// /** // * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. // * See COPYING.txt for license details. // */ // # Typography // // Magento UI library provides mixins for typography styling. To configure typography, global variables from **_variables.less** file are used. // // To apply all Magento UI library typography, use the .lib-typography-all() mixin. It accumulates all typography mixins and sets all typography for the theme. This mixin is included in the .lib-magento-reset() mixin. So, if you use this reset, you don't have to call basic typography separately. Also, you don't have to apply this mixin to any class, just call it globally. // // Additionally, Magento UI library provides number of mixins to customize typography parameters separately. // // ```html //

HTML Ipsum Presents Sub text


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, commodo vitae, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus enim ac dui. Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis.


Header Level 2

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  2. //
  3. Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  4. //

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat Keyboard input vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, commodo vitae, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus enim ac dui. Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus, tortor neque egestas augue, eu vulputate magna eros eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam dui mi, tincidunt quis, accumsan porttitor, facilisis luctus, metus


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna. Cras in mi at felis aliquet congue. Ut a est eget ligula molestie gravida. Curabitur massa. Donec eleifend, libero at sagittis mollis, tellus est malesuada tellus, at luctus turpis elit sit amet quam. Vivamus pretium ornare est.

// Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum //

Header Level 3

// //

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

 #header h1 a {
//      display: block;
//      width: 300px;
//      height: 80px;
//  } 

