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HOME about upload exec mass file domain root vuln newfile newfolder kill me

File Path : /home/webmaster/firofichi/www/lib/web/fotorama/fotorama.js

/*! * Fotorama 4.6.4 | */ fotoramaVersion = '4.6.4'; (function (window, document, location, $, undefined) { "use strict"; var _fotoramaClass = 'fotorama', _fullscreenClass = 'fotorama__fullscreen', wrapClass = _fotoramaClass + '__wrap', wrapCss2Class = wrapClass + '--css2', wrapCss3Class = wrapClass + '--css3', wrapVideoClass = wrapClass + '--video', wrapFadeClass = wrapClass + '--fade', wrapSlideClass = wrapClass + '--slide', wrapNoControlsClass = wrapClass + '--no-controls', wrapNoShadowsClass = wrapClass + '--no-shadows', wrapPanYClass = wrapClass + '--pan-y', wrapRtlClass = wrapClass + '--rtl', wrapOnlyActiveClass = wrapClass + '--only-active', wrapNoCaptionsClass = wrapClass + '--no-captions', wrapToggleArrowsClass = wrapClass + '--toggle-arrows', stageClass = _fotoramaClass + '__stage', stageFrameClass = stageClass + '__frame', stageFrameVideoClass = stageFrameClass + '--video', stageShaftClass = stageClass + '__shaft', grabClass = _fotoramaClass + '__grab', pointerClass = _fotoramaClass + '__pointer', arrClass = _fotoramaClass + '__arr', arrDisabledClass = arrClass + '--disabled', arrPrevClass = arrClass + '--prev', arrNextClass = arrClass + '--next', navClass = _fotoramaClass + '__nav', navWrapClass = navClass + '-wrap', navShaftClass = navClass + '__shaft', navShaftVerticalClass = navWrapClass + '--vertical', navShaftListClass = navWrapClass + '--list', navShafthorizontalClass = navWrapClass + '--horizontal', navDotsClass = navClass + '--dots', navThumbsClass = navClass + '--thumbs', navFrameClass = navClass + '__frame', fadeClass = _fotoramaClass + '__fade', fadeFrontClass = fadeClass + '-front', fadeRearClass = fadeClass + '-rear', shadowClass = _fotoramaClass + '__shadow', shadowsClass = shadowClass + 's', shadowsLeftClass = shadowsClass + '--left', shadowsRightClass = shadowsClass + '--right', shadowsTopClass = shadowsClass + '--top', shadowsBottomClass = shadowsClass + '--bottom', activeClass = _fotoramaClass + '__active', selectClass = _fotoramaClass + '__select', hiddenClass = _fotoramaClass + '--hidden', fullscreenClass = _fotoramaClass + '--fullscreen', fullscreenIconClass = _fotoramaClass + '__fullscreen-icon', errorClass = _fotoramaClass + '__error', loadingClass = _fotoramaClass + '__loading', loadedClass = _fotoramaClass + '__loaded', loadedFullClass = loadedClass + '--full', loadedImgClass = loadedClass + '--img', grabbingClass = _fotoramaClass + '__grabbing', imgClass = _fotoramaClass + '__img', imgFullClass = imgClass + '--full', thumbClass = _fotoramaClass + '__thumb', thumbArrLeft = thumbClass + '__arr--left', thumbArrRight = thumbClass + '__arr--right', thumbBorderClass = thumbClass + '-border', htmlClass = _fotoramaClass + '__html', videoContainerClass = _fotoramaClass + '-video-container', videoClass = _fotoramaClass + '__video', videoPlayClass = videoClass + '-play', videoCloseClass = videoClass + '-close', horizontalImageClass = _fotoramaClass + '_horizontal_ratio', verticalImageClass = _fotoramaClass + '_vertical_ratio', fotoramaSpinnerClass = _fotoramaClass + '__spinner', spinnerShowClass = fotoramaSpinnerClass + '--show'; var JQUERY_VERSION = $ && $.fn.jquery.split('.'); if (!JQUERY_VERSION || JQUERY_VERSION[0] < 1 || (JQUERY_VERSION[0] == 1 && JQUERY_VERSION[1] < 8)) { throw 'Fotorama requires jQuery 1.8 or later and will not run without it.'; } var _ = {}; /* Modernizr 2.8.3 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD * Build: */ var Modernizr = (function (window, document, undefined) { var version = '2.8.3', Modernizr = {}, docElement = document.documentElement, mod = 'modernizr', modElem = document.createElement(mod), mStyle =, inputElem, toString = {}.toString, prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(' '), omPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms', cssomPrefixes = omPrefixes.split(' '), domPrefixes = omPrefixes.toLowerCase().split(' '), tests = {}, inputs = {}, attrs = {}, classes = [], slice = classes.slice, featureName, injectElementWithStyles = function (rule, callback, nodes, testnames) { var style, ret, node, docOverflow, div = document.createElement('div'), body = document.body, fakeBody = body || document.createElement('body'); if (parseInt(nodes, 10)) { while (nodes--) { node = document.createElement('div'); = testnames ? testnames[nodes] : mod + (nodes + 1); div.appendChild(node); } } style = ['&#173;', '<style id="s', mod, '">', rule, '</style>'].join(''); = mod; (body ? div : fakeBody).innerHTML += style; fakeBody.appendChild(div); if (!body) { = ''; = 'hidden'; docOverflow =; = 'hidden'; docElement.appendChild(fakeBody); } ret = callback(div, rule); if (!body) { fakeBody.parentNode.removeChild(fakeBody); = docOverflow; } else { div.parentNode.removeChild(div); } return !!ret; }, _hasOwnProperty = ({}).hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProp; if (!is(_hasOwnProperty, 'undefined') && !is(, 'undefined')) { hasOwnProp = function (object, property) { return, property); }; } else { hasOwnProp = function (object, property) { return ((property in object) && is(object.constructor.prototype[property], 'undefined')); }; } if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function bind(that) { var target = this; if (typeof target != "function") { throw new TypeError(); } var args =, 1), bound = function () { if (this instanceof bound) { var F = function () { }; F.prototype = target.prototype; var self = new F(); var result = target.apply( self, args.concat( ); if (Object(result) === result) { return result; } return self; } else { return target.apply( that, args.concat( ); } }; return bound; }; } function setCss(str) { mStyle.cssText = str; } function setCssAll(str1, str2) { return setCss(prefixes.join(str1 + ';') + ( str2 || '' )); } function is(obj, type) { return typeof obj === type; } function contains(str, substr) { return !!~('' + str).indexOf(substr); } function testProps(props, prefixed) { for (var i in props) { var prop = props[i]; if (!contains(prop, "-") && mStyle[prop] !== undefined) { return prefixed == 'pfx' ? prop : true; } } return false; } function testDOMProps(props, obj, elem) { for (var i in props) { var item = obj[props[i]]; if (item !== undefined) { if (elem === false) return props[i]; if (is(item, 'function')) { return item.bind(elem || obj); } return item; } } return false; } function testPropsAll(prop, prefixed, elem) { var ucProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1), props = (prop + ' ' + cssomPrefixes.join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' '); if (is(prefixed, "string") || is(prefixed, "undefined")) { return testProps(props, prefixed); } else { props = (prop + ' ' + (domPrefixes).join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' '); return testDOMProps(props, prefixed, elem); } } tests['touch'] = function () { var bool; if (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) { bool = true; } else { injectElementWithStyles(['@media (', prefixes.join('touch-enabled),('), mod, ')', '{#modernizr{top:9px;position:absolute}}'].join(''), function (node) { bool = node.offsetTop === 9; }); } return bool; }; tests['csstransforms3d'] = function () { var ret = !!testPropsAll('perspective'); if (ret && 'webkitPerspective' in { injectElementWithStyles('@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#modernizr{left:9px;position:absolute;height:3px;}}', function (node, rule) { ret = node.offsetLeft === 9 && node.offsetHeight === 3; }); } return ret; }; tests['csstransitions'] = function () { return testPropsAll('transition'); }; for (var feature in tests) { if (hasOwnProp(tests, feature)) { featureName = feature.toLowerCase(); Modernizr[featureName] = tests[feature](); classes.push((Modernizr[featureName] ? '' : 'no-') + featureName); } } Modernizr.addTest = function (feature, test) { if (typeof feature == 'object') { for (var key in feature) { if (hasOwnProp(feature, key)) { Modernizr.addTest(key, feature[key]); } } } else { feature = feature.toLowerCase(); if (Modernizr[feature] !== undefined) { return Modernizr; } test = typeof test == 'function' ? test() : test; if (typeof enableClasses !== "undefined" && enableClasses) { docElement.className += ' ' + (test ? '' : 'no-') + feature; } Modernizr[feature] = test; } return Modernizr; }; setCss(''); modElem = inputElem = null; Modernizr._version = version; Modernizr._prefixes = prefixes; Modernizr._domPrefixes = domPrefixes; Modernizr._cssomPrefixes = cssomPrefixes; Modernizr.testProp = function (prop) { return testProps([prop]); }; Modernizr.testAllProps = testPropsAll; Modernizr.testStyles = injectElementWithStyles; Modernizr.prefixed = function (prop, obj, elem) { if (!obj) { return testPropsAll(prop, 'pfx'); } else { return testPropsAll(prop, obj, elem); } }; return Modernizr; })(window, document); var fullScreenApi = { ok: false, is: function () { return false; }, request: function () { }, cancel: function () { }, event: '', prefix: '' }, browserPrefixes = 'webkit moz o ms khtml'.split(' '); // check for native support if (typeof document.cancelFullScreen != 'undefined') { fullScreenApi.ok = true; } else { // check for fullscreen support by vendor prefix for (var i = 0, il = browserPrefixes.length; i < il; i++) { fullScreenApi.prefix = browserPrefixes[i]; if (typeof document[fullScreenApi.prefix + 'CancelFullScreen'] != 'undefined') { fullScreenApi.ok = true; break; } } } // update methods to do something useful if (fullScreenApi.ok) { fullScreenApi.event = fullScreenApi.prefix + 'fullscreenchange'; = function () { switch (this.prefix) { case '': return document.fullScreen; case 'webkit': return document.webkitIsFullScreen; default: return document[this.prefix + 'FullScreen']; } }; fullScreenApi.request = function (el) { return (this.prefix === '') ? el.requestFullScreen() : el[this.prefix + 'RequestFullScreen'](); }; fullScreenApi.cancel = function (el) { if (! { return false; } return (this.prefix === '') ? document.cancelFullScreen() : document[this.prefix + 'CancelFullScreen'](); }; } /* Bez v1.0.10-g5ae0136 * * * A plugin to convert CSS3 cubic-bezier co-ordinates to jQuery-compatible easing functions * * With thanks to Nikolay Nemshilov for clarification on the cubic-bezier maths * See * * Copyright 2011 Robert Dallas Gray. All rights reserved. * Provided under the FreeBSD license: */ function bez(coOrdArray) { var encodedFuncName = "bez_" + $.makeArray(arguments).join("_").replace(".", "p"); if (typeof $['easing'][encodedFuncName] !