// /** // * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. // * See COPYING.txt for license details. // */ // # Actions toolbar // Actions toolbar is a set of actions on a page, form and so on that includes primary and/or secondary actions. // To customize action toolbar .lib-actions-toolbar() mixin is used. // To implement the Actions toolbar use the following markup // // **Sample of using a button + link** // ``` html //
// //
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// ``` // // **Sample of using a button + button** // ``` html //
// //
// //
// ``` .actions-toolbar { .lib-actions-toolbar(); } .example-actions-toolbar-1 { .lib-actions-toolbar(); } // # Actions toolbar mixin variables // //
Mixin variableGlobal variableDefault valueAllowed valuesComment
@_actions-toolbar-actions-position@actions-toolbar-actions__positionjustifyjustify | left | right | centerPosition for actions in Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse@actions-toolbar-actions__reversefalsetrue | falseReverse primary and secondary blocks position in Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-margin@actions-toolbar__marginfalse'' | false | valueMargins of the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-padding@actions-toolbar__paddingfalse'' | false | valuePadding of the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-actions-margin@actions-toolbar-actions__marginfalse'' | false | valueMargins of all .actions in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-primary-actions-margin@actions-toolbar-actions-primary__margin0 @indent__xs 0 0'' | false | valueMargins of primary .actions in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-margin@actions-toolbar-actions-secondary__marginfalse'' | false | valueMargins of secondary .actions in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-actions-links-margin-top@actions-toolbar-actions-links__margin-topfalse'' | false | valueMargin-top for links with class .action in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-primary-actions-links-margin-top@actions-toolbar-actions-links-primary__margin-topfalse'' | false | valueMargin-top for primary links with class .action in the Actions toolbar
@_actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-links-margin-top@actions-toolbar-actions-secondary__margin6px'' | false | valueMargin-top for secondary links with class .action in the Actions toolbar
// // # Actions toolbar alignment // // @_actions-toolbar-actions-position variable controls aligning actions toolbar elements. It can be set to: // ```css // justify | left | right | center // ``` // // **Justify:** // ```css // @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: justify // ``` // ``` html //
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// ``` // // **Align toolbar elements left:** // ```css // @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left // ``` // ``` html //
// //
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// ``` // // **Align toolbar elements right:** // ```css // @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: right // ``` // ``` html //
// //
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// ``` // // **Center:** // ```css // @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: center // ``` // ``` html //
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// ``` .example-actions-toolbar-2 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: justify ); } .example-actions-toolbar-3 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left ); } .example-actions-toolbar-4 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: right ); } .example-actions-toolbar-5 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: center ); } // # Reverse primary and secondary blocks // // @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse variable controls reversing of primary and secondary blocks. // // If it is set to false, the order of blocks in action toolbar is **default**. // // If it is set to true, the order of blocks in action toolbar is **reversed**. // // **Justify toolbar elements and reverse them:** // ```css // @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: justify, // @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true // ``` // ``` html //
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// ``` // // **Align toolbar elements to the left and reverse them:** // ```css // @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left, // @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true // ``` // ``` html //
// //
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// ``` // // **Align toolbar elements to the right and reverse them:** // ```css // @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: right, // @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true // ``` // ``` html //
// //
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// ``` .example-actions-toolbar-6 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: justify, @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true ); } .example-actions-toolbar-7 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left, @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true ); } .example-actions-toolbar-8 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: right, @_actions-toolbar-actions-reverse: true ); } // # Actions toolbar indents customizations // // @_actions-toolbar-margin variable controls margins of the actions toolbar wrapper. // // @_actions-toolbar-padding variable controls padding of the actions toolbar wrapper. // // ``` html //
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// ``` // // @_actions-toolbar-primary-actions-margin variable controls margins of the primary action elements. // // ``` html //
// // //
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// ``` // // @_actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-margin variable controls margins of the secondary action elements. // // ``` html //
// // //
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// ``` .example-actions-toolbar-9 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-margin: 10px, @_actions-toolbar-padding: 10px ); } .example-actions-toolbar-10 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left, @_actions-toolbar-primary-actions-margin: 0 50px 0 0 ); } .example-actions-toolbar-11 { .lib-actions-toolbar( @_actions-toolbar-actions-position: left, @_actions-toolbar-secondary-actions-margin: 0 50px 0 0 ); } // # Responsive actions toolbar // // To set up responsive action toolbar, all floats of its elements should be cleared. To do this .lib-actions-toolbar-clear-floats() mixin is used. // // ``` html //
// //
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// ``` .example-actions-toolbar-12 { .lib-actions-toolbar(); } @media only screen and (max-width: @screen__m) { .example-actions-toolbar-12 { .lib-actions-toolbar-clear-floats(); } }