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Header Level 4

// //
Header Level 5
Definition list
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Header Level 6
// ``` .lib-typography-all(); // # Typography variables // //
Mixin variableDefault valueComment
Predefined font family and font colors
@font-family__sans-serif'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serifSans-serif font family
@font-family__serifGeorgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serifSerif font family
@font-family__monospaceMenlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospaceMonospace font family
@font-path"../../fonts/"Path to custom font
@primary__color#555Primary color
@primary__color__darkdarken(@primary__color, 35%) // #000Dark primary color
@primary__color__darkerdarken(@primary__color, 13.5%) // #111Darker primary color
@primary__color__lighterlighten(@primary__color, 23%) // #7d7d7dLighter primary color
@primary__color__lightlighten(@primary__color, 45%) // #a6a6a6Light primary color
@border-color__basedarken(@page__background-color, 18%)Base border color
@border-width__base1pxBase border width
Fonts settings
@font-family__base@font-family__sans-serifBasic font family
@root__font-size62.5%Setting font-size for HTML tag, use % units
@font-size-ratio__base1.4Defines ratio between root font size and base font size
@font-size__baseunit((@root__font-size / 100) * 16 * @font-size-ratio__base, px)Base font size value in px
@font-size__xlceil(1.5 * @font-size__base) // 21Extra large font size
@font-size__lceil(1.25 * @font-size__base) // 18Large font size
@font-size__sceil(.85 * @font-size__base) // 12Small font size
@font-size__xsfloor(.75 * @font-size__base) // 11Extra small font size
@font-weight__regular400Basic font weight
@font-weight__light200Light font weight
@font-weight__semibold600Semibold font weight
@font-weight__bold700Bold font weight
@font-style__basenormalFont style
@font-style__emphasisitalicEmphasis font style
@line-height__base1.428571429Base line height
@line-height__computedfloor(@font-size__base * @line-height__base)Computed line height depending on base font size
@line-height__l1.5Large line height
@line-height__s1.33Small line height
@text__color@primary__colorPrimary text color
@text__color__intense@primary__color__darkerDarker text color
@text__color__muted@primary__color__lighterLighter text color
@indent__base@line-height__computed // 20pxBase text ident (20px)
@indent__xl@line-height__computed * 2 // 40pxExtra large text ident (40px)
@indent__l@line-height__computed * 1.5 // 30pxLarge text ident (30px)
@indent__m@indent__base * 1.25 // 25pxExtra large text ident (25px)
@indent__s@line-height__computed / 2 //10px Small text ident (10px)
@indent__xs@line-height__computed / 4 // 5pxExtra small text ident (5px)
@link__color#1979c3Links color
@link__text-decorationnoneLinks text decoration
@link__visited__color#800080Visited links color
@link__visited__text-decorationnoneVisited links text decoration
@link__hover__color#006bb4Hovered links color
@link__hover__text-decorationunderlineHovered links text decoration
@link__active__color#ff5501Active links color
@link__active__text-decorationunderlineActive links text decoration
@list__color__basefalseList text color
@list__font-size__base@font-size__baseList font size
@list__margin-top0List margin top
@list__margin-bottom@indent__mList margin bottom
@list-item__margin-top0List item margin top
@list-item__margin-bottom@indent__sList item margin bottom
Definition list
@dl__margin-top0Definition list margin top
@dl__margin-bottom@indent__baseDefinition list margin bottom
@dt__margin-top0Description term margin top
@dt__margin-bottom@indent__xsDescription term margin bottom
@dt__font-weight@font-weight__boldDescription term
@dd__margin-top0Description margin top
@dd__margin-bottom@indent__sDescription margin bottom
@p__margin-top0Paragraph margin top
@p__margin-bottom@indent__sParagraph margin bottom
@heading__font-family__basefalseHeading base font family
@heading__font-style__basefalseHeading base font style
@heading__font-weight__base@font-weight__lightHeading base font weight
@heading__line-height__base1.1Heading base line height
@heading__color__basefalseHeading base color
@heading__margin-top__base@indent__baseHeading base margin top
@heading__margin-bottom__base@indent__baseHeading base margin bottom
@h1__font-sizeceil((@font-size__base * 2.85)) // 40pxH1 font size
@h1__font-color@heading__color__baseH1 color
@h1__font-family@heading__font-family__baseH1 font family
@h1__font-weight@heading__font-weight__baseH1 font weight
@h1__font-style@heading__font-style__baseH1 font style
