// /** // * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. // * See COPYING.txt for license details. // */ // # Popups // To implement the popup, use the following markup. It corresponds accessibility requirements. To set Popup styles use the .lib-popup() mixin. // // The .lib-window-overlay() mixin controls the styles of overlay background. // ##Simple popup // // ``` html // // // ``` // // ##Popup with actions toolbar // // ``` html // // // ``` .window.popup.popup-example { .lib-popup(); } .window.popup.popup-example-1 { .lib-popup(); } .window.overlay { .lib-window-overlay(); } // #Popup variables // //
Mixin variableGlobal variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_popup-width@popup__widthauto'' | false | valuePopup width
@_popup-height@popup__heightauto'' | false | valuePopup height
@_popup-padding@popup__padding22px'' | false | valueInner popup padding
@_popup-background@popup__background@color-white'' | false | valuePopup background
@_popup-border@popup__border1px solid #aeaeae'' | false | valuePopup border
@_popup-shadow@popup__shadow0 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.15)'' | false | none | valuePopup shadow
@_popup-fade@popup__fadeopacity .3s linear'' | false | valuePopup overlay opacity
@_popup-z-index@popup__z-index1001'' | false | valuePopup z-index
Popup position
@_popup-position@popup__positionfixed'' | false | valuePopup position
@_popup-position-top@popup__position-top0'' | false | valuePopup top
@_popup-position-right@popup__position-right0'' | false | valuePopup right
@_popup-position-bottom@popup__position-bottom0'' | false | valuePopup bottom
@_popup-position-left@popup__position-left0'' | false | valuePopup left
Popup margin
@_popup-margin-top@popup__margin-topfalse'' | false | valuePopup top margin
@_popup-margin-right@popup__margin-rightfalse'' | false | valuePopup right margin
@_popup-margin-bottom@popup__margin-bottomfalse'' | false | valuePopup bottom margin
@_popup-margin-left@popup__margin-leftfalse'' | false | valuePopup left margin
@_popup-content-height@popup-content__heightauto'' | false | valuePopup content height
@_popup-header-margin@popup-header__margin0 0 25px'' | false | valuePopup header margin
@_popup-content-margin@popup-content__marginfalse'' | false | valuePopup content margin
@_popup-footer-margin@popup-footer__marginfalse'' | false | valuePopup footer margin
@_popup-title-headings@popup-title-headingstruetrue | falsePopup title has the same style as one of page headings
@_popup-title-headings-level@popup-title-headings__levelh3h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6What heading style is applied to the popup title
Popup close button
@_popup-button-close-icon@popup-button-close__icontruetrue | falsePopup close button has an icon
@_popup-button-close-reset@popup-button-close__resettruetrue | falseReset popup close button default styles
@_popup-button-close-position@popup-button-close__positionabsolute'' | false | valuePopup button close position
@_popup-button-close-position-top@popup-button-close__position-top10px'' | false | valuePopup button close top position
@_popup-button-close-position-right@popup-button-close__position-right10px'' | false | valuePopup button close right position
@_popup-button-close-position-bottom@popup-button-close__position-bottom'''' | false | valuePopup button close bottom position
@_popup-button-close-position-left@popup-button-close__position-left'''' | false | valuePopup button close left position
Popup icons parameters
@_popup-icon-font-content@popup-icon-font__content@icon-remove'' | false | valuePopup icon code
@_popup-icon-font@popup-icon-font@button-icon__font'' | false | valuePopup icon font
@_popup-icon-font-size@popup-icon-font__size@button-icon__font-size'' | false | valuePopup icon font size
@_popup-icon-font-line-height@popup-icon-font__line-height@button-icon__line-height'' | false | valuePopup icon line height
@_popup-icon-font-color@popup-icon-font__color@button-icon__color'' | false | valuePopup icon color
@_popup-icon-font-color-hover@popup-icon-font__color-hover@button-icon__hover__font-color'' | false | valueHovered popup icon color
@_popup-icon-font-color-active@popup-icon-font__color-active@popup-icon-font__color-active'' | false | valueActive popup icon color
@_popup-icon-font-margin@popup-icon-font__margin@button-icon__margin'' | false | valuePopup icon margin
@_popup-icon-font-vertical-align@popup-icon-font__vertical-align@button-icon__vertical-align'' | false | valuePopup icon vertical align
@_popup-icon-font-position@popup-icon-font__position@button-icon__position'' | false | valuePopup icon position
@_popup-icon-font-text-hide@popup-icon-font__text-hidetruetrue | falsePopup icon hide text
Actions toolbar parameters
@_popup-actions-toolbar@popup-actions-toolbarfalsetrue | falseActions toolbar is displayed
@_popup-actions-toolbar-actions-position@popup-actions-toolbar-actions__position@actions-toolbar-actions__positionjustify | left | right | centerActions toolbar position
@_popup-actions-toolbar-actions-reverse@popup-actions-toolbar-actions__reverse@actions-toolbar-actions__reversetrue | falseActions toolbar reverse