== "function") { var polyBez = function (p1, p2) { var A = [null, null], B = [null, null], C = [null, null], bezCoOrd = function (t, ax) { C[ax] = 3 * p1[ax]; B[ax] = 3 * (p2[ax] - p1[ax]) - C[ax]; A[ax] = 1 - C[ax] - B[ax]; return t * (C[ax] + t * (B[ax] + t * A[ax])); }, xDeriv = function (t) { return C[0] + t * (2 * B[0] + 3 * A[0] * t); }, xForT = function (t) { var x = t, i = 0, z; while (++i < 14) { z = bezCoOrd(x, 0) - t; if (Math.abs(z) < 1e-3) break; x -= z / xDeriv(x); } return x; }; return function (t) { return bezCoOrd(xForT(t), 1); } }; $['easing'][encodedFuncName] = function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * polyBez([coOrdArray[0], coOrdArray[1]], [coOrdArray[2], coOrdArray[3]])(t / d) + b; } } return encodedFuncName; } var $WINDOW = $(window), $DOCUMENT = $(document), $HTML, $BODY, QUIRKS_FORCE = location.hash.replace('#', '') === 'quirks', TRANSFORMS3D = Modernizr.csstransforms3d, CSS3 = TRANSFORMS3D && !QUIRKS_FORCE, COMPAT = TRANSFORMS3D || document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat', FULLSCREEN = fullScreenApi.ok, MOBILE = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone/i), SLOW = !CSS3 || MOBILE, MS_POINTER = navigator.msPointerEnabled, WHEEL = "onwheel" in document.createElement("div") ? "wheel" : document.onmousewheel !== undefined ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll", TOUCH_TIMEOUT = 250, TRANSITION_DURATION = 300, SCROLL_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 1400, AUTOPLAY_INTERVAL = 5000, MARGIN = 2, THUMB_SIZE = 64, WIDTH = 500, HEIGHT = 333, STAGE_FRAME_KEY = '$stageFrame', NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY = '$navDotFrame', NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY = '$navThumbFrame', AUTO = 'auto', BEZIER = bez([.1, 0, .25, 1]), MAX_WIDTH = 1200, /** * Number of thumbnails in slide. Calculated only on setOptions and resize. * @type {number} */ thumbsPerSlide = 1, OPTIONS = { /** * Set width for gallery. * Default value - width of first image * Number - set value in px * String - set value in quotes * */ width: null, /** * Set min-width for gallery * */ minwidth: null, /** * Set max-width for gallery * */ maxwidth: '100%', /** * Set height for gallery * Default value - height of first image * Number - set value in px * String - set value in quotes * */ height: null, /** * Set min-height for gallery * */ minheight: null, /** * Set max-height for gallery * */ maxheight: null, /** * Set proportion ratio for gallery depends of image * */ ratio: null, // '16/9' || 500/333 || 1.5 margin: MARGIN, nav: 'dots', // 'thumbs' || false navposition: 'bottom', // 'top' navwidth: null, thumbwidth: THUMB_SIZE, thumbheight: THUMB_SIZE, thumbmargin: MARGIN, thumbborderwidth: MARGIN, allowfullscreen: false, // true || 'native' transition: 'slide', // 'crossfade' || 'dissolve' clicktransition: null, transitionduration: TRANSITION_DURATION, captions: true, startindex: 0, loop: false, autoplay: false, stopautoplayontouch: true, keyboard: false, arrows: true, click: true, swipe: false, trackpad: false, shuffle: false, direction: 'ltr', // 'rtl' shadows: true, showcaption: true, /** * Set type of thumbnail navigation */ navdir: 'horizontal', /** * Set configuration to show or hide arrows in thumb navigation */ navarrows: true, /** * Set type of navigation. Can be thumbs or slides */ navtype: 'thumbs' }, KEYBOARD_OPTIONS = { left: true, right: true, down: true, up: true, space: false, home: false, end: false }; function noop() { } function minMaxLimit(value, min, max) { return Math.max(isNaN(min) ? -Infinity : min, Math.min(isNaN(max) ? Infinity : max, value)); } function readTransform(css, dir) { return css.match(/ma/) && css.match(/-?\d+(?!d)/g)[css.match(/3d/) ? (dir === 'vertical' ? 13 : 12) : (dir === 'vertical' ? 5 : 4) ] } function readPosition($el, dir) { if (CSS3) { return +readTransform($el.css('transform'), dir); } else { return +$el.css(dir === 'vertical' ? 'top' : 'left').replace('px', ''); } } function getTranslate(pos, direction) { var obj = {}; if (CSS3) { switch (direction) { case 'vertical': obj.transform = 'translate3d(0, ' + (pos) + 'px,0)'; break; case 'list': break; default : obj.transform = 'translate3d(' + (pos) + 'px,0,0)'; break; } } else { direction === 'vertical' ? = pos : obj.left = pos; } return obj; } function getDuration(time) { return {'transition-duration': time + 'ms'}; } function unlessNaN(value, alternative) { return isNaN(value) ? alternative : value; } function numberFromMeasure(value, measure) { return unlessNaN(+String(value).replace(measure || 'px', '')); } function numberFromPercent(value) { return /%$/.test(value) ? numberFromMeasure(value, '%') : undefined; } function numberFromWhatever(value, whole) { return unlessNaN(numberFromPercent(value) / 100 * whole, numberFromMeasure(value)); } function measureIsValid(value) { return (!isNaN(numberFromMeasure(value)) || !isNaN(numberFromMeasure(value, '%'))) && value; } function getPosByIndex(index, side, margin, baseIndex) { return (index - (baseIndex || 0)) * (side + (margin || 0)); } function getIndexByPos(pos, side, margin, baseIndex) { return -Math.round(pos / (side + (margin || 0)) - (baseIndex || 0)); } function bindTransitionEnd($el) { var elData = $; if (elData.tEnd) return; var el = $el[0], transitionEndEvent = { WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', MozTransition: 'transitionend', OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend', msTransition: 'MSTransitionEnd', transition: 'transitionend' }; addEvent(el, transitionEndEvent[Modernizr.prefixed('transition')], function (e) { elData.tProp && e.propertyName.match(elData.tProp) && elData.onEndFn(); }); elData.tEnd = true; } function afterTransition($el, property, fn, time) { var ok, elData = $; if (elData) { elData.onEndFn = function () { if (ok) return; ok = true; clearTimeout(elData.tT); fn(); }; elData.tProp = property; // Passive call, just in case of fail of native transition-end event clearTimeout(elData.tT); elData.tT = setTimeout(function () { elData.onEndFn(); }, time * 1.5); bindTransitionEnd($el); } } function stop($el, pos/*, _001*/) { var dir = $el.navdir || 'horizontal'; if ($el.length) { var elData = $; if (CSS3) { $el.css(getDuration(0)); elData.onEndFn = noop; clearTimeout(elData.tT); } else { $el.stop(); } var lockedPos = getNumber(pos, function () { return readPosition($el, dir); }); $el.css(getTranslate(lockedPos, dir/*, _001*/));//.width(); // `.width()` for reflow return lockedPos; } } function getNumber() { var number; for (var _i = 0, _l = arguments.length; _i < _l; _i++) { number = _i ? arguments[_i]() : arguments[_i]; if (typeof number === 'number') { break; } } return number; } function edgeResistance(pos, edge) { return Math.round(pos + ((edge - pos) / 1.5)); } function getProtocol() { getProtocol.p = getProtocol.p || (location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'https://' : 'http://'); return getProtocol.p; } function parseHref(href) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = href; return a; } function findVideoId(href, forceVideo) { if (typeof href !== 'string') return href; href = parseHref(href); var id, type; if (\.com/) && { //.log(); id ='v=')[1]; if (id) { var ampersandPosition = id.indexOf('&'); if (ampersandPosition !== -1) { id = id.substring(0, ampersandPosition); } type = 'youtube'; } } else if (\.com|youtu\.be| { id = href.pathname.replace(/^\/(embed\/|v\/)?/, '').replace(/\/.*/, ''); type = 'youtube'; } else if (\.com/)) { type = 'vimeo'; id = href.pathname.replace(/^\/(video\/)?/, '').replace(/\/.*/, ''); } if ((!id || !type) && forceVideo) { id = href.href; type = 'custom'; } return id ? {id: id, type: type, s:^\?/, ''), p: getProtocol()} : false; } function getVideoThumbs(dataFrame, data, fotorama) { var img, thumb, video =; if (video.type === 'youtube') { thumb = getProtocol() + '' + + '/default.jpg'; img = thumb.replace(/\/default.jpg$/, '/hqdefault.jpg'); dataFrame.thumbsReady = true; } else if (video.type === 'vimeo') { $.ajax({ url: getProtocol() + '' + + '.json', dataType: 'jsonp', success: function (json) { dataFrame.thumbsReady = true; updateData(data, { img: json[0].thumbnail_large, thumb: json[0].thumbnail_small }, dataFrame.i, fotorama); } }); } else { dataFrame.thumbsReady = true; } return { img: img, thumb: thumb } } function updateData(data, _dataFrame, i, fotorama) { for (var _i = 0, _l = data.length; _i < _l; _i++) { var dataFrame = data[_i]; if (dataFrame.i === i && dataFrame.thumbsReady) { var clear = {videoReady: true}; clear[STAGE_FRAME_KEY] = clear[NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY] = clear[NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY] = false; fotorama.splice(_i, 1, $.extend( {}, dataFrame, clear, _dataFrame )); break; } } } function getDataFromHtml($el) { var data = []; function getDataFromImg($img, imgData, checkVideo) { var $child = $img.children('img').eq(0), _imgHref = $img.attr('href'), _imgSrc = $img.attr('src'), _thumbSrc = $child.attr('src'), _video =, video = checkVideo ? findVideoId(_imgHref, _video === true) : false; if (video) { _imgHref = false; } else { video = _video; } getDimensions($img, $child, $.extend(imgData, { video: video, img: imgData.img || _imgHref || _imgSrc || _thumbSrc, thumb: imgData.thumb || _thumbSrc || _imgSrc || _imgHref })); } function getDimensions($img, $child, imgData) { var separateThumbFLAG = imgData.thumb && imgData.img !== imgData.thumb, width = numberFromMeasure(imgData.width || $img.attr('width')), height = numberFromMeasure(imgData.height || $img.attr('height')); $.extend(imgData, { width: width, height: height, thumbratio: getRatio(imgData.thumbratio || (numberFromMeasure(imgData.thumbwidth || ($child && $child.attr('width')) || separateThumbFLAG || width) / numberFromMeasure(imgData.thumbheight || ($child && $child.attr('height')) || separateThumbFLAG || height))) }); } $el.children().each(function () { var $this = $(this), dataFrame = optionsToLowerCase($.extend($, {id: $this.attr('id')})); if ($'a, img')) { getDataFromImg($this, dataFrame, true); } else if (!$':empty')) { getDimensions($this, null, $.extend(dataFrame, { html: this, _html: $this.html() // Because of IE })); } else return; data.push(dataFrame); }); return data; } function isHidden(el) { return el.offsetWidth === 0 && el.offsetHeight === 0; } function isDetached(el) { return !$.contains(document.documentElement, el); } function waitFor(test, fn, timeout, i) { if (!waitFor.i) { waitFor.i = 1; waitFor.ii = [true]; } i = i || waitFor.i; if (typeof waitFor.ii[i] === 'undefined') { waitFor.ii[i] = true; } if (test()) { fn(); } else { waitFor.ii[i] && setTimeout(function () { waitFor.ii[i] && waitFor(test, fn, timeout, i); }, timeout || 100); } return waitFor.i++; } waitFor.stop = function (i) { waitFor.ii[i] = false; }; function fit($el, measuresToFit) { var elData = $, measures = elData.measures; if (measures && (!elData.l || elData.l.W !== measures.width || elData.l.H !== measures.height || elData.l.r !== measures.ratio || elData.l.w !