@h1__line-height@heading__line-height__baseH1 line height
@h1__margin-top0H1 margin top
@h1__margin-bottom@heading__margin-bottom__baseH1 margin bottom
@h2__font-sizeceil((@font-size__base * 1.85)) // 26pxH2 font size
@h2__font-color@heading__color__baseH2 color
@h2__font-family@heading__font-family__baseH2 font family
@h2__font-weight@heading__font-weight__baseH2 font weight
@h2__font-style@heading__font-style__baseH2 font style
@h2__line-height@heading__line-height__baseH2 line height
@h2__margin-top@indent__mH2 margin top
@h2__margin-bottom@heading__margin-bottom__baseH2 margin bottom
@h3__font-sizeceil((@font-size__base * 1.28)) // 18pxH3 font size
@h3__font-color@heading__color__baseH3 color
@h3__font-family@heading__font-family__baseH3 font family
@h3__font-weight@heading__font-weight__baseH3 font weight
@h3__font-style@heading__font-style__baseH3 font style
@h3__line-height@heading__line-height__baseH3 line height
@h3__margin-top@indent__base * .75H3 margin top
@h3__margin-bottom@indent__sH3 margin bottom
@h4__font-size@font-size__base // 14pxH4 font size
@h4__font-color@heading__color__baseH4 color
@h4__font-family@heading__font-family__baseH4 font family
@h4__font-weight@font-weight__boldH4 font weight
@h4__font-style@heading__font-style__baseH4 font style
@h4__line-height@heading__line-height__baseH4 line height
@h4__margin-top@heading__margin-top__baseH4 margin top
@h4__margin-bottom@heading__margin-bottom__baseH4 margin bottom
@h5__font-sizeceil((@font-size__base * .85)) // 12pxH5 font size
@h5__font-color@heading__color__baseH5 color
@h5__font-family@heading__font-family__baseH5 font family
@h5__font-weight@font-weight__boldH5 font weight
@h5__font-style@heading__font-style__baseH5 font style
@h5__line-height@heading__line-height__baseH5 line height
@h5__margin-top@heading__margin-top__baseH5 margin top
@h5__margin-bottom@heading__margin-bottom__baseH5 margin bottom
@h6__font-sizeceil((@font-size__base * .7)) // 10pxH6 font size
@h6__font-color@heading__color__baseH6 color
@h6__font-family@heading__font-family__baseH6 font family
@h6__font-weight@heading__font-weight__baseH6 font weight
@h6__font-style@heading__font-style__baseH6 font style
@h6__line-height@heading__line-height__baseH6 line height
@h6__margin-top@heading__margin-top__baseH6 margin top
@h6__margin-bottom@heading__margin-bottom__baseH6 margin bottom
<small> tags and tags with class .small placed in H1-H6 headings
@heading__small-color@primary__color<small> and .small heading element color
@heading__small-line-height1<small> and .small heading element line height
@heading__small-size(@font-size__xs/@font-size__base) * 100%<small> and .small heading element font size
@focus__box-shadow0 0 3px 1px @focus__colorFocused element highlight
Code blocks
@code__background-color@panel__background-colorCode block background
@code__color@primary__color__darkerCode text color
@code__font-size@font-size__sCode font size
@code__padding2px 4pxCode padding
@pre__background-color@primary__color__lightPreformatted text background color
@pre__border-color@border-color__basePreformatted text border color
@pre__border-width@border-width__basePreformatted text border width
@pre__color@primary__color__darkerPreformatted text color
@kbd__background-color@panel__background-colorKeyboard input background
@kbd__color@primary__color__darkerKeyboard input text color
@blockquote__border-color@border-color__baseBlockquote border color
@blockquote__border-width0Blockquote border width
@blockquote__content-before'\2014 \00A0'"-" and space symbols
@blockquote__font-size@font-size__baseBlockquote font size
@blockquote__font-style@font-style__emphasisBlockquote font style
@blockquote__margin 0 0 @indent__base @indent__xlBlockquote margin
@blockquote__padding0Blockquote padding
@blockquote-small__color@primary__colorBlockquote <small> and .small text color
@blockquote-small__font-size@font-size__xsBlockquote <small> and .small font size
@cite__font-style@font-style__baseCite font style
Other elements
@hr__border-color@border-color__baseHR border color
@hr__border-stylesolidHR border style
@hr__border-width@border-width__baseHR border width
@mark__color@primary__color__dark<mark> color
@mark__background-color@panel__background-color<mark> background
@abbr__border-color@border-color__base<abbr> border color
@disable-filtersfalseDisable filters output in css
// # Font-size mixin // // The .lib-font-size() mixin calculates font-size in **rem** with fallback in **px** // // **Less code:** // ```css // .example-typography-1 { // .lib-font-size(25); // } // ``` // **CSS result:** // ```css // .example-typography-1 { // font-size: 25px; // font-size: 2.5rem; // } // ``` // // ```html //

