && typeof onSuccessCallback === 'function') { // execute the callback, passing parameters as necessary onSuccessCallback(); } }.bind(this) }; jQuery('#' + this.containerId).trigger('gridajaxsettings', ajaxSettings); ajaxRequest = jQuery.ajax(ajaxSettings); jQuery('#' + this.containerId).trigger('gridajax', ajaxRequest); return ajaxRequest; } if (this.reloadParams) { $H(this.reloadParams).each(function (pair) { url = this.addVarToUrl(pair.key, pair.value); }.bind(this)); } location.href = url; }, /** * @private */ _processFailure: function () { location.href = BASE_URL; }, /** * @param {*} url * @param {*} varName * @param {*} varValue * @return {String|*} * @private */ _addVarToUrl: function (url, varName, varValue) { var re = new RegExp('\/(' + varName + '\/.*?\/)'), parts = url.split(new RegExp('\\?')); url = parts[0].replace(re, '/'); url += varName + '/' + varValue + '/'; if (parts.size() > 1) { url += '?' + parts[1]; } return url; }, /** * Builds the form with fields containing the and submits * * @param {String} url * @param {String} varName * @param {String} varValue * @private */ _buildFormAndSubmit: function (url, varName, varValue) { var re = new RegExp('\/(' + varName + '\/.*?\/)'), parts = url.split(new RegExp('\\?')), form = jQuery('<form/>'), inputProps = [ { name: varName, value: varValue }, { name: 'form_key', value: window.FORM_KEY } ], input; url = parts[0].replace(re, '/'); if (parts.size() > 1) { url += '?' + parts[1]; } form.attr('action', url); form.attr('method', 'POST'); inputProps.forEach(function (item) { input = jQuery('<input/>'); input.attr('name',; input.attr('type', 'hidden'); input.val(item.value); form.append(input); }); jQuery('[data-container="body"]').append(form); form.submit(); form.remove(); }, /** * @param {*} varName * @param {*} varValue * @return {*|String} */ addVarToUrl: function (varName, varValue) { this.url = this._addVarToUrl(this.url, varName, varValue); return this.url; }, /** * Do export. */ doExport: function () { var exportUrl; if ($(this.containerId + '_export')) { exportUrl = $(this.containerId + '_export').value; if (this.massaction && this.massaction.checkedString) { this._buildFormAndSubmit( exportUrl, this.massaction.formFieldNameInternal, this.massaction.checkedString ); } else { location.href = exportUrl; } } }, /** * Bind filter fields. */ bindFilterFields: function () { var filters = $$( '#' + this.containerId + ' [data-role="filter-form"] input', '#' + this.containerId + ' [data-role="filter-form"] select' ), i; for (i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) { Event.observe(filters[i], 'keypress', this.filterKeyPress.bind(this)); } }, /** * Bind field change. */ bindFieldsChange: function () { var dataElements, i; if (!$(this.containerId)) { return; } //var dataElements = $(this.containerId+this.tableSufix).down('.data tbody').select('input', 'select'); dataElements = $(this.containerId + this.tableSufix).down('tbody').select('input', 'select'); for (i = 0; i < dataElements.length; i++) { Event.observe(dataElements[i], 'change', dataElements[i].setHasChanges.bind(dataElements[i])); } }, /** * Bind sortable. */ bindSortable: function () { if (jQuery('#' + this.containerId).find('.draggable-handle').length) { jQuery('#' + this.containerId).find('tbody').sortable({ axis: 'y', handle: '.draggable-handle', /** * @param {*} event * @param {*} ui * @return {*} */ helper: function (event, ui) { ui.children().each(function () { jQuery(this).width(jQuery(this).width()); }); return ui; }, update: this.sortableUpdateCallback ? this.sortableUpdateCallback : function () {}, tolerance: 'pointer' }); } }, /** * @param {Object} event */ filterKeyPress: function (event) { if (event.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq this.doFilter(); } if (this.filterKeyPressCallback) { this.filterKeyPressCallback(this, event); } }, /** * @param {Function} callback */ doFilter: function (callback) { var filters = $$( '#' + this.containerId + ' [data-role="filter-form"] input', '#' + this.containerId + ' [data-role="filter-form"] select' ), elements = [], i; for (i in filters) { if (filters[i].value && filters[i].value.length) { elements.push(filters[i]); } } if (!this.doFilterCallback || this.doFilterCallback && this.doFilterCallback()) { this.reload( this.addVarToUrl(this.filterVar, Base64.encode(Form.serializeElements(elements))), callback ); } }, /** * @param {Function} callback */ resetFilter: function (callback) { this.reload(this.addVarToUrl(this.filterVar, ''), callback); }, /** * @param {Object} element */ checkCheckboxes: function (element) { var elements =$(this.containerId), 'input[name="' + + '"]'), i; for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { this.setCheckboxChecked(elements[i], element.checked); } /*eslint-enable no-undef*/ }, /** * * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {*} checked */ setCheckboxChecked: function (element, checked) { element.checked = checked; jQuery(element).trigger('change'); element.setHasChanges({}); if (this.checkboxCheckCallback) { this.checkboxCheckCallback(this, element, checked); } }, /** * @param {Object} event * @param {*} lastId */ inputPage: function (event, lastId) { var element = Event.element(event), keyCode = event.keyCode || event.which, enteredValue = parseInt(element.value, 10), pageId = parseInt(lastId, 10); if (keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq if (enteredValue > pageId) { this.setPage(pageId); } else { this.setPage(enteredValue); } } /*if(keyCode>47 && keyCode<58){ } else{ Event.stop(event); }*/ }, /** * @param {*} pageNumber */ setPage: function (pageNumber) { this.reload(this.addVarToUrl(this.pageVar, pageNumber)); } }; window.varienGridMassaction = Class.create(); varienGridMassaction.prototype = { /* Predefined vars */ checkedValues: $H({}), checkedString: '', oldCallbacks: {}, errorText: '', items: {}, gridIds: [], useSelectAll: false, currentItem: false, lastChecked: { left: false, top: false, checkbox: false }, fieldTemplate: mageTemplate('<input type="hidden" name="<%- name %>" value="<%- value %>" />'), /** * @param {*} containerId * @param {*} grid * @param {*} checkedValues * @param {*} formFieldNameInternal * @param {*} formFieldName */ initialize: function (containerId, grid, checkedValues, formFieldNameInternal, formFieldName) { this.setOldCallback('row_click', grid.rowClickCallback); this.setOldCallback('init', grid.initCallback); this.setOldCallback('init_row', grid.initRowCallback); this.setOldCallback('pre_init', grid.preInitCallback); this.useAjax = false; this.grid = grid; this.grid.massaction = this; this.containerId = containerId; this.initMassactionElements(); this.checkedString = checkedValues; this.formFieldName = formFieldName; this.formFieldNameInternal = formFieldNameInternal; this.grid.initCallback = this.onGridInit.bind(this); this.grid.preInitCallback = this.onGridPreInit.bind(this); this.grid.initRowCallback = this.onGridRowInit.bind(this); this.grid.rowClickCallback = this.onGridRowClick.bind(this); this.initCheckboxes(); this.checkCheckboxes(); }, /** * @param {*} flag */ setUseAjax: function (flag) { this.useAjax = flag; }, /** * @param {*} flag */ setUseSelectAll: function (flag) { this.useSelectAll = flag; }, /** * Init massaction elements. */ initMassactionElements: function () { this.container = $(this.containerId); this.multiselect = $(this.containerId + '-mass-select'); this.count = $(this.containerId + '-count'); this.formHiddens = $(this.containerId + '-form-hiddens'); this.formAdditional = $(this.containerId + '-form-additional'); = $(this.containerId + '-select'); this.form = this.prepareForm(); jQuery(this.form).mage('validation');'change', this.onSelectChange.bindAsEventListener(this)); this.lastChecked = { left: false, top: false, checkbox: false }; ? '_selected' : ''); this.initMassSelect(); }, /** * @return {jQuery|*|HTMLElement} */ prepareForm: function () { var form = $(this.containerId + '-form'), formPlace = null, formElement = this.formHiddens || this.formAdditional; if (!formElement) { formElement = this.container.getElementsByTagName('button')[0]; formElement && formElement.parentNode; } if (!form && formElement) { /* fix problem with rendering form in FF through innerHTML property */ form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('method', 'post'); form.setAttribute('action', ''); = this.containerId + '-form'; formPlace = formElement.parentNode; formPlace.parentNode.appendChild(form); form.appendChild(formPlace); } return form; }, /** * @param {Array} gridIds */ setGridIds: function (gridIds) { this.gridIds = gridIds; this.updateCount(); }, /** * @return {Array} */ getGridIds: function () { return this.gridIds; }, /** * @param {*} items */ setItems: function (items) { this.items = items; this.updateCount(); }, /** * @return {Object} */ getItems: function () { return this.items; }, /** * @param {*} itemId * @return {*} */ getItem: function (itemId) { if (this.items[itemId]) { return this.items[itemId]; } return false; }, /** * @param {String} callbackName * @return {Function} */ getOldCallback: function (callbackName) { return this.oldCallbacks[callbackName] ? this.oldCallbacks[callbackName] : Prototype.emptyFunction; }, /** * @param {String} callbackName * @param {Function} callback */ setOldCallback: function (callbackName, callback) { this.oldCallbacks[callbackName] = callback; }, /** * @param {*} grid */ onGridPreInit: function (grid) { this.initMassactionElements(); this.getOldCallback('pre_init')(grid); }, /** * @param {*} grid */ onGridInit: function (grid) { this.initCheckboxes(); this.checkCheckboxes(); this.updateCount(); this.getOldCallback('init')(grid); }, /** * @param {*} grid * @param {*} row */ onGridRowInit: function (grid, row) { this.getOldCallback('init_row')(grid, row); }, /** * @param {Object} evt */ isDisabled: function (evt) { var target = jQuery(, tr, checkbox; tr ='tr') ? target : target.closest('tr'); checkbox = tr.find('input[type="checkbox"]'); return':disabled'); }, /** * @param {*} grid * @param {*} evt * @return {*} */ onGridRowClick: function (grid, evt) { var tdElement = Event.findElement(evt, 'td'), trElement = Event.findElement(evt, 'tr'), checkbox, isInput, checked; if (this.isDisabled(evt)) { return false; } if (!$(tdElement).down('input')) { if ($(tdElement).down('a') || $(tdElement).down('select')) { return; //eslint-disable-line } if (trElement.title && trElement.title.strip() != '#') { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq this.getOldCallback('row_click')(grid, evt); } else { checkbox =, 'input'); isInput = Event.element(evt).tagName == 'input'; //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq checked = isInput ? checkbox[0].checked : !checkbox[0].checked; if (checked) { //eslint-disable-line max-depth this.checkedString = varienStringArray.add(checkbox[0].value, this.checkedString); } else { this.checkedString = varienStringArray.remove(checkbox[0].value, this.checkedString); } this.grid.setCheckboxChecked(checkbox[0], checked); this.updateCount(); } return; //eslint-disable-line } if (Event.element(evt).isMassactionCheckbox) { this.setCheckbox(Event.element(evt)); } else if (checkbox = this.findCheckbox(evt)) { //eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked; jQuery(checkbox).trigger('change'); this.setCheckbox(checkbox); } }, /** * @param {Object} evt */ onSelectChange: function (evt) { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); if (item) { this.formAdditional.update($(this.containerId + '-item-' + + '-block').innerHTML);'_selected'); } else { this.formAdditional.update('');'_selected'); } jQuery(this.form).data('validator').resetForm(); }, /** * @param {Object} evt * @return {*} */ findCheckbox: function (evt) { if (['a', 'input', 'select'].indexOf(Event.element(evt).tagName.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return false; } checkbox = false; //eslint-disable-line no-undef Event.findElement(evt, 'tr').select('[data-role="select-row"]').each(function (element) { //eslint-disable-line if (element.isMassactionCheckbox) { checkbox = element; //eslint-disable-line no-undef } }); return checkbox; //eslint-disable-line no-undef }, /** * Init checkobox. */ initCheckboxes: function () { this.getCheckboxes().each(function (checkbox) { //eslint-disable-line no-extra-bind checkbox.isMassactionCheckbox = true; //eslint-disable-line no-undef }); }, /** * Check checkbox. */ checkCheckboxes: function () { this.getCheckboxes().each(function (checkbox) { checkbox.checked = varienStringArray.has(checkbox.value, this.checkedString); jQuery(checkbox).trigger('change'); }.bind(this)); }, /** * @return {Boolean} */ selectAll: function () { this.setCheckedValues(this.useSelectAll ? this.getGridIds() : this.getCheckboxesValuesAsString()); this.checkCheckboxes(); this.updateCount(); this.clearLastChecked(); return false; }, /** * @return {Boolean} */ unselectAll: function () { this.setCheckedValues(''); this.checkCheckboxes(); this.updateCount(); this.clearLastChecked(); return false; }, /** * @return {Boolean} */ selectVisible: function () { this.setCheckedValues(this.getCheckboxesValuesAsString()); this.checkCheckboxes(); this.updateCount(); this.clearLastChecked(); return false; }, /** * @return {Boolean} */ unselectVisible: function () { this.getCheckboxesValues().each(function (key) { this.checkedString = varienStringArray.remove(key, this.checkedString); }.bind(this)); this.checkCheckboxes(); this.updateCount(); this.clearLastChecked(); return false; }, /** * @param {*} values */ setCheckedValues: function (values) { this.checkedString = values; }, /** * @return {String} */ getCheckedValues: function () { return this.checkedString; }, /** * @return {Array} */ getCheckboxes: function () { var result = []; this.grid.rows.each(function (row) { var checkboxes ='[data-role="select-row"]'); checkboxes.each(function (checkbox) { result.push(checkbox); }); }); return result; }, /** * @return {Array} */ getCheckboxesValues: function () { var result = []; this.getCheckboxes().each(function (checkbox) { //eslint-disable-line no-extra-bind result.push(checkbox.value); }); return result; }, /** * @return {String} */ getCheckboxesValuesAsString: function () { return this.getCheckboxesValues().join(','); }, /** * @param {Object} checkbox */ setCheckbox: function (checkbox) { if (checkbox.checked) { this.checkedString = varienStringArray.add(checkbox.value, this.checkedString); } else { this.checkedString = varienStringArray.remove(checkbox.value, this.checkedString); } this.updateCount(); }, /** * Update count. */ updateCount: function () { var checkboxesTotal = varienStringArray.count( this.useSelectAll ? this.getGridIds() : this.getCheckboxesValuesAsString() ), checkboxesChecked = varienStringArray.count(this.checkedString); jQuery('[data-role="counter"]', this.count).html(checkboxesChecked); if (!checkboxesTotal) { this.multiselect.addClassName('_disabled'); } else { this.multiselect.removeClassName('_disabled'); } if (checkboxesChecked == checkboxesTotal && checkboxesTotal != 0) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq this.count.removeClassName('_empty'); this.multiselect.addClassName('_checked').removeClassName('_indeterminate'); } else if (checkboxesChecked == 0) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq this.count.addClassName('_empty'); this.multiselect.removeClassName('_checked').removeClassName('_indeterminate'); } else { this.count.removeClassName('_empty'); this.multiselect.addClassName('_checked').addClassName('_indeterminate'); } if (!this.grid.reloadParams) { this.grid.reloadParams = {}; } this.grid.reloadParams[this.formFieldNameInternal] = this.checkedString; }, /** * @return {*} */ getSelectedItem: function () { if (this.getItem( { return this.getItem(; } return false; }, /** * Apply. */ apply: function () { var item, fieldName; if (varienStringArray.count(this.checkedString) == 0) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq alert({ content: this.errorText }); return; } item = this.getSelectedItem(); if (!item) { jQuery(this.form).valid(); return; } this.currentItem = item; fieldName = item.field ? item.field : this.formFieldName; if (this.currentItem.confirm) { confirm({ content: this.currentItem.confirm, actions: { confirm: this.onConfirm.bind(this, fieldName, item) } }); } else { this.onConfirm(fieldName, item); } }, /** * @param {*} fieldName * @param {*} item */ onConfirm: function (fieldName, item) { this.formHiddens.update(''); new Insertion.Bottom(this.formHiddens, this.fieldTemplate({ name: fieldName, value: this.checkedString })); new Insertion.Bottom(this.formHiddens, this.fieldTemplate({ name: 'massaction_prepare_key', value: fieldName })); if (!jQuery(this.form).valid()) { return; } if (this.useAjax && item.url) { new Ajax.Request(item.url, { 'method': 'post', 'parameters': this.form.serialize(true), 'onComplete': this.onMassactionComplete.bind(this) }); } else if (item.url) { this.form.action = item.url; this.form.submit(); } }, /** * @param {*} transport */ onMassactionComplete: function (transport) { var listener; if (this.currentItem.complete) { try { listener = this.getListener(this.currentItem.complete) || Prototype.emptyFunction; listener(this.grid, this, transport); } catch (e) {} } }, /** * @param {*} strValue * @return {Object} */ getListener: function (strValue) { return eval(strValue); //eslint-disable-line no-eval }, /** * Init mass select. */ initMassSelect: function () { $$('input[data-role="select-row"]').each(function (element) { element.observe('click', this.massSelect.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, /** * Clear last checked. */ clearLastChecked: function () { this.lastChecked = { left: false, top: false, checkbox: false }; }, /** * @param {Object} evt */ massSelect: function (evt) { var currentCheckbox, lastCheckbox, start, finish; if (this.lastChecked.left !