== measuresToFit.w || elData.l.h !== measuresToFit.h)) { var height = minMaxLimit(measuresToFit.h, 0, measures.height), width = height * measures.ratio; UTIL.setRatio($el, width, height); elData.l = { W: measures.width, H: measures.height, r: measures.ratio, w: measuresToFit.w, h: measuresToFit.h }; } return true; } function setStyle($el, style) { var el = $el[0]; if (el.styleSheet) { el.styleSheet.cssText = style; } else { $el.html(style); } } function findShadowEdge(pos, min, max, dir) { return min === max ? false : dir === 'vertical' ? (pos <= min ? 'top' : pos >= max ? 'bottom' : 'top bottom') : (pos <= min ? 'left' : pos >= max ? 'right' : 'left right'); } function smartClick($el, fn, _options) { _options = _options || {}; $el.each(function () { var $this = $(this), thisData = $, startEvent; if (thisData.clickOn) return; thisData.clickOn = true; $.extend(touch($this, { onStart: function (e) { startEvent = e; (_options.onStart || noop).call(this, e); }, onMove: _options.onMove || noop, onTouchEnd: _options.onTouchEnd || noop, onEnd: function (result) { if (result.moved) return;, startEvent); } }), {noMove: true}); }); } function div(classes, child) { return '<div class="' + classes + '">' + (child || '') + '</div>'; } /** * Function transforming into valid classname * @param className - name of the class * @returns {string} - dom format of class name */ function cls(className) { return "." + className; } /** * * @param {json-object} videoItem Parsed object from item or href from link a in input dates * @returns {string} DOM view of video iframe */ function createVideoFrame(videoItem) { var frame = '<iframe src="' + videoItem.p + videoItem.type + '.com/embed/' + + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; return frame; } // Fisher–Yates Shuffle // function shuffle(array) { // While there remain elements to shuffle var l = array.length; while (l) { // Pick a remaining element var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * l--); // And swap it with the current element var t = array[l]; array[l] = array[i]; array[i] = t; } return array; } function clone(array) { return == '[object Array]' && $.map(array, function (frame) { return $.extend({}, frame); }); } function lockScroll($el, left, top) { $el .scrollLeft(left || 0) .scrollTop(top || 0); } function optionsToLowerCase(options) { if (options) { var opts = {}; $.each(options, function (key, value) { opts[key.toLowerCase()] = value; }); return opts; } } function getRatio(_ratio) { if (!_ratio) return; var ratio = +_ratio; if (!isNaN(ratio)) { return ratio; } else { ratio = _ratio.split('/'); return +ratio[0] / +ratio[1] || undefined; } } function addEvent(el, e, fn, bool) { if (!e) return; el.addEventListener ? el.addEventListener(e, fn, !!bool) : el.attachEvent('on' + e, fn); } /** * * @param position guess position for navShaft * @param restriction object contains min and max values for position * @returns {*} filtered value of position */ function validateRestrictions(position, restriction) { if (position > restriction.max) { position = restriction.max; } else { if (position < restriction.min) { position = restriction.min; } } return position; } function validateSlidePos(opt, navShaftTouchTail, guessIndex, offsetNav, $guessNavFrame, $navWrap, dir) { var position, size, wrapSize; if (dir === 'horizontal') { size = opt.thumbwidth; wrapSize = $navWrap.width(); } else { size = opt.thumbheight; wrapSize = $navWrap.height(); } if ( (size + opt.margin) * (guessIndex + 1) >= (wrapSize - offsetNav) ) { if (dir === 'horizontal') { position = -$guessNavFrame.position().left; } else { position = -$guessNavFrame.position().top; } } else { if ((size + opt.margin) * (guessIndex) <= Math.abs(offsetNav)) { if (dir === 'horizontal') { position = -$guessNavFrame.position().left + wrapSize - (size + opt.margin); } else { position = -$guessNavFrame.position().top + wrapSize - (size + opt.margin); } } else { position = offsetNav; } } position = validateRestrictions(position, navShaftTouchTail); return position || 0; } function elIsDisabled(el) { return !!el.getAttribute('disabled'); } function disableAttr(FLAG, disable) { if (disable) { return {disabled: FLAG}; } else { return {tabindex: FLAG * -1 + '', disabled: FLAG}; } } function addEnterUp(el, fn) { addEvent(el, 'keyup', function (e) { elIsDisabled(el) || e.keyCode == 13 &&, e); }); } function addFocus(el, fn) { addEvent(el, 'focus', el.onfocusin = function (e) {, e); }, true); } function stopEvent(e, stopPropagation) { e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = false); stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); } function stubEvent($el, eventType) { var isIOS = /ip(ad|hone|od)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent); if (isIOS && eventType === 'touchend') { $el.on('touchend', function(e){ $DOCUMENT.trigger('mouseup', e); }) } $el.on(eventType, function (e) { stopEvent(e, true); return false; }); } function getDirectionSign(forward) { return forward ? '>' : '<'; } var UTIL = (function () { function setRatioClass($el, wh, ht) { var rateImg = wh / ht; if (rateImg <= 1) { $el.parent().removeClass(horizontalImageClass); $el.parent().addClass(verticalImageClass); } else { $el.parent().removeClass(verticalImageClass); $el.parent().addClass(horizontalImageClass); } } /** * Set specific attribute in thumbnail template * @param $frame DOM item of specific thumbnail * @param value Value which must be setted into specific attribute * @param searchAttr Name of attribute where value must be included */ function setThumbAttr($frame, value, searchAttr) { var attr = searchAttr; if (!$frame.attr(attr) && $frame.attr(attr) !== undefined) { $frame.attr(attr, value); } if ($frame.find("[" + attr + "]").length) { $frame.find("[" + attr + "]") .each(function () { $(this).attr(attr, value); }); } } /** * Method describe behavior need to render caption on preview or not * @param frameItem specific item from data * @param isExpected {bool} if items with caption need render them or not * @returns {boolean} if true then caption should be rendered */ function isExpectedCaption(frameItem, isExpected, undefined) { var expected = false, frameExpected; frameItem.showCaption === undefined || frameItem.showCaption === true ? frameExpected = true : frameExpected = false; if (!isExpected) { return false; } if (frameItem.caption && frameExpected) { expected = true; } return expected; } return { setRatio: setRatioClass, setThumbAttr: setThumbAttr, isExpectedCaption: isExpectedCaption }; }(UTIL || {}, jQuery)); function slide($el, options) { var elData = $, elPos = Math.round(options.pos), onEndFn = function () { if (elData && elData.sliding) { elData.sliding = false; } (options.onEnd || noop)(); }; if (typeof options.overPos !== 'undefined' && options.overPos !== options.pos) { elPos = options.overPos; } var translate = $.extend(getTranslate(elPos, options.direction), options.width && {width: options.width}, options.height && {height: options.height}); if (elData && elData.sliding) { elData.sliding = true; } if (CSS3) { $el.css($.extend(getDuration(options.time), translate)); if (options.time > 10) { afterTransition($el, 'transform', onEndFn, options.time); } else { onEndFn(); } } else { $el.stop().animate(translate, options.time, BEZIER, onEndFn); } } function fade($el1, $el2, $frames, options, fadeStack, chain) { var chainedFLAG = typeof chain !== 'undefined'; if (!chainedFLAG) { fadeStack.push(arguments);, fadeStack.length); if (fadeStack.length > 1) return; } $el1 = $el1 || $($el1); $el2 = $el2 || $($el2); var _$el1 = $el1[0], _$el2 = $el2[0], crossfadeFLAG = options.method === 'crossfade', onEndFn = function () { if (!onEndFn.done) { onEndFn.done = true; var args = (chainedFLAG || fadeStack.shift()) && fadeStack.shift(); args && fade.apply(this, args); (options.onEnd || noop)(!!args); } }, time = options.time / (chain || 1); $frames.removeClass(fadeRearClass + ' ' + fadeFrontClass); $el1 .stop() .addClass(fadeRearClass); $el2 .stop() .addClass(fadeFrontClass); crossfadeFLAG && _$el2 && $el1.fadeTo(0, 0); $el1.fadeTo(crossfadeFLAG ? time : 0, 1, crossfadeFLAG && onEndFn); $el2.fadeTo(time, 0, onEndFn); (_$el1 && crossfadeFLAG) || _$el2 || onEndFn(); } var lastEvent, moveEventType, preventEvent, preventEventTimeout, dragDomEl; function extendEvent(e) { var touch = (e.touches || [])[0] || e; e._x = touch.pageX || touch.originalEvent.pageX; e._y = touch.clientY || touch.originalEvent.clientY; e._now = $.now(); } function touch($el, options) { var el = $el[0], tail = {}, touchEnabledFLAG, startEvent, $target, controlTouch, touchFLAG, targetIsSelectFLAG, targetIsLinkFlag, isDisabledSwipe, tolerance, moved; function onStart(e) { $target = $(; tail.checked = targetIsSelectFLAG = targetIsLinkFlag = isDisabledSwipe = moved = false; if (touchEnabledFLAG || tail.flow || (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) || e.which > 1 || (lastEvent && lastEvent.type !== e.type && preventEvent) || (targetIsSelectFLAG = && $, el))) return targetIsSelectFLAG; touchFLAG = e.type === 'touchstart'; targetIsLinkFlag = $'a, a *', el); isDisabledSwipe = $target.hasClass('disableSwipe'); controlTouch = tail.control; tolerance = (tail.noMove || tail.noSwipe || controlTouch) ? 16 : !tail.snap ? 4 : 0; extendEvent(e); startEvent = lastEvent = e; moveEventType = e.type.replace(/down|start/, 'move').replace(/Down/, 'Move'); (options.onStart || noop).call(el, e, {control: controlTouch, $target: $target}); touchEnabledFLAG = tail.flow = true; if (!isDisabledSwipe && (!touchFLAG || tail.go)) stopEvent(e); } function onMove(e) { if ((e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) || (MS_POINTER && !e.isPrimary) || moveEventType !== e.type || !touchEnabledFLAG) { touchEnabledFLAG && onEnd(); (options.onTouchEnd || noop)(); return; } isDisabledSwipe = $('disableSwipe'); if (isDisabledSwipe) { return; } extendEvent(e); var xDiff = Math.abs(e._x - startEvent._x), // opt _x → _pageX yDiff = Math.abs(e._y - startEvent._y), xyDiff = xDiff - yDiff, xWin = (tail.go || tail.x || xyDiff >= 0) && !tail.noSwipe, yWin = xyDiff < 0; if (touchFLAG && !tail.checked) { if (touchEnabledFLAG = xWin) { stopEvent(e); } } else { stopEvent(e); if (movedEnough(xDiff,yDiff)) { (options.onMove || noop).call(el, e, {touch: touchFLAG}); } } if (!moved && movedEnough(xDiff, yDiff) && Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDiff, 2) + Math.pow(yDiff, 2)) > tolerance) { moved = true; } tail.checked = tail.checked || xWin || yWin; } function movedEnough(xDiff, yDiff) { return xDiff > yDiff && xDiff > 1.5; } function onEnd(e) { (options.onTouchEnd || noop)(); var _touchEnabledFLAG = touchEnabledFLAG; tail.control = touchEnabledFLAG = false; if (_touchEnabledFLAG) { tail.flow = false; } if (!