HTML Ipsum Presents

// ``` .example { .lib-font-size(25); } // # Line-height mixin // // The .lib-line-height() mixin calculates line-height in **rem** with fallback in **px** // // **Less code:** // ```css // .example-line-height { // .lib-line-height(30); // } // ``` // **CSS result:** // ```css // .example-line-height { // line-height: 30px; // line-height: 3rem; // } // ``` // // ```html //

HTML Ipsum Presents

// ``` .example-line-height { .lib-line-height(30); } // # Word breaking mixin // // The .lib-wrap-words() mixin specifies word breaking rules. Background and block width are added to display this example. // // ```html //

// Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious This paragraph contains a very long word: thisisaveryveryveryveryveryverylongword. The long word will break and wrap to the next line. //

// ``` .example-word-wrap { .lib-wrap-words(); background: #ccc; width: 120px; } // # Font face mixin // // The .lib-font-face() mixin is used to set up custom font. // // ```css // .lib-font-face( // @family-name, // @font-path, // @font-weight: normal, // @font-style: normal // ) { // @font-face { // font-family: @family-name; // src: url('@{font-path}.woff2') format('woff2'), // url('@{font-path}.woff') format('woff'); // font-weight: @font-weight; // font-style: @font-style; // } // } // ``` //   // # Text overflow mixin // // The .lib-text-overflow() mixin is used to add ellipsis ("...") when a text overflows the containing element. Background and block width are added to display this example. // // ```html //

// Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious //

// ``` .example-text-overflow { .lib-text-overflow(); background: #ccc; width: 120px; } // # Text hide // // The .lib-text-hide() mixin hides a text of the element the mixin is applied to. // // ```html //

// Text to hide //

// ``` .example-text-hide { .lib-text-hide(); } // # Hyphens // // The .lib-hyphens() mixin sets hyphens CSS property with browser prefixes. It accepts the @mode variable with following accessible values: // // ```css // none // manual // auto // ``` // // Here are two examples with different setup: // // ```html //

// An extremely long English word //


// An extremely long English word //

// ``` .example-hyphens { .lib-hyphens(); } .example-hyphens-none { .lib-hyphens(none); } // # Font style and color // // The .lib-typography() mixin is used to set font style and font color of the element. // // ```html // // An example of using .lib-typography() mixin // // ``` .example-typography { .lib-typography(30, #fc0, @font-family__monospace, 500, 1.2, italic); } // # Font style mixin variables //
Mixin variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_color@text__color'' | false | valueText color
@_font-size@font-size__base'' | false | valueFont size
@_font-family@font-family__base'' | false | valueFont family
@_font-weight@font-weight__regular'' | false | valueFont weight
@_font-style@font-style__base'' | false | valueFont style
@_line-height@line-height__base'' | false | valueLine height
// # Reset list styles // // The .lib-list-reset-styles() mixin resets browser default list style and sets its margins and paddings. // // **Default list style:** // ```html // // ``` // **List with .lib-list-reset-styles() mixin applied:** // ```html // // ``` .example-list-reset-styles { .lib-list-reset-styles(); } // # Reset list styles variables //
Mixin variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_margin0'' | false | valueList margin
@_padding0'' | false | valueList padding
// # Inline-block list item styling // // The .lib-list-inline() mixin resets browser default list style and sets its list items display property to display: inline-block. // // **Default list style:** // ```html // // ``` // **List with .lib-list-inline() mixin applied:** // ```html // // ``` .example-list-inline { .lib-list-inline(); } // # Link styling mixin // // The .lib-link() mixin is used to set styles for all links states. // // ```html // Link with global variables customization // ``` // ```html // Link with custom styles // ``` .example-link-default { .lib-link(); } .example-link { .lib-link(@_link-color: green, @_link-color-hover: orange, @_link-text-decoration-hover: none ); } // # Link styling mixin variables //
Mixin variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_link-color#1979c3'' | false | valueDefault link color
@_link-text-decorationunderline'' | false | valueDefault link text decoration
@_link-color-visited#800080'' | false | valueVisited link color
@_link-text-decoration-visitedunderline'' | false | valueVisited link text decoration
@_link-color-hover#006bb4'' | false | valueHovered link color
@_link-text-decoration-hoverunderline'' | false | valueHovered link text decoration
@_link-color-active#ff5501'' | false | valueActive link color
@_link-text-decoration-activeunderline'' | false | valueActive link text decoration
// # Heading styling mixin // // The .lib-heading() mixin is used to set heading styles to an element. To use this mixin, set the type of heading that you want to inherit styles from. The mixin uses global heading variables. // // ```html //

Example heading


Example heading

// ``` .example-heading { .lib-heading(h1); } .example-heading-2 { .lib-heading(h2); } // # Base typography mixins // // Magento UI library offers mixins to styles elements sets. // // The .lib-typography__base() mixin applyes basic styles from _variables.less to the following elements: // // ```css // html // body // p // abbr // b // strong // em // i // mark // small // .small // hr // sub, // sup // dfn // ``` // // ```html //

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra.