@_popup-actions-toolbar-margin@popup-actions-toolbar__margin@actions-toolbar__margin'' | false | valueActions toolbar margin
@_popup-actions-toolbar-padding@popup-actions-toolbar__padding@actions-toolbar__padding'' | false | valueActions toolbar padding
@_popup-actions-toolbar-actions-margin@popup-actions-toolbar-actions__margin@actions-toolbar-actions__margin'' | false | valueActions toolbar actions margin
@_popup-actions-toolbar-primary-actions-margin@popup-actions-toolbar-actions-primary__margin@actions-toolbar-actions-primary__margin'' | false | valueActions toolbar primary actions margin
@_popup-actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-margin@popup-actions-toolbar-actions-secondary__margin@actions-toolbar-actions-secondary__margin'' | false | valueActions toolbar secondary actions margin
@_popup-actions-toolbar-actions-links-margin-top@popup-actions-toolbar-actions-links__margin-top@actions-toolbar-actions-links__margin-top'' | false | valueActions toolbar links top margin
@_popup-actions-toolbar-primary-actions-links-margin-top@popup-actions-toolbar-actions-links-primary__margin-top@actions-toolbar-actions-links-primary__margin-top'' | false | valueActions toolbar primary actions links top margin
@_popup-actions-toolbar-secondary-links-margin-top@popup-actions-toolbar-actions-links-secondary__margin-top@actions-toolbar-actions-links-secondary__margin-top'' | false | valueActions toolbar secondary links top margin
// // # Window overlay mixin variables // //
Mixin variableGlobal variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_overlay-background@overlay__background#000'' | false | valueOverlay background color
@_overlay-opacity@overlay__opacity.5'' | false | valueOverlay opacity
@_overlay-opacity-old@overlay__opacity-old50'' | false | valueOverlay opacity for old browsers
@_overlay-fade@overlay__fadeopacity .15s linear'' | false | valueOverlay fade
@_overlay-z-index@overlay__z-index1000'' | valueOverlay z-index
// // # Fixed height popup // // To get a fixed height popup set the desired value for @_popup-height variable: // ``` html // // // ``` .window.popup.popup-example-2 { .lib-popup( @_popup-height: 200px ); } // # Fixed content height popup // To get a fixed height popup content set the desired value for @_popup-content-height variable: // // ``` html // // // ``` .window.popup.popup-example-3 { .lib-popup( @_popup-content-height: 200px ); } // # Margins for header, content and footer block in popup // // To set margins to header, content and footer block in popup, use variables: // ```css // @_popup-header-margin: value, // @_popup-content-margin: value, // @_popup-footer-margin: value // ``` // ``` html // // // ``` .window.popup.popup-example-4 { .lib-popup( @_popup-header-margin: 0 0 25px, @_popup-content-margin: 0 0 20px, @_popup-footer-margin: 0 20px ); } // # Popup titles styled as theme headings // // To enable inheritance of the page heading style for popup title set: // ```css // @_popup-title-headings: true // ``` // To set the page heading to inherit use: // ```css // @_popup-title-headings-level: h3 // h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 // ``` // ``` html // // // ``` .window.popup.popup-example-5 { .lib-popup( @_popup-title-headings: true, @_popup-title-headings-level: h1 ); } // # Popup action toolbar // // The .lib-popup() mixin uses the same variables as .actions-toolbar(), but with '@_popup-' prefix added. // // To use variables from the .actions-toolbar() mixin set: // ```css // @_popup-actions-toolbar: true // false // ``` // More information about parameters you will find at **Actions-toolbar** page. // ``` html // // // ``` .window.popup.popup-example-6 { .lib-popup( @_popup-actions-toolbar: true, @_popup-actions-toolbar-actions-position: left, @_popup-actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true ); } // # Popup Close button without an icon // You can set the popup close button to inherit theme's default button styles without an icon. // ```css // @_popup-button-close-icon: false, // @_popup-button-close-reset: false // ``` // ``` html // // // ``` .window.popup.popup-example-7 { .lib-popup( @_popup-button-close-icon: false, @_popup-button-close-reset: false ); } // # Modify the icon of popup Close button // // The .lib-popup() mixin uses all the same variables as .icon-font() mixin with '@_popup-' prefix added. More information about .lib-icon-font() parameters you can find at **Icons** page // // ``` html // // // ``` .window.popup.popup-example-8 { .lib-popup( @_popup-icon-font-content: @icon-arrow-up, @_popup-icon-font-color: #f00, @_popup-icon-font-color-hover: #090, @_popup-icon-font-color-active: #00f, @_popup-icon-font-size: 30px, @_popup-icon-font-vertical-align: middle, @_popup-icon-font-text-hide: false ); } // # Modify overlay styles // // To modify overlay styles use the .lib-window-overlay() mixin // // ``` html // // //
// ``` .window.popup.popup-example-9 { .lib-popup(); } .window.overlay.example-overlay-1.active { .lib-window-overlay( @_overlay-background: #0f5293, @_overlay-opacity: .8, @_overlay-opacity-old: 80 ); }