_touchEnabledFLAG || (targetIsLinkFlag && !tail.checked)) return; e && stopEvent(e); preventEvent = true; clearTimeout(preventEventTimeout); preventEventTimeout = setTimeout(function () { preventEvent = false; }, 1000); (options.onEnd || noop).call(el, { moved: moved, $target: $target, control: controlTouch, touch: touchFLAG, startEvent: startEvent, aborted: !e || e.type === 'MSPointerCancel' }); } function onOtherStart() { if (tail.flow) return; tail.flow = true; } function onOtherEnd() { if (!tail.flow) return; tail.flow = false; } if (MS_POINTER) { addEvent(el, 'MSPointerDown', onStart); addEvent(document, 'MSPointerMove', onMove); addEvent(document, 'MSPointerCancel', onEnd); addEvent(document, 'MSPointerUp', onEnd); } else { addEvent(el, 'touchstart', onStart); addEvent(el, 'touchmove', onMove); addEvent(el, 'touchend', onEnd); addEvent(document, 'touchstart', onOtherStart); addEvent(document, 'touchend', onOtherEnd); addEvent(document, 'touchcancel', onOtherEnd); $WINDOW.on('scroll', onOtherEnd); $el.on('mousedown pointerdown', onStart); $DOCUMENT .on('mousemove pointermove', onMove) .on('mouseup pointerup', onEnd); } if (Modernizr.touch) { dragDomEl = 'a'; } else { dragDomEl = 'div'; } $el.on('click', dragDomEl, function (e) { tail.checked && stopEvent(e); }); return tail; } function moveOnTouch($el, options) { var el = $el[0], elData = $, tail = {}, startCoo, coo, startElPos, moveElPos, edge, moveTrack, startTime, endTime, min, max, snap, dir, slowFLAG, controlFLAG, moved, tracked; function startTracking(e, noStop) { tracked = true; startCoo = coo = (dir === 'vertical') ? e._y : e._x; startTime = e._now; moveTrack = [ [startTime, startCoo] ]; startElPos = moveElPos = tail.noMove || noStop ? 0 : stop($el, (options.getPos || noop)()/*, options._001*/); (options.onStart || noop).call(el, e); } function onStart(e, result) { min = tail.min; max = tail.max; snap = tail.snap, dir = tail.direction || 'horizontal', $el.navdir = dir; slowFLAG = e.altKey; tracked = moved = false; controlFLAG = result.control; if (!controlFLAG && !elData.sliding) { startTracking(e); } } function onMove(e, result) { if (!tail.noSwipe) { if (!tracked) { startTracking(e); } coo = (dir === 'vertical') ? e._y : e._x; moveTrack.push([e._now, coo]); moveElPos = startElPos - (startCoo - coo); edge = findShadowEdge(moveElPos, min, max, dir); if (moveElPos <= min) { moveElPos = edgeResistance(moveElPos, min); } else if (moveElPos >= max) { moveElPos = edgeResistance(moveElPos, max); } if (!tail.noMove) { $el.css(getTranslate(moveElPos, dir)); if (!moved) { moved = true; // only for mouse result.touch || MS_POINTER || $el.addClass(grabbingClass); } (options.onMove || noop).call(el, e, {pos: moveElPos, edge: edge}); } } } function onEnd(result) { if (tail.noSwipe && result.moved) return; if (!tracked) { startTracking(result.startEvent, true); } result.touch || MS_POINTER || $el.removeClass(grabbingClass); endTime = $.now(); var _backTimeIdeal = endTime - TOUCH_TIMEOUT, _backTime, _timeDiff, _timeDiffLast, backTime = null, backCoo, virtualPos, limitPos, newPos, overPos, time = TRANSITION_DURATION, speed, friction = options.friction; for (var _i = moveTrack.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i--) { _backTime = moveTrack[_i][0]; _timeDiff = Math.abs(_backTime - _backTimeIdeal); if (backTime === null || _timeDiff < _timeDiffLast) { backTime = _backTime; backCoo = moveTrack[_i][1]; } else if (backTime === _backTimeIdeal || _timeDiff > _timeDiffLast) { break; } _timeDiffLast = _timeDiff; } newPos = minMaxLimit(moveElPos, min, max); var cooDiff = backCoo - coo, forwardFLAG = cooDiff >= 0, timeDiff = endTime - backTime, longTouchFLAG = timeDiff > TOUCH_TIMEOUT, swipeFLAG = !longTouchFLAG && moveElPos !== startElPos && newPos === moveElPos; if (snap) { newPos = minMaxLimit(Math[swipeFLAG ? (forwardFLAG ? 'floor' : 'ceil') : 'round'](moveElPos / snap) * snap, min, max); min = max = newPos; } if (swipeFLAG && (snap || newPos === moveElPos)) { speed = -(cooDiff / timeDiff); time *= minMaxLimit(Math.abs(speed), options.timeLow, options.timeHigh); virtualPos = Math.round(moveElPos + speed * time / friction); if (!snap) { newPos = virtualPos; } if (!forwardFLAG && virtualPos > max || forwardFLAG && virtualPos < min) { limitPos = forwardFLAG ? min : max; overPos = virtualPos - limitPos; if (!snap) { newPos = limitPos; } overPos = minMaxLimit(newPos + overPos * .03, limitPos - 50, limitPos + 50); time = Math.abs((moveElPos - overPos) / (speed / friction)); } } time *= slowFLAG ? 10 : 1; (options.onEnd || noop).call(el, $.extend(result, { moved: result.moved || longTouchFLAG && snap, pos: moveElPos, newPos: newPos, overPos: overPos, time: time, dir: dir })); } tail = $.extend(touch(options.$wrap, $.extend({}, options, { onStart: onStart, onMove: onMove, onEnd: onEnd })), tail); return tail; } function wheel($el, options) { var el = $el[0], lockFLAG, lastDirection, lastNow, tail = { prevent: {} }; addEvent(el, WHEEL, function (e) { var yDelta = e.wheelDeltaY || -1 * e.deltaY || 0, xDelta = e.wheelDeltaX || -1 * e.deltaX || 0, xWin = Math.abs(xDelta) && !Math.abs(yDelta), direction = getDirectionSign(xDelta < 0), sameDirection = lastDirection === direction, now = $.now(), tooFast = now - lastNow < TOUCH_TIMEOUT; lastDirection = direction; lastNow = now; if (!xWin || !tail.ok || tail.prevent[direction] && !lockFLAG) { return; } else { stopEvent(e, true); if (lockFLAG && sameDirection && tooFast) { return; } } if (options.shift) { lockFLAG = true; clearTimeout(tail.t); tail.t = setTimeout(function () { lockFLAG = false; }, SCROLL_LOCK_TIMEOUT); } (options.onEnd || noop)(e, options.shift ? direction : xDelta); }); return tail; } jQuery.Fotorama = function ($fotorama, opts) { $HTML = $('html'); $BODY = $('body'); var that = this, stamp = $.now(), stampClass = _fotoramaClass + stamp, fotorama = $fotorama[0], data, dataFrameCount = 1, fotoramaData = $, size, $style = $('<style></style>'), $anchor = $(div(hiddenClass)), $wrap = $fotorama.find(cls(wrapClass)), $stage = $wrap.find(cls(stageClass)), stage = $stage[0], $stageShaft = $fotorama.find(cls(stageShaftClass)), $stageFrame = $(), $arrPrev = $fotorama.find(cls(arrPrevClass)), $arrNext = $fotorama.find(cls(arrNextClass)), $arrs = $fotorama.find(cls(arrClass)), $navWrap = $fotorama.find(cls(navWrapClass)), $nav = $navWrap.find(cls(navClass)), $navShaft = $nav.find(cls(navShaftClass)), $navFrame, $navDotFrame = $(), $navThumbFrame = $(), stageShaftData = $, navShaftData = $, $thumbBorder = $fotorama.find(cls(thumbBorderClass)), $thumbArrLeft = $fotorama.find(cls(thumbArrLeft)), $thumbArrRight = $fotorama.find(cls(thumbArrRight)), $fullscreenIcon = $fotorama.find(cls(fullscreenIconClass)), fullscreenIcon = $fullscreenIcon[0], $videoPlay = $(div(videoPlayClass)), $videoClose = $fotorama.find(cls(videoCloseClass)), videoClose = $videoClose[0], $spinner = $fotorama.find(cls(fotoramaSpinnerClass)), $videoPlaying, activeIndex = false, activeFrame, activeIndexes, repositionIndex, dirtyIndex, lastActiveIndex, prevIndex, nextIndex, nextAutoplayIndex, startIndex, o_loop, o_nav, o_navThumbs, o_navTop, o_allowFullScreen, o_nativeFullScreen, o_fade, o_thumbSide, o_thumbSide2, o_transitionDuration, o_transition, o_shadows, o_rtl, o_keyboard, lastOptions = {}, measures = {}, measuresSetFLAG, stageShaftTouchTail = {}, stageWheelTail = {}, navShaftTouchTail = {}, navWheelTail = {}, scrollTop, scrollLeft, showedFLAG, pausedAutoplayFLAG, stoppedAutoplayFLAG, toDeactivate = {}, toDetach = {}, measuresStash, touchedFLAG, hoverFLAG, navFrameKey, stageLeft = 0, fadeStack = []; $wrap[STAGE_FRAME_KEY] = $('<div class="' + stageFrameClass + '"></div>'); $wrap[NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY] = $($.Fotorama.jst.thumb()); $wrap[NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY] = $($.Fotorama.jst.dots()); toDeactivate[STAGE_FRAME_KEY] = []; toDeactivate[NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY] = []; toDeactivate[NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY] = []; toDetach[STAGE_FRAME_KEY] = {}; $wrap.addClass(CSS3 ? wrapCss3Class : wrapCss2Class); fotoramaData.fotorama = this; /** * Search video items in incoming data and transform object for video layout. * */ function checkForVideo() { $.each(data, function (i, dataFrame) { if (!dataFrame.i) { dataFrame.i = dataFrameCount++; var video = findVideoId(, true); if (video) { var thumbs = {}; = video; if (!dataFrame.img && !dataFrame.thumb) { thumbs = getVideoThumbs(dataFrame, data, that); } else { dataFrame.thumbsReady = true; } updateData(data, {img: thumbs.img, thumb: thumbs.thumb}, dataFrame.i, that); } } }); } function allowKey(key) { return o_keyboard[key]; } function setStagePosition() { if ($stage !== undefined) { if (opts.navdir == 'vertical') { var padding = opts.thumbwidth + opts.thumbmargin; $stage.css('left', padding); $arrNext.css('right', padding); $fullscreenIcon.css('right', padding); $wrap.css('width', $wrap.css('width') + padding); $stageShaft.css('max-width', $wrap.width() - padding); } else { $stage.css('left', ''); $arrNext.css('right', ''); $fullscreenIcon.css('right', ''); $wrap.css('width', $wrap.css('width') + padding); $stageShaft.css('max-width', ''); } } } function bindGlobalEvents(FLAG) { var keydownCommon = 'keydown.' + _fotoramaClass, localStamp = _fotoramaClass + stamp, keydownLocal = 'keydown.' + localStamp, keyupLocal = 'keyup.' + localStamp, resizeLocal = 'resize.' + localStamp + ' ' + 'orientationchange.' + localStamp, showParams; if (FLAG) { $DOCUMENT .on(keydownLocal, function (e) { var catched, index; if ($videoPlaying && e.keyCode === 27) { catched = true; unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); } else if (that.fullScreen || (opts.keyboard && !that.index)) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { catched = true; that.cancelFullScreen(); } else if ((e.shiftKey && e.keyCode === 32 && allowKey('space')) || (!e.altKey && !e.metaKey && e.keyCode === 37 && allowKey('left')) || (e.keyCode === 38 && allowKey('up') && $(':focus').attr('data-gallery-role'))) { that.longPress.progress(); index = '<'; } else if ((e.keyCode === 32 && allowKey('space')) || (!e.altKey && !e.metaKey && e.keyCode === 39 && allowKey('right')) || (e.keyCode === 40 && allowKey('down') && $(':focus').attr('data-gallery-role'))) { that.longPress.progress(); index = '>'; } else if (e.keyCode === 36 && allowKey('home')) { that.longPress.progress(); index = '<<'; } else if (e.keyCode === 35 && allowKey('end')) { that.longPress.progress(); index = '>>'; } } (catched || index) && stopEvent(e); showParams = {index: index, slow: e.altKey, user: true}; index && (that.longPress.inProgress ? that.showWhileLongPress(showParams) :; }); if (FLAG) { $DOCUMENT .on(keyupLocal, function (e) { if (that.longPress.inProgress) { that.showEndLongPress({user: true}); } that.longPress.reset(); }); } if (!that.index) { $DOCUMENT .off(keydownCommon) .on(keydownCommon, 'textarea, input, select', function (e) { !