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

// ``` .lib-typography__base(); // # Base typography mixin variables //
Mixin variableGlobal variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_abbr-border-color@abbr__border-color@border-color__base'' | false | value<abbr> border color
@_dfn-font-style@font-style__emphasisitalic'' | false | value<dfn> font style
@_emphasis-font-style@font-style__emphasisitalic'' | false | value<em> font style
@_hr-border-color@hr__border-color@border-color__base'' | false | valueHR border color
@_hr-border-style@hr__border-stylesolid'' | false | valueHR border style
@_hr-border-width@hr__border-width@border-width__base'' | false | valueHR border width
@_hr-margin-bottom@line-height__computedfloor(@font-size__base * @line-height__base)'' | false | valueHR margin bottom
@_hr-margin-top@line-height__computedfloor(@font-size__base * @line-height__base)'' | false | valueHR margin top
@_mark-background-color@mark__background-color@panel__background-color'' | false | value<mark> background color
@_mark-color@mark__color@primary__color__dark'' | false | value<mark> color
@_p-margin-bottom@p__margin-bottom@indent__s'' | false | valueParagraph margin bottom
@_p-margin-top@p__margin-top0'' | false | valueParagraph margin top
@_root-font-size@root__font-size62.5%'' | false | valueSetting font-size for HTML tag
@_small-font-size@font-size__sceil(.85 * @font-size__base) // 12'' | false | value<small> tag font size
@_strong-font-weight@font-weight__bold700'' | false | value<strong> tag font weight
@_sub-sup-font-size-(@font-size__xs / @font-size__base) * 100%'' | false | value<sup> an <sup> tags font size
// # Headings typography mixin // // The .lib-typography-headings() mixin is used to style all H1-H6 headings. This mixin uses settings from global variables list. // // ```html //

Header Level 1


Header Level 2


Header Level 3


Header Level 4

Header Level 5
Header Level 2
// ``` .lib-typography-headings(); // # Headings typography mixin variables //
Mixin variableGlobal variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_heading-small-size@heading__small-size(@font-size__xs/@font-size__base) * 100%'' | false | value<small> and .small heading element font-size
@_heading-small-color@heading__small-color@primary__color'' | false | value<small> and .small heading element color
@_heading-small-line-height@heading__small-line-height1'' | false | value<small> and .small heading element line height
// # Typography links mixin // // The .lib-typography-links() mixin is used to apply default styles to all <a> elements and elements with class="alink". This mixin uses settings from global variables list. // // ```html // Link with global variables customization // ``` // ```html // Span styled as a link // ``` .lib-typography-links(); // # Typography lists mixin // // The .lib-typography-lists() mixin is used to apply styles to all ordered, unordered, and definition lists. This mixin uses settings from global variables list. // // ```html // //
Definition list
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
// ``` .lib-typography-lists(); // # Typography lists mixin variables //
Mixin variableGlobal variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_list-margin-top@list__margin-top0'' | false | valueList margin top
@_list-margin-bottom@list__margin-bottom@indent__m'' | false | valueList margin bottom
@_list-item-margin-top@list-item__margin-top0'' | false | valueList item margin top
@_list-item-margin-bottom@list-item__margin-bottom@indent__s'' | false | valueList item margin bottom
@_dl-margin-bottom@dl__margin-bottom@indent__base'' | false | valueDefinition list margin bottom
@_dl-margin-top@dl__margin-top0'' | false | valueDefinition list margin top
@_dt-font-weight@dt__font-weight@font-weight__bold'' | false | valueDescription term font weight
@_dt-margin-bottom@dt__margin-bottom@indent__xs'' | false | valueDescription term margin bottom
@_dt-margin-top@dt__margin-top0'' | false | valueDescription term margin top
@_dd-margin-bottom@dd__margin-bottom@indent__s'' | false | valueDescription margin bottom
@_dd-margin-top@dd__margin-top0'' | false | valueDescription margin top
// # Typography code elements mixin // // .lib-typography-code() mixin is used to apply styles to the following code elements: // // ```css // code // kbd // pre // samp // ``` // // This mixin uses settings from global variables list. // // ```html //

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna. Cras in mi at felis aliquet congue. Ut a est eget ligula molestie gravida.