== false && !== false && evt.button === 0 && evt.shiftKey === true ) { currentCheckbox = Event.element(evt); lastCheckbox = this.lastChecked.checkbox; if (lastCheckbox != currentCheckbox) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq start = this.getCheckboxOrder(lastCheckbox); finish = this.getCheckboxOrder(currentCheckbox); if (start !== false && finish !== false) { //eslint-disable-line max-depth this.selectCheckboxRange( Math.min(start, finish), Math.max(start, finish), currentCheckbox.checked ); } } } this.lastChecked = { left: Event.element(evt).viewportOffset().left, top: Event.element(evt).viewportOffset().top, checkbox: Event.element(evt) // "boundary" checkbox }; }, /** * @param {*} curCheckbox * @return {Boolean} */ getCheckboxOrder: function (curCheckbox) { var order = false; this.getCheckboxes().each(function (checkbox, key) { if (curCheckbox == checkbox) { //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq order = key; } }); return order; }, /** * @param {*} start * @param {*} finish * @param {*} isChecked */ selectCheckboxRange: function (start, finish, isChecked) { this.getCheckboxes().each(function (checkbox, key) { if (key >= start && key <= finish) { checkbox.checked = isChecked; this.setCheckbox(checkbox); } }.bind(this)); } }; window.varienGridAction = { /** * @param {Object} select */ execute: function (select) { var config, win; if (!select.value || !select.value.isJSON()) { return; } config = select.value.evalJSON(); if (config.confirm && !window.confirm(config.confirm)) { //eslint-disable-line no-alert select.options[0].selected = true; return; } if (config.popup) { win =, 'action_window', 'width=500,height=600,resizable=1,scrollbars=1'); win.focus(); select.options[0].selected = true; } else { setLocation(config.href); } } }; window.varienStringArray = { /** * @param {*} str * @param {*} haystack * @return {*} */ remove: function (str, haystack) { haystack = ',' + haystack + ','; haystack = haystack.replace(new RegExp(',' + str + ',', 'g'), ','); return this.trimComma(haystack); }, /** * @param {*} str * @param {*} haystack * @return {*} */ add: function (str, haystack) { haystack = ',' + haystack + ','; if ( RegExp(',' + str + ',', 'g'), haystack) === -1) { haystack += str + ','; } return this.trimComma(haystack); }, /** * @param {*} str * @param {*} haystack * @return {Boolean} */ has: function (str, haystack) { haystack = ',' + haystack + ','; if ( RegExp(',' + str + ',', 'g'), haystack) === -1) { return false; } return true; }, /** * @param {*} haystack * @return {*} */ count: function (haystack) { var match; if (typeof haystack != 'string') { return 0; } /* eslint-disable no-undef, no-cond-assign, eqeqeq */ if (match = haystack.match(new RegExp(',', 'g'))) { return match.length + 1; } else if (haystack.length != 0) { return 1; } /* eslint-enable no-undef, no-cond-assign, eqeqeq */ return 0; }, /** * @param {*} haystack * @param {*} fnc */ each: function (haystack, fnc) { var i; haystack = haystack.split(','); for (i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) { fnc(haystack[i]); } }, /** * @param {String} string * @return {String} */ trimComma: function (string) { string = string.replace(new RegExp('^(,+)','i'), ''); string = string.replace(new RegExp('(,+)$','i'), ''); return string; } }; window.serializerController = Class.create(); serializerController.prototype = { oldCallbacks: {}, /** * @param {*} hiddenDataHolder * @param {*} predefinedData * @param {*} inputsToManage * @param {*} grid * @param {*} reloadParamName */ initialize: function (hiddenDataHolder, predefinedData, inputsToManage, grid, reloadParamName) { //Grid inputs this.tabIndex = 1000; this.inputsToManage = inputsToManage; this.multidimensionalMode = inputsToManage.length > 0; //Hash with grid data this.gridData = this.getGridDataHash(predefinedData); //Hidden input data holder this.hiddenDataHolder = $(hiddenDataHolder); this.hiddenDataHolder.value = this.serializeObject(); this.grid = grid; // Set old callbacks this.setOldCallback('row_click', this.grid.rowClickCallback); this.setOldCallback('init_row', this.grid.initRowCallback); this.setOldCallback('checkbox_check', this.grid.checkboxCheckCallback); //Grid this.reloadParamName = reloadParamName; this.grid.reloadParams = {}; this.grid.reloadParams[this.reloadParamName + '[]'] = this.getDataForReloadParam(); this.grid.rowClickCallback = this.rowClick.bind(this); this.grid.initRowCallback = this.rowInit.bind(this); this.grid.checkboxCheckCallback = this.registerData.bind(this); this.grid.rows.each(this.eachRow.bind(this)); }, /** * @param {String} callbackName * @param {Function} callback */ setOldCallback: function (callbackName, callback) { this.oldCallbacks[callbackName] = callback; }, /** * @param {String} callbackName * @return {Prototype.emptyFunction} */ getOldCallback: function (callbackName) { return this.oldCallbacks[callbackName] ? this.oldCallbacks[callbackName] : Prototype.emptyFunction; }, /** * @param {*} grid * @param {*} element * @param {*} checked */ registerData: function (grid, element, checked) { var i; if (this.multidimensionalMode) { if (checked) { /*eslint-disable max-depth*/ if (element.inputElements) { this.gridData.set(element.value, {}); for (i = 0; i < element.inputElements.length; i++) { element.inputElements[i].disabled = false; this.gridData.get(element.value)[element.inputElements[i].name] = element.inputElements[i].value; } } } else { if (element.inputElements) { for (i = 0; i < element.inputElements.length; i++) { element.inputElements[i].disabled = true; } } this.gridData.unset(element.value); } } else { if (checked) { //eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if this.gridData.set(element.value, element.value); } else { this.gridData.unset(element.value); } } this.hiddenDataHolder.value = this.serializeObject(); this.grid.reloadParams = {}; this.grid.reloadParams[this.reloadParamName + '[]'] = this.getDataForReloadParam(); this.getOldCallback('checkbox_check')(grid, element, checked); /*eslint-enable max-depth*/ }, /** * @param {*} row */ eachRow: function (row) { this.rowInit(this.grid, row); }, /** * @param {*} grid * @param {*} event */ rowClick: function (grid, event) { var trElement = Event.findElement(event, 'tr'), isInput = Event.element(event).tagName == 'INPUT', //eslint-disable-line eqeqeq checkbox, checked; if (trElement) { checkbox =, 'input'); if (checkbox[0] && !checkbox[0].disabled) { checked = isInput ? checkbox[0].checked : !checkbox[0].checked; this.grid.setCheckboxChecked(checkbox[0], checked); } } this.getOldCallback('row_click')(grid, event); }, /** * @param {*} event */ inputChange: function (event) { var element = Event.element(event); if (element && element.checkboxElement && element.checkboxElement.checked) { this.gridData.get(element.checkboxElement.value)[] = element.value; this.hiddenDataHolder.value = this.serializeObject(); } }, /** * @param {*} grid * @param {*} row */ rowInit: function (grid, row) { var checkbox, selectors, inputs, i; if (this.multidimensionalMode) { checkbox = $(row).select('.checkbox')[0]; selectors = (name) { return ['input[name="' + name + '"]', 'select[name="' + name + '"]']; }); inputs = $(row).select.apply($(row), selectors.flatten()); if (checkbox && inputs.length > 0) { checkbox.inputElements = inputs; /* eslint-disable max-depth */ for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { inputs[i].checkboxElement = checkbox; if (this.gridData.get(checkbox.value) && this.gridData.get(checkbox.value)[inputs[i].name]) { inputs[i].value = this.gridData.get(checkbox.value)[inputs[i].name]; } inputs[i].disabled = !checkbox.checked; inputs[i].tabIndex = this.tabIndex++; Event.observe(inputs[i], 'keyup', this.inputChange.bind(this)); Event.observe(inputs[i], 'change', this.inputChange.bind(this)); } } } /* eslint-enable max-depth */ this.getOldCallback('init_row')(grid, row); }, /** * Stuff methods. * * @param {*} _object * @return {*} */ getGridDataHash: function (_object) { return $H(this.multidimensionalMode ? _object : this.convertArrayToObject(_object)); }, /** * @return {*} */ getDataForReloadParam: function () { return this.multidimensionalMode ? this.gridData.keys() : this.gridData.values(); }, /** * @return {*} */ serializeObject: function () { var clone; if (this.multidimensionalMode) { clone = this.gridData.clone(); clone.each(function (pair) { clone.set(pair.key, Base64.encode(Object.toQueryString(pair.value))); }); return clone.toQueryString(); } return this.gridData.values().join('&'); }, /** * @param {Array} _array * @return {Object} */ convertArrayToObject: function (_array) { var _object = {}, i, l; for (i = 0, l = _array.length; i < l; i++) { _object[_array[i]] = _array[i]; } return _object; } }; });