$BODY.hasClass(_fullscreenClass) && e.stopPropagation(); }); } $WINDOW.on(resizeLocal, that.resize); } else { $; $; } } function appendElements(FLAG) { if (FLAG === appendElements.f) return; if (FLAG) { $fotorama .addClass(_fotoramaClass + ' ' + stampClass) .before($anchor) .before($style); addInstance(that); } else { $anchor.detach(); $style.detach(); $fotorama .html(fotoramaData.urtext) .removeClass(stampClass); hideInstance(that); } bindGlobalEvents(FLAG); appendElements.f = FLAG; } /** * Set and install data from incoming @param {JSON} options or takes data attr from data-"name"=... values. */ function setData() { data = = data || clone( || getDataFromHtml($fotorama); size = that.size = data.length; ready.ok && opts.shuffle && shuffle(data); checkForVideo(); activeIndex = limitIndex(activeIndex); size && appendElements(true); } function stageNoMove() { var _noMove = size < 2 || $videoPlaying; stageShaftTouchTail.noMove = _noMove || o_fade; stageShaftTouchTail.noSwipe = _noMove || !opts.swipe; !o_transition && $stageShaft.toggleClass(grabClass, ! && !stageShaftTouchTail.noMove && !stageShaftTouchTail.noSwipe); MS_POINTER && $wrap.toggleClass(wrapPanYClass, !stageShaftTouchTail.noSwipe); } function setAutoplayInterval(interval) { if (interval === true) interval = ''; opts.autoplay = Math.max(+interval || AUTOPLAY_INTERVAL, o_transitionDuration * 1.5); } function updateThumbArrow(opt) { if (opt.navarrows && opt.nav === 'thumbs') { $; $; } else { $thumbArrLeft.hide(); $thumbArrRight.hide(); } } function getThumbsInSlide($el, opts) { return Math.floor($wrap.width() / (opts.thumbwidth + opts.thumbmargin)); } /** * Options on the fly * */ function setOptions() { if (!opts.nav || opts.nav === 'dots') { opts.navdir = 'horizontal' } that.options = opts = optionsToLowerCase(opts); thumbsPerSlide = getThumbsInSlide($wrap, opts); o_fade = (opts.transition === 'crossfade' || opts.transition === 'dissolve'); o_loop = opts.loop && (size > 2 || (o_fade && (!o_transition || o_transition !== 'slide'))); o_transitionDuration = +opts.transitionduration || TRANSITION_DURATION; o_rtl = opts.direction === 'rtl'; o_keyboard = $.extend({}, opts.keyboard && KEYBOARD_OPTIONS, opts.keyboard); updateThumbArrow(opts); var classes = {add: [], remove: []}; function addOrRemoveClass(FLAG, value) { classes[FLAG ? 'add' : 'remove'].push(value); } if (size > 1) { o_nav = opts.nav; o_navTop = opts.navposition === 'top'; classes.remove.push(selectClass); $arrs.toggle(!!opts.arrows); } else { o_nav = false; $arrs.hide(); } arrsUpdate(); stageWheelUpdate(); thumbArrUpdate(); if (opts.autoplay) setAutoplayInterval(opts.autoplay); o_thumbSide = numberFromMeasure(opts.thumbwidth) || THUMB_SIZE; o_thumbSide2 = numberFromMeasure(opts.thumbheight) || THUMB_SIZE; stageWheelTail.ok = navWheelTail.ok = opts.trackpad && !SLOW; stageNoMove(); extendMeasures(opts, [measures]); o_navThumbs = o_nav === 'thumbs'; if ($navWrap.filter(':hidden') && !!o_nav) { $; } if (o_navThumbs) { frameDraw(size, 'navThumb'); $navFrame = $navThumbFrame; navFrameKey = NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY; setStyle($style, ${ w: o_thumbSide, h: o_thumbSide2, b: opts.thumbborderwidth, m: opts.thumbmargin, s: stamp, q: !COMPAT })); $nav .addClass(navThumbsClass) .removeClass(navDotsClass); } else if (o_nav === 'dots') { frameDraw(size, 'navDot'); $navFrame = $navDotFrame; navFrameKey = NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY; $nav .addClass(navDotsClass) .removeClass(navThumbsClass); } else { $navWrap.hide(); o_nav = false; $nav.removeClass(navThumbsClass + ' ' + navDotsClass); } if (o_nav) { if (o_navTop) { $navWrap.insertBefore($stage); } else { $navWrap.insertAfter($stage); } frameAppend.nav = false; frameAppend($navFrame, $navShaft, 'nav'); } o_allowFullScreen = opts.allowfullscreen; if (o_allowFullScreen) { $fullscreenIcon.prependTo($stage); o_nativeFullScreen = FULLSCREEN && o_allowFullScreen === 'native'; // Due 300ms click delay on mobile devices // we stub touchend and fallback to click. // MAGETWO-69567 stubEvent($fullscreenIcon, 'touchend'); } else { $fullscreenIcon.detach(); o_nativeFullScreen = false; } addOrRemoveClass(o_fade, wrapFadeClass); addOrRemoveClass(!o_fade, wrapSlideClass); addOrRemoveClass(!opts.captions, wrapNoCaptionsClass); addOrRemoveClass(o_rtl, wrapRtlClass); addOrRemoveClass(opts.arrows, wrapToggleArrowsClass); o_shadows = opts.shadows && !SLOW; addOrRemoveClass(!o_shadows, wrapNoShadowsClass); $wrap .addClass(classes.add.join(' ')) .removeClass(classes.remove.join(' ')); lastOptions = $.extend({}, opts); setStagePosition(); } function normalizeIndex(index) { return index < 0 ? (size + (index % size)) % size : index >= size ? index % size : index; } function limitIndex(index) { return minMaxLimit(index, 0, size - 1); } function edgeIndex(index) { return o_loop ? normalizeIndex(index) : limitIndex(index); } function getPrevIndex(index) { return index > 0 || o_loop ? index - 1 : false; } function getNextIndex(index) { return index < size - 1 || o_loop ? index + 1 : false; } function setStageShaftMinmaxAndSnap() { stageShaftTouchTail.min = o_loop ? -Infinity : -getPosByIndex(size - 1, measures.w, opts.margin, repositionIndex); stageShaftTouchTail.max = o_loop ? Infinity : -getPosByIndex(0, measures.w, opts.margin, repositionIndex); stageShaftTouchTail.snap = measures.w + opts.margin; } function setNavShaftMinMax() { var isVerticalDir = (opts.navdir === 'vertical'); var param = isVerticalDir ? $navShaft.height() : $navShaft.width(); var mainParam = isVerticalDir ? measures.h : measures.nw; navShaftTouchTail.min = Math.min(0, mainParam - param); navShaftTouchTail.max = 0; navShaftTouchTail.direction = opts.navdir; $navShaft.toggleClass(grabClass, !(navShaftTouchTail.noMove = navShaftTouchTail.min === navShaftTouchTail.max)); } function eachIndex(indexes, type, fn) { if (typeof indexes === 'number') { indexes = new Array(indexes); var rangeFLAG = true; } return $.each(indexes, function (i, index) { if (rangeFLAG) index = i; if (typeof index === 'number') { var dataFrame = data[normalizeIndex(index)]; if (dataFrame) { var key = '$' + type + 'Frame', $frame = dataFrame[key];, i, index, dataFrame, $frame, key, $frame && $; } } }); } function setMeasures(width, height, ratio, index) { if (!measuresSetFLAG || (measuresSetFLAG === '*' && index === startIndex)) { width = measureIsValid(opts.width) || measureIsValid(width) || WIDTH; height = measureIsValid(opts.height) || measureIsValid(height) || HEIGHT; that.resize({ width: width, ratio: opts.ratio || ratio || width / height }, 0, index !== startIndex && '*'); } } function loadImg(indexes, type, specialMeasures, again) { eachIndex(indexes, type, function (i, index, dataFrame, $frame, key, frameData) { if (!$frame) return; var fullFLAG = that.fullScreen && !frameData.$full && type === 'stage'; if (frameData.$img && !again && !fullFLAG) return; var img = new Image(), $img = $(img), imgData = $; frameData[fullFLAG ? '$full' : '$img'] = $img; var srcKey = type === 'stage' ? (fullFLAG ? 'full' : 'img') : 'thumb', src = dataFrame[srcKey], dummy = fullFLAG ? dataFrame['img'] : dataFrame[type === 'stage' ? 'thumb' : 'img']; if (type === 'navThumb') $frame = frameData.$wrap; function triggerTriggerEvent(event) { var _index = normalizeIndex(index); triggerEvent(event, { index: _index, src: src, frame: data[_index] }); } function error() { $img.remove(); $.Fotorama.cache[src] = 'error'; if ((!dataFrame.html || type !== 'stage') && dummy && dummy !== src) { dataFrame[srcKey] = src = dummy; frameData.$full = null; loadImg([index], type, specialMeasures, true); } else { if (src && !dataFrame.html && !fullFLAG) { $frame .trigger('f:error') .removeClass(loadingClass) .addClass(errorClass); triggerTriggerEvent('error'); } else if (type === 'stage') { $frame .trigger('f:load') .removeClass(loadingClass + ' ' + errorClass) .addClass(loadedClass); triggerTriggerEvent('load'); setMeasures(); } frameData.state = 'error'; if (size > 1 && data[index] === dataFrame && !dataFrame.html && !dataFrame.deleted && ! && !fullFLAG) { dataFrame.deleted = true; that.splice(index, 1); } } } function loaded() { $.Fotorama.measures[src] = imgData.measures = $.Fotorama.measures[src] || { width: img.width, height: img.height, ratio: img.width / img.height }; setMeasures(imgData.measures.width, imgData.measures.height, imgData.measures.ratio, index); $img .off('load error') .addClass('' + (fullFLAG ? imgFullClass: imgClass)) .attr('aria-hidden', 'false') .prependTo($frame); if ($frame.hasClass(stageFrameClass) && !$frame.hasClass(videoContainerClass)) { $frame.attr("href", $img.attr("src")); } fit($img, ( $.isFunction(specialMeasures) ? specialMeasures() : specialMeasures) || measures); $.Fotorama.cache[src] = frameData.state = 'loaded'; setTimeout(function () { $frame .trigger('f:load') .removeClass(loadingClass + ' ' + errorClass) .addClass(loadedClass + ' ' + (fullFLAG ? loadedFullClass : loadedImgClass)); if (type === 'stage') { triggerTriggerEvent('load'); } else if (dataFrame.thumbratio === AUTO || !dataFrame.thumbratio && opts.thumbratio === AUTO) { // danger! reflow for all thumbnails dataFrame.thumbratio = imgData.measures.ratio; reset(); } }, 0); } if (!src) { error(); return; } function waitAndLoad() { var _i = 10; waitFor(function () { return !touchedFLAG || !_i-- && !SLOW; }, function () { loaded(); }); } if (!$.Fotorama.cache[src]) { $.Fotorama.cache[src] = '*'; $img .on('load', waitAndLoad) .on('error', error); } else { (function justWait() { if ($.Fotorama.cache[src] === 'error') { error(); } else if ($.Fotorama.cache[src] === 'loaded') { setTimeout(waitAndLoad, 0); } else { setTimeout(justWait, 100); } })(); } frameData.state = ''; img.src = src; if ( { img.alt = || ""; } if ( { $(img).data('original',; } if (UTIL.isExpectedCaption(dataFrame, opts.showcaption)) { $(img).attr('aria-labelledby', dataFrame.labelledby); } }); } function updateFotoramaState() { var $frame = activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY]; if ($frame && !