 #header h1 a {
//    display: block;
//    width: 300px;
//    height: 80px;
//  } 

Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat Keyboard input vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante.

// ``` .lib-typography-code(); // # Typography code mixin variables //
Mixin variableGlobal variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_font-family-monospace@font-family__monospaceMenlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace'' | false | valueMonospace font family
@_code-background-color@code__background-color@panel__background-color'' | false | valueCode block background
@_code-color@code__color@primary__color__darker'' | false | valueCode text color
@_code-padding@code__padding2px 4px'' | false | valueCode block padding
@_code-font-size@code__font-size@font-size__s'' | false | valueCode block font size
@_kbd-background-color@kbd__background-color@panel__background-color'' | false | valueKeyboard input background
@_kbd-color@kbd__color@primary__color__darker'' | false | valueKeyboard input text color
@_kbd-padding@code__padding2px 4px'' | false | valueKeyboard input padding
@_kbd-font-size@code__font-size@font-size__s'' | false | valueKeyboard input font size
@_pre-background-color@pre__background-color@primary__color__light'' | false | valuePreformatted text background color
@_pre-border-width@pre__border-width@border-width__base'' | false | valuePreformatted text border width
@_pre-border-color@pre__border-color@border-color__base'' | false | valuePreformatted text border color
@_pre-color@pre__color@primary__color__darker'' | false | valueText color of preformatted text
@_pre-line-height@line-height__base1.428571429'' | false | valuePreformatted text line height
@_pre-margin-0 0 @indent__s'' | false | valuePreformatted text margin
@_pre-padding-@indent__s'' | false | valuePreformatted text padding
@_pre-font-size@code__font-size@font-size__s'' | false | valuePreformatted text font size
// # Typography blockquote // // The .lib-typography-blockquote() mixin is used to apply styles to blockquote elements. This mixin uses settings from global variables list. // // ```html //

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna. Cras in mi at felis aliquet congue. Ut a est eget ligula molestie gravida. Curabitur massa. Donec eleifend, libero at sagittis mollis, tellus est malesuada tellus, at luctus turpis elit sit amet quam. Vivamus pretium ornare est.

// Author quotes //
// ``` .lib-typography-blockquote(); // # Typography blockquote mixin variables //
Mixin variableGlobal variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_blockquote-border-width@blockquote__border-width0'' | false | valueBlockquote border width
@_blockquote-border-color@blockquote__border-color@border-color__base'' | false | valueBlockquote border color
@_blockquote-margin@blockquote__margin0 0 @indent__base @indent__xl'' | false | valueBlockquote margin
@_blockquote-padding@blockquote__padding0'' | false | valueBlockquote padding
@_blockquote-font-size@blockquote__font-size@font-size__base'' | false | valueBlockquote font size
@_blockquote-font-style@blockquote__font-style@font-style__emphasis'' | false | valueBlockquote font style
@_blockquote-small-color@blockquote-small__color@primary__color'' | false | valueBlockquote <small> and .small text color
@_blockquote-small-line-height@line-height__base1.428571429'' | false | valueBlockquote <small> and .small line height
@_blockquote-small-font-size@blockquote-small__font-size@font-size__xs'' | false | valueBlockquote <small> and .small text font size
@_blockquote-small-before-content@blockquote__content-before'\2014 \00A0''' | false | valueBlockquote <small> and .small before pseudo element content
@_blockquote-cite@cite__font-style@font-style__base'' | false | valueBlockquote cite font style
@_cite@cite__font-style@font-style__base'' | false | valueCite font style