$ { $spinner.addClass(spinnerShowClass); $frame.on('f:load f:error', function () { $'f:load f:error'); $spinner.removeClass(spinnerShowClass); }); } } function addNavFrameEvents(frame) { addEnterUp(frame, onNavFrameClick); addFocus(frame, function () { setTimeout(function () { lockScroll($nav); }, 0); slideNavShaft({time: o_transitionDuration, guessIndex: $(this).data().eq, minMax: navShaftTouchTail}); }); } function frameDraw(indexes, type) { eachIndex(indexes, type, function (i, index, dataFrame, $frame, key, frameData) { if ($frame) return; $frame = dataFrame[key] = $wrap[key].clone(); frameData = $; = dataFrame; var frame = $frame[0], labelledbyValue = "labelledby" + $.now(); if (type === 'stage') { if (dataFrame.html) { $('<div class="' + htmlClass + '"></div>') .append( dataFrame._html ? $(dataFrame.html) .removeAttr('id') .html(dataFrame._html) // Because of IE : dataFrame.html ) .appendTo($frame); } if ( { labelledbyValue = || labelledbyValue; } dataFrame.labelledby = labelledbyValue; if (UTIL.isExpectedCaption(dataFrame, opts.showcaption)) { $($.Fotorama.jst.frameCaption({ caption: dataFrame.caption, labelledby: labelledbyValue })).appendTo($frame); } && $frame .addClass(stageFrameVideoClass) .append($videoPlay.clone()); // This solves tabbing problems addFocus(frame, function (e) { setTimeout(function () { lockScroll($stage); }, 0); clickToShow({index: frameData.eq, user: true}, e); }); $stageFrame = $stageFrame.add($frame); } else if (type === 'navDot') { addNavFrameEvents(frame); $navDotFrame = $navDotFrame.add($frame); } else if (type === 'navThumb') { addNavFrameEvents(frame); frameData.$wrap = $frame.children(':first'); $navThumbFrame = $navThumbFrame.add($frame); if ( { frameData.$wrap.append($videoPlay.clone()); } } }); } function callFit($img, measuresToFit) { return $img && $img.length && fit($img, measuresToFit); } function stageFramePosition(indexes) { eachIndex(indexes, 'stage', function (i, index, dataFrame, $frame, key, frameData) { if (!$frame) return; var normalizedIndex = normalizeIndex(index); frameData.eq = normalizedIndex; toDetach[STAGE_FRAME_KEY][normalizedIndex] = $frame.css($.extend({left: o_fade ? 0 : getPosByIndex(index, measures.w, opts.margin, repositionIndex)}, o_fade && getDuration(0))); if (isDetached($frame[0])) { $frame.appendTo($stageShaft); unloadVideo(dataFrame.$video); } callFit(frameData.$img, measures); callFit(frameData.$full, measures); if ($frame.hasClass(stageFrameClass) && !($frame.attr('aria-hidden') === "false" && $frame.hasClass(activeClass))) { $frame.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } }); } function thumbsDraw(pos, loadFLAG) { var leftLimit, rightLimit, exceedLimit; if (o_nav !== 'thumbs' || isNaN(pos)) return; leftLimit = -pos; rightLimit = -pos + measures.nw; if (opts.navdir === 'vertical') { pos = pos - opts.thumbheight; rightLimit = -pos + measures.h; } $navThumbFrame.each(function () { var $this = $(this), thisData = $, eq = thisData.eq, getSpecialMeasures = function () { return { h: o_thumbSide2, w: thisData.w } }, specialMeasures = getSpecialMeasures(), exceedLimit = opts.navdir === 'vertical' ? thisData.t > rightLimit : thisData.l > rightLimit; specialMeasures.w = thisData.w; if ((opts.navdir !== 'vertical' && thisData.l + thisData.w < leftLimit) || exceedLimit || callFit(thisData.$img, specialMeasures)) return; loadFLAG && loadImg([eq], 'navThumb', getSpecialMeasures); }); } function frameAppend($frames, $shaft, type) { if (!frameAppend[type]) { var thumbsFLAG = type === 'nav' && o_navThumbs, left = 0, top = 0; $shaft.append( $frames .filter(function () { var actual, $this = $(this), frameData = $; for (var _i = 0, _l = data.length; _i < _l; _i++) { if ( === data[_i]) { actual = true; frameData.eq = _i; break; } } return actual || $this.remove() && false; }) .sort(function (a, b) { return $(a).data().eq - $(b).data().eq; }) .each(function () { var $this = $(this), frameData = $; UTIL.setThumbAttr($this,, "aria-label"); }) .each(function () { if (!thumbsFLAG) return; var $this = $(this), frameData = $, thumbwidth = Math.round(o_thumbSide2 * || o_thumbSide, thumbheight = Math.round(o_thumbSide / || o_thumbSide2; frameData.t = top; frameData.h = thumbheight; frameData.l = left; frameData.w = thumbwidth; $this.css({width: thumbwidth}); top += thumbheight + opts.thumbmargin; left += thumbwidth + opts.thumbmargin; }) ); frameAppend[type] = true; } } function getDirection(x) { return x - stageLeft > measures.w / 3; } function disableDirrection(i) { return !o_loop && (!(activeIndex + i) || !(activeIndex - size + i)) && !$videoPlaying; } function arrsUpdate() { var disablePrev = disableDirrection(0), disableNext = disableDirrection(1); $arrPrev .toggleClass(arrDisabledClass, disablePrev) .attr(disableAttr(disablePrev, false)); $arrNext .toggleClass(arrDisabledClass, disableNext) .attr(disableAttr(disableNext, false)); } function thumbArrUpdate() { var isLeftDisable = false, isRightDisable = false; if (opts.navtype === 'thumbs' && !opts.loop) { (activeIndex == 0) ? isLeftDisable = true : isLeftDisable = false; (activeIndex == - 1) ? isRightDisable = true : isRightDisable = false; } if (opts.navtype === 'slides') { var pos = readPosition($navShaft, opts.navdir); pos >= navShaftTouchTail.max ? isLeftDisable = true : isLeftDisable = false; pos <= navShaftTouchTail.min ? isRightDisable = true : isRightDisable = false; } $thumbArrLeft .toggleClass(arrDisabledClass, isLeftDisable) .attr(disableAttr(isLeftDisable, true)); $thumbArrRight .toggleClass(arrDisabledClass, isRightDisable) .attr(disableAttr(isRightDisable, true)); } function stageWheelUpdate() { if (stageWheelTail.ok) { stageWheelTail.prevent = {'<': disableDirrection(0), '>': disableDirrection(1)}; } } function getNavFrameBounds($navFrame) { var navFrameData = $, left, top, width, height; if (o_navThumbs) { left = navFrameData.l; top = navFrameData.t; width = navFrameData.w; height = navFrameData.h; } else { left = $navFrame.position().left; width = $navFrame.width(); } var horizontalBounds = { c: left + width / 2, min: -left + opts.thumbmargin * 10, max: -left + measures.w - width - opts.thumbmargin * 10 }; var verticalBounds = { c: top + height / 2, min: -top + opts.thumbmargin * 10, max: -top + measures.h - height - opts.thumbmargin * 10 }; return opts.navdir === 'vertical' ? verticalBounds : horizontalBounds; } function slideThumbBorder(time) { var navFrameData = activeFrame[navFrameKey].data(); slide($thumbBorder, { time: time * 1.2, pos: (opts.navdir === 'vertical' ? navFrameData.t : navFrameData.l), width: navFrameData.w, height: navFrameData.h, direction: opts.navdir }); } function slideNavShaft(options) { var $guessNavFrame = data[options.guessIndex][navFrameKey], typeOfAnimation = opts.navtype; var overflowFLAG, time, minMax, boundTop, boundLeft, l, pos, x; if ($guessNavFrame) { if (typeOfAnimation === 'thumbs') { overflowFLAG = navShaftTouchTail.min !== navShaftTouchTail.max; minMax = options.minMax || overflowFLAG && getNavFrameBounds(activeFrame[navFrameKey]); boundTop = overflowFLAG && (options.keep && slideNavShaft.t ? slideNavShaft.l : minMaxLimit((options.coo || measures.nw / 2) - getNavFrameBounds($guessNavFrame).c, minMax.min, minMax.max)); boundLeft = overflowFLAG && (options.keep && slideNavShaft.l ? slideNavShaft.l : minMaxLimit((options.coo || measures.nw / 2) - getNavFrameBounds($guessNavFrame).c, minMax.min, minMax.max)); l = (opts.navdir === 'vertical' ? boundTop : boundLeft); pos = overflowFLAG && minMaxLimit(l, navShaftTouchTail.min, navShaftTouchTail.max) || 0; time = options.time * 1.1; slide($navShaft, { time: time, pos: pos, direction: opts.navdir, onEnd: function () { thumbsDraw(pos, true); thumbArrUpdate(); } }); setShadow($nav, findShadowEdge(pos, navShaftTouchTail.min, navShaftTouchTail.max, opts.navdir)); slideNavShaft.l = l; } else { x = readPosition($navShaft, opts.navdir); time = options.time * 1.11; pos = validateSlidePos(opts, navShaftTouchTail, options.guessIndex, x, $guessNavFrame, $navWrap, opts.navdir); slide($navShaft, { time: time, pos: pos, direction: opts.navdir, onEnd: function () { thumbsDraw(pos, true); thumbArrUpdate(); } }); setShadow($nav, findShadowEdge(pos, navShaftTouchTail.min, navShaftTouchTail.max, opts.navdir)); } } } function navUpdate() { deactivateFrames(navFrameKey); toDeactivate[navFrameKey].push(activeFrame[navFrameKey].addClass(activeClass).attr('data-active', true)); } function deactivateFrames(key) { var _toDeactivate = toDeactivate[key]; while (_toDeactivate.length) { _toDeactivate.shift().removeClass(activeClass).attr('data-active', false); } } function detachFrames(key) { var _toDetach = toDetach[key]; $.each(activeIndexes, function (i, index) { delete _toDetach[normalizeIndex(index)]; }); $.each(_toDetach, function (index, $frame) { delete _toDetach[index]; $frame.detach(); }); } function stageShaftReposition(skipOnEnd) { repositionIndex = dirtyIndex = activeIndex; var $frame = activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY]; if ($frame) { deactivateFrames(STAGE_FRAME_KEY); toDeactivate[STAGE_FRAME_KEY].push($frame.addClass(activeClass).attr('data-active', true)); if ($frame.hasClass(stageFrameClass)) { $frame.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } skipOnEnd || that.showStage.onEnd(true); stop($stageShaft, 0, true); detachFrames(STAGE_FRAME_KEY); stageFramePosition(activeIndexes); setStageShaftMinmaxAndSnap(); setNavShaftMinMax(); addEnterUp($stageShaft[0], function () { if (!$fotorama.hasClass(fullscreenClass)) { that.requestFullScreen(); $fullscreenIcon.focus(); } }); } } function extendMeasures(options, measuresArray) { if (!options) return; $.each(measuresArray, function (i, measures) { if (!measures) return; $.extend(measures, { width: options.width || measures.width, height: options.height, minwidth: options.minwidth, maxwidth: options.maxwidth, minheight: options.minheight, maxheight: options.maxheight, ratio: getRatio(options.ratio) }) }); } function triggerEvent(event, extra) { $fotorama.trigger(_fotoramaClass + ':' + event, [that, extra]); } function onTouchStart() { clearTimeout(onTouchEnd.t); touchedFLAG = 1; if (opts.stopautoplayontouch) { that.stopAutoplay(); } else { pausedAutoplayFLAG = true; } } function onTouchEnd() { if (!touchedFLAG) return; if (!opts.stopautoplayontouch) { releaseAutoplay(); changeAutoplay(); } onTouchEnd.t = setTimeout(function () { touchedFLAG = 0; }, TRANSITION_DURATION + TOUCH_TIMEOUT); } function releaseAutoplay() { pausedAutoplayFLAG = !!($videoPlaying || stoppedAutoplayFLAG); } function changeAutoplay() { clearTimeout(changeAutoplay.t); waitFor.stop(changeAutoplay.w); if (!opts.autoplay || pausedAutoplayFLAG) { if (that.autoplay) { that.autoplay = false; triggerEvent('stopautoplay'); } return; } if (!that.autoplay) { that.autoplay = true; triggerEvent('startautoplay'); } var _activeIndex = activeIndex; var frameData = activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY].data(); changeAutoplay.w = waitFor(function () { return frameData.state || _activeIndex !== activeIndex; }, function () { changeAutoplay.t = setTimeout(function () { if (pausedAutoplayFLAG || _activeIndex !== activeIndex) return; var _nextAutoplayIndex = nextAutoplayIndex, nextFrameData = data[_nextAutoplayIndex][STAGE_FRAME_KEY].data(); changeAutoplay.w = waitFor(function () { return nextFrameData.state || _nextAutoplayIndex !== nextAutoplayIndex; }, function () { if (pausedAutoplayFLAG || _nextAutoplayIndex !== nextAutoplayIndex) return; ? getDirectionSign(!o_rtl) : nextAutoplayIndex); }); }, opts.autoplay); }); } that.startAutoplay = function (interval) { if (that.autoplay) return this; pausedAutoplayFLAG = stoppedAutoplayFLAG = false; setAutoplayInterval(interval || opts.autoplay); changeAutoplay(); return this; }; that.stopAutoplay = function () { if (that.autoplay) { pausedAutoplayFLAG = stoppedAutoplayFLAG = true; changeAutoplay(); } return this; }; that.showSlide = function (slideDir) { var currentPosition = readPosition($navShaft, opts.navdir), pos, time = 500 * 1.1, size = opts.navdir === 'horizontal' ? opts.thumbwidth : opts.thumbheight, onEnd = function () { thumbArrUpdate(); }; if (slideDir === 'next') { pos = currentPosition - (size + opts.margin) * thumbsPerSlide; } if (slideDir === 'prev') { pos = currentPosition + (size + opts.margin) * thumbsPerSlide; } pos = validateRestrictions(pos, navShaftTouchTail); thumbsDraw(pos, true); slide($navShaft, { time: time, pos: pos, direction: opts.navdir, onEnd: onEnd }); }; that.showWhileLongPress = function (options) { if (that.longPress.singlePressInProgress) { return; } var index = calcActiveIndex(options); calcGlobalIndexes(index); var time = calcTime(options) / 50; var _activeFrame = activeFrame; that.activeFrame = activeFrame = data[activeIndex]; var silent = _activeFrame === activeFrame && !options.user; that.showNav(silent, options, time); return this; }; that.showEndLongPress = function (options) { if (that.longPress.singlePressInProgress) { return; } var index = calcActiveIndex(options); calcGlobalIndexes(index); var time = calcTime(options) / 50; var _activeFrame = activeFrame; that.activeFrame = activeFrame = data[activeIndex]; var silent = _activeFrame === activeFrame && !options.user; that.showStage(silent, options, time); showedFLAG = typeof lastActiveIndex !== 'undefined' && lastActiveIndex !== activeIndex; lastActiveIndex = activeIndex; return this; }; function calcActiveIndex (options) { var index; if (typeof options !== 'object') { index = options; options = {}; } else { index = options.index; } index = index === '>' ? dirtyIndex + 1 : index === '<' ? dirtyIndex - 1 : index === '<<' ? 0 : index === '>>' ? size - 1 : index; index = isNaN(index) ? undefined : index; index = typeof index === 'undefined' ? activeIndex || 0 : index; return index; } function calcGlobalIndexes (index) { that.activeIndex = activeIndex = edgeIndex(index); prevIndex = getPrevIndex(activeIndex); nextIndex = getNextIndex(activeIndex); nextAutoplayIndex = normalizeIndex(activeIndex + (o_rtl ? -1 : 1)); activeIndexes = [activeIndex, prevIndex, nextIndex]; dirtyIndex = o_loop ? index : activeIndex; } function calcTime (options) { var diffIndex = Math.abs(lastActiveIndex - dirtyIndex), time = getNumber(options.time, function () { return Math.min(o_transitionDuration * (1 + (diffIndex - 1) / 12), o_transitionDuration * 2); }); if (options.slow) { time *= 10; } return time; } that.showStage = function (silent, options, time, e) { if (e !== undefined && == 'IFRAME') { return; } unloadVideo($videoPlaying, activeFrame.i !== data[normalizeIndex(repositionIndex)].i); frameDraw(activeIndexes, 'stage'); stageFramePosition(SLOW ? [dirtyIndex] : [dirtyIndex, getPrevIndex(dirtyIndex), getNextIndex(dirtyIndex)]); updateTouchTails('go', true); silent || triggerEvent('show', { user: options.user, time: time }); pausedAutoplayFLAG = true; var overPos = options.overPos; var onEnd = that.showStage.onEnd = function (skipReposition) { if (onEnd.ok) return; onEnd.ok = true; skipReposition || stageShaftReposition(true); if (!silent) { triggerEvent('showend', { user: options.user }); } if (!skipReposition && o_transition && o_transition !== opts.transition) { that.setOptions({transition: o_transition}); o_transition = false; return; } updateFotoramaState(); loadImg(activeIndexes, 'stage'); updateTouchTails('go', false); stageWheelUpdate(); stageCursor(); releaseAutoplay(); changeAutoplay(); if (that.fullScreen) { activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY].find('.' + imgFullClass).attr('aria-hidden', false); activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY].find('.' + imgClass).attr('aria-hidden', true) } else { activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY].find('.' + imgFullClass).attr('aria-hidden', true); activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY].find('.' + imgClass).attr('aria-hidden', false) } }; if (!o_fade) { slide($stageShaft, { pos: -getPosByIndex(dirtyIndex, measures.w, opts.margin, repositionIndex), overPos: overPos, time: time, onEnd: onEnd }); } else { var $activeFrame = activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY], $prevActiveFrame = data[lastActiveIndex] && activeIndex !== lastActiveIndex ? data[lastActiveIndex][STAGE_FRAME_KEY] : null; fade($activeFrame, $prevActiveFrame, $stageFrame, { time: time, method: opts.transition, onEnd: onEnd }, fadeStack); } arrsUpdate(); }; that.showNav = function(silent, options, time){ thumbArrUpdate(); if (o_nav) { navUpdate(); var guessIndex = limitIndex(activeIndex + minMaxLimit(dirtyIndex - lastActiveIndex, -1, 1)); slideNavShaft({ time: time, coo: guessIndex !== activeIndex && options.coo, guessIndex: typeof options.coo !== 'undefined' ? guessIndex : activeIndex, keep: silent }); if (o_navThumbs) slideThumbBorder(time); } }; = function (options, e) { that.longPress.singlePressInProgress = true; var index = calcActiveIndex(options); calcGlobalIndexes(index); var time = calcTime(options); var _activeFrame = activeFrame; that.activeFrame = activeFrame = data[activeIndex]; var silent = _activeFrame === activeFrame && !options.user; that.showStage(silent, options, time, e); that.showNav(silent, options, time); showedFLAG = typeof lastActiveIndex !== 'undefined' && lastActiveIndex !== activeIndex; lastActiveIndex = activeIndex; that.longPress.singlePressInProgress = false; return this; }; that.requestFullScreen = function () { if (o_allowFullScreen && !that.fullScreen) { //check that this is not video var isVideo = $((that.activeFrame || {}).$stageFrame || {}).hasClass('fotorama-video-container'); if(isVideo) { return; } scrollTop = $WINDOW.scrollTop(); scrollLeft = $WINDOW.scrollLeft(); lockScroll($WINDOW); updateTouchTails('x', true); measuresStash = $.extend({}, measures); $fotorama .addClass(fullscreenClass) .appendTo($BODY.addClass(_fullscreenClass)); $HTML.addClass(_fullscreenClass); unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); that.fullScreen = true; if (o_nativeFullScreen) { fullScreenApi.request(fotorama); } that.resize(); loadImg(activeIndexes, 'stage'); updateFotoramaState(); triggerEvent('fullscreenenter'); if (!('ontouchstart' in window)) { $fullscreenIcon.focus(); } } return this; }; function cancelFullScreen() { if (that.fullScreen) { that.fullScreen = false; if (FULLSCREEN) { fullScreenApi.cancel(fotorama); } $BODY.removeClass(_fullscreenClass); $HTML.removeClass(_fullscreenClass); $fotorama .removeClass(fullscreenClass) .insertAfter($anchor); measures = $.extend({}, measuresStash); unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); updateTouchTails('x', false); that.resize(); loadImg(activeIndexes, 'stage'); lockScroll($WINDOW, scrollLeft, scrollTop); triggerEvent('fullscreenexit'); } } that.cancelFullScreen = function () { if (o_nativeFullScreen && { fullScreenApi.cancel(document); } else { cancelFullScreen(); } return this; }; that.toggleFullScreen = function () { return that[(that.fullScreen ? 'cancel' : 'request') + 'FullScreen'](); }; that.resize = function (options) { if (!data) return this; var time = arguments[1] || 0, setFLAG = arguments[2]; thumbsPerSlide = getThumbsInSlide($wrap, opts); extendMeasures(!that.fullScreen ? optionsToLowerCase(options) : { width: $(window).width(), maxwidth: null, minwidth: null, height: $(window).height(), maxheight: null, minheight: null }, [measures, setFLAG || that.fullScreen || opts]); var width = measures.width, height = measures.height, ratio = measures.ratio, windowHeight = $WINDOW.height() - (o_nav ? $nav.height() : 0); if (measureIsValid(width)) { $wrap.css({width: ''}); $wrap.css({height: ''}); $stage.css({width: ''}); $stage.css({height: ''}); $stageShaft.css({width: ''}); $stageShaft.css({height: ''}); $nav.css({width: ''}); $nav.css({height: ''}); $wrap.css({minWidth: measures.minwidth || 0, maxWidth: measures.maxwidth || MAX_WIDTH}); if (o_nav === 'dots') { $navWrap.hide(); } width = measures.W = measures.w = $wrap.width(); measures.nw = o_nav && numberFromWhatever(opts.navwidth, width) || width; $stageShaft.css({width: measures.w, marginLeft: (measures.W - measures.w) / 2}); height = numberFromWhatever(height, windowHeight); height = height || (ratio && width / ratio); if (height) { width = Math.round(width); height = measures.h = Math.round(minMaxLimit(height, numberFromWhatever(measures.minheight, windowHeight), numberFromWhatever(measures.maxheight, windowHeight))); $stage.css({'width': width, 'height': height}); if (opts.navdir === 'vertical' && !that.fullscreen) { $nav.width(opts.thumbwidth + opts.thumbmargin * 2); } if (opts.navdir === 'horizontal' && !that.fullscreen) { $nav.height(opts.thumbheight + opts.thumbmargin * 2); } if (o_nav === 'dots') { $nav.width(width) .height('auto'); $; } if (opts.navdir === 'vertical' && that.fullScreen) { $stage.css('height', $WINDOW.height()); } if (opts.navdir === 'horizontal' && that.fullScreen) { $stage.css('height', $WINDOW.height() - $nav.height()); } if (o_nav) { switch (opts.navdir) { case 'vertical': $navWrap.removeClass(navShafthorizontalClass); $navWrap.removeClass(navShaftListClass); $navWrap.addClass(navShaftVerticalClass); $nav .stop() .animate({height: measures.h, width: opts.thumbwidth}, time); break; case 'list': $navWrap.removeClass(navShaftVerticalClass); $navWrap.removeClass(navShafthorizontalClass); $navWrap.addClass(navShaftListClass); break; default: $navWrap.removeClass(navShaftVerticalClass); $navWrap.removeClass(navShaftListClass); $navWrap.addClass(navShafthorizontalClass); $nav .stop() .animate({width: measures.nw}, time); break; } stageShaftReposition(); slideNavShaft({guessIndex: activeIndex, time: time, keep: true}); if (o_navThumbs && frameAppend.nav) slideThumbBorder(time); } measuresSetFLAG = setFLAG || true; ready.ok = true; ready(); } } stageLeft = $stage.offset().left; setStagePosition(); return this; }; that.setOptions = function (options) { $.extend(opts, options); reset(); return this; }; that.shuffle = function () { data && shuffle(data) && reset(); return this; }; function setShadow($el, edge) { if (o_shadows) { $el.removeClass(shadowsLeftClass + ' ' + shadowsRightClass); $el.removeClass(shadowsTopClass + ' ' + shadowsBottomClass); edge && !$videoPlaying && $el.addClass(edge.replace(/^|\s/g, ' ' + shadowsClass + '--')); } } that.longPress = { threshold: 1, count: 0, thumbSlideTime: 20, progress: function(){ if (!this.inProgress) { this.count++; this.inProgress = this.count > this.threshold; } }, end: function(){ if(this.inProgress) { this.isEnded = true } }, reset: function(){ this.count = 0; this.inProgress = false; this.isEnded = false; } }; that.destroy = function () { that.cancelFullScreen(); that.stopAutoplay(); data = = null; appendElements(); activeIndexes = []; detachFrames(STAGE_FRAME_KEY); reset.ok = false; return this; }; /** * * @returns {jQuery.Fotorama} */ that.playVideo = function () { var dataFrame = activeFrame, video =, _activeIndex = activeIndex; if (typeof video === 'object' && dataFrame.videoReady) { o_nativeFullScreen && that.fullScreen && that.cancelFullScreen(); waitFor(function () { return ! || _activeIndex !== activeIndex; }, function () { if (_activeIndex === activeIndex) { dataFrame.$video = dataFrame.$video || $(div(videoClass)).append(createVideoFrame(video)); dataFrame.$video.appendTo(dataFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY]); $wrap.addClass(wrapVideoClass); $videoPlaying = dataFrame.$video; stageNoMove(); $arrs.blur(); $fullscreenIcon.blur(); triggerEvent('loadvideo'); } }); } return this; }; that.stopVideo = function () { unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); return this; }; that.spliceByIndex = function (index, newImgObj) { newImgObj.i = index + 1; newImgObj.img && $.ajax({ url: newImgObj.img, type: 'HEAD', success: function () { data.splice(index, 1, newImgObj); reset(); } }); }; function unloadVideo($video, unloadActiveFLAG, releaseAutoplayFLAG) { if (unloadActiveFLAG) { $wrap.removeClass(wrapVideoClass); $videoPlaying = false; stageNoMove(); } if ($video && $video !== $videoPlaying) { $video.remove(); triggerEvent('unloadvideo'); } if (releaseAutoplayFLAG) { releaseAutoplay(); changeAutoplay(); } } function toggleControlsClass(FLAG) { $wrap.toggleClass(wrapNoControlsClass, FLAG); } function stageCursor(e) { if (stageShaftTouchTail.flow) return; var x = e ? e.pageX : stageCursor.x, pointerFLAG = x && !disableDirrection(getDirection(x)) &&; if (stageCursor.p !== pointerFLAG && $stage.toggleClass(pointerClass, pointerFLAG)) { stageCursor.p = pointerFLAG; stageCursor.x = x; } } $stage.on('mousemove', stageCursor); function clickToShow(showOptions, e) { clearTimeout(clickToShow.t); if (opts.clicktransition && opts.clicktransition !== opts.transition) { setTimeout(function () { var _o_transition = opts.transition; that.setOptions({transition: opts.clicktransition}); // now safe to pass base transition to o_transition, so will restor it o_transition = _o_transition; // this timeout is here to prevent jerking in some browsers clickToShow.t = setTimeout(function () {; }, 10); }, 0); } else {, e); } } function onStageTap(e, toggleControlsFLAG) { var target =, $target = $(target); if ($target.hasClass(videoPlayClass)) { that.playVideo(); } else if (target === fullscreenIcon) { that.toggleFullScreen(); } else if ($videoPlaying) { target === videoClose && unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); } else if (!$fotorama.hasClass(fullscreenClass)) { that.requestFullScreen(); } } function updateTouchTails(key, value) { stageShaftTouchTail[key] = navShaftTouchTail[key] = value; } stageShaftTouchTail = moveOnTouch($stageShaft, { onStart: onTouchStart, onMove: function (e, result) { setShadow($stage, result.edge); }, onTouchEnd: onTouchEnd, onEnd: function (result) { var toggleControlsFLAG; setShadow($stage); toggleControlsFLAG = (MS_POINTER && !hoverFLAG || result.touch) && opts.arrows; if ((result.moved || (toggleControlsFLAG && result.pos !== result.newPos && !result.control)) && result.$target[0] !== $fullscreenIcon[0]) { var index = getIndexByPos(result.newPos, measures.w, opts.margin, repositionIndex);{ index: index, time: o_fade ? o_transitionDuration : result.time, overPos: result.overPos, user: true }); } else if (!result.aborted && !result.control) { onStageTap(result.startEvent, toggleControlsFLAG); } }, timeLow: 1, timeHigh: 1, friction: 2, select: '.' + selectClass + ', .' + selectClass + ' *', $wrap: $stage, direction: 'horizontal' }); navShaftTouchTail = moveOnTouch($navShaft, { onStart: onTouchStart, onMove: function (e, result) { setShadow($nav, result.edge); }, onTouchEnd: onTouchEnd, onEnd: function (result) { function onEnd() { slideNavShaft.l = result.newPos; releaseAutoplay(); changeAutoplay(); thumbsDraw(result.newPos, true); thumbArrUpdate(); } if (!result.moved) { var target = result.$target.closest('.' + navFrameClass, $navShaft)[0]; target &&, result.startEvent); } else if (result.pos !== result.newPos) { pausedAutoplayFLAG = true; slide($navShaft, { time: result.time, pos: result.newPos, overPos: result.overPos, direction: opts.navdir, onEnd: onEnd }); thumbsDraw(result.newPos); o_shadows && setShadow($nav, findShadowEdge(result.newPos, navShaftTouchTail.min, navShaftTouchTail.max, result.dir)); } else { onEnd(); } }, timeLow: .5, timeHigh: 2, friction: 5, $wrap: $nav, direction: opts.navdir }); stageWheelTail = wheel($stage, { shift: true, onEnd: function (e, direction) { onTouchStart(); onTouchEnd();{index: direction, slow: e.altKey}) } }); navWheelTail = wheel($nav, { onEnd: function (e, direction) { onTouchStart(); onTouchEnd(); var newPos = stop($navShaft) + direction * .25; $navShaft.css(getTranslate(minMaxLimit(newPos, navShaftTouchTail.min, navShaftTouchTail.max), opts.navdir)); o_shadows && setShadow($nav, findShadowEdge(newPos, navShaftTouchTail.min, navShaftTouchTail.max, opts.navdir)); navWheelTail.prevent = {'<': newPos >= navShaftTouchTail.max, '>': newPos <= navShaftTouchTail.min}; clearTimeout(navWheelTail.t); navWheelTail.t = setTimeout(function () { slideNavShaft.l = newPos; thumbsDraw(newPos, true) }, TOUCH_TIMEOUT); thumbsDraw(newPos); } }); $wrap.hover( function () { setTimeout(function () { if (touchedFLAG) return; toggleControlsClass(!(hoverFLAG = true)); }, 0); }, function () { if (!hoverFLAG) return; toggleControlsClass(!(hoverFLAG = false)); } ); function onNavFrameClick(e) { var index = $(this).data().eq; if (opts.navtype === 'thumbs') { clickToShow({index: index, slow: e.altKey, user: true, coo: e._x - $nav.offset().left}); } else { clickToShow({index: index, slow: e.altKey, user: true}); } } function onArrClick(e) { clickToShow({index: $arrs.index(this) ? '>' : '<', slow: e.altKey, user: true}); } smartClick($arrs, function (e) { stopEvent(e);, e); }, { onStart: function () { onTouchStart(); stageShaftTouchTail.control = true; }, onTouchEnd: onTouchEnd }); smartClick($thumbArrLeft, function (e) { stopEvent(e); if (opts.navtype === 'thumbs') {'<'); } else { that.showSlide('prev') } }); smartClick($thumbArrRight, function (e) { stopEvent(e); if (opts.navtype === 'thumbs') {'>'); } else { that.showSlide('next') } }); function addFocusOnControls(el) { addFocus(el, function () { setTimeout(function () { lockScroll($stage); }, 0); toggleControlsClass(false); }); } $arrs.each(function () { addEnterUp(this, function (e) {, e); }); addFocusOnControls(this); }); addEnterUp(fullscreenIcon, function () { if ($fotorama.hasClass(fullscreenClass)) { that.cancelFullScreen(); $stageShaft.focus(); } else { that.requestFullScreen(); $fullscreenIcon.focus(); } }); addFocusOnControls(fullscreenIcon); function reset() { setData(); setOptions(); if (!reset.i) { reset.i = true; // Only once var _startindex = opts.startindex; activeIndex = repositionIndex = dirtyIndex = lastActiveIndex = startIndex = edgeIndex(_startindex) || 0; /*(o_rtl ? size - 1 : 0)*///; } if (size) { if (changeToRtl()) return; if ($videoPlaying) { unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true); } activeIndexes = []; detachFrames(STAGE_FRAME_KEY); reset.ok = true;{index: activeIndex, time: 0}); that.resize(); } else { that.destroy(); } } function changeToRtl() { if (!changeToRtl.f === o_rtl) { changeToRtl.f = o_rtl; activeIndex = size - 1 - activeIndex; that.reverse(); return true; } } $.each('load push pop shift unshift reverse sort splice'.split(' '), function (i, method) { that[method] = function () { data = data || []; if (method !== 'load') { Array.prototype[method].apply(data, arguments); } else if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0] === 'object' && arguments[0].length) { data = clone(arguments[0]); } reset(); return that; } }); function ready() { if (ready.ok) { ready.ok = false; triggerEvent('ready'); } } reset(); }; $.fn.fotorama = function (opts) { return this.each(function () { var that = this, $fotorama = $(this), fotoramaData = $, fotorama = fotoramaData.fotorama; if (!fotorama) { waitFor(function () { return !isHidden(that); }, function () { fotoramaData.urtext = $fotorama.html(); new $.Fotorama($fotorama, $.extend( {}, OPTIONS, window.fotoramaDefaults, opts, fotoramaData ) ); }); } else { fotorama.setOptions(opts, true); } }); }; $.Fotorama.instances = []; function calculateIndexes() { $.each($.Fotorama.instances, function (index, instance) { instance.index = index; }); } function addInstance(instance) { $.Fotorama.instances.push(instance); calculateIndexes(); } function hideInstance(instance) { $.Fotorama.instances.splice(instance.index, 1); calculateIndexes(); } $.Fotorama.cache = {}; $.Fotorama.measures = {}; $ = $ || {}; $.Fotorama = $.Fotorama || {}; $.Fotorama.jst = $.Fotorama.jst || {}; $.Fotorama.jst.dots = function (v) { var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape; __p += '<div class="fotorama__nav__frame fotorama__nav__frame--dot" tabindex="0" role="button" data-gallery-role="nav-frame" data-nav-type="thumb" aria-label>\r\n <div class="fotorama__dot"></div>\r\n</div>'; return __p }; $.Fotorama.jst.frameCaption = function (v) { var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape; __p += '<div class="fotorama__caption" aria-hidden="true">\r\n <div class="fotorama__caption__wrap" id="' + ((__t = ( v.labelledby )) == null ? '' : __t) + '">' + ((__t = ( v.caption )) == null ? '' : __t) + '</div>\r\n</div>\r\n'; return __p }; $ = function (v) { var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape; __p += '.fotorama' + ((__t = ( v.s )) == null ? '' : __t) + ' .fotorama__nav--thumbs .fotorama__nav__frame{\r\npadding:' + ((__t = ( v.m )) == null ? '' : __t) + 'px;\r\nheight:' + ((__t = ( v.h )) == null ? '' : __t) + 'px}\r\n.fotorama' + ((__t = ( v.s )) == null ? '' : __t) + ' .fotorama__thumb-border{\r\nheight:' + ((__t = ( v.h )) == null ? '' : __t) + 'px;\r\nborder-width:' + ((__t = ( v.b )) == null ? '' : __t) + 'px;\r\nmargin-top:' + ((__t = ( v.m )) == null ? '' : __t) + 'px}'; return __p }; $.Fotorama.jst.thumb = function (v) { var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape; __p += '<div class="fotorama__nav__frame fotorama__nav__frame--thumb" tabindex="0" role="button" data-gallery-role="nav-frame" data-nav-type="thumb" aria-label>\r\n <div class="fotorama__thumb">\r\n </div>\r\n</div>'; return __p }; })(window, document, location